Mayo retards are confused when some formerly-oppressed chick can't magically solve all the problems in an ungovernable country

1  2018-12-19 by Redactor0


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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American foreign policy writers are the absolute fucking worst.

"buhbuhbuh she cared about HUMAN RIGHTS and LIBERAL VALUES, I don't understand why everything didn't fix itself!?!?!?"

We went through this already in WWI where we made the world safe for democracy. People actually believed it back then and I can't blame them for it, but a century later it's time we started to wake up.

Damn straight. Time to make it dangerous for anything other than liberalism to exist.

Chance are, the opposite is going to happen.

Imagine a boot stamping on the face of anyone who opposes liberal principles, forever.

authoritarian liberalism

all those protesting to take away people's rights get gulagged

Sounds like socialism

Stop, I can only get so excited.


When seriousposting meets vagueposting

There was an idea that if everyone just followed the 14 points that there would never be a reason for another war. Is that spelled out explicitly enough for you?

There was an idea that if everyone just followed the 14 points words that there would never be a reason for another war. Is that spelled out explicitly enough for you?

>score: 14 points

14 words

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Preach it Unidaddy

Luddites rise up!

Gamers rise DOWN


anarchoprimitivism be like

14 points

I. Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandings of any kind but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view.

II. Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in war, except as the seas may be closed in whole or in part by international action for the enforcement of international covenants.

III. The removal, so far as possible, of all economic barriers and the establishment of an equality of trade conditions among all the nations consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance.

IV. Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety.

V. A free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, based upon a strict observance of the principle that in determining all such questions of sovereignty the interests of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable government whose title is to be determined.

VI. The evacuation of all Russian territory and such a settlement of all questions affecting Russia as will secure the best and freest cooperation of the other nations of the world in obtaining for her an unhampered and unembarrassed opportunity for the independent determination of her own political development and national policy and assure her of a sincere welcome into the society of free nations under institutions of her own choosing; and, more than a welcome, assistance also of every kind that she may need and may herself desire. The treatment accorded Russia by her sister nations in the months to come will be the acid test of their good will, of their comprehension of her needs as distinguished from their own interests, and of their intelligent and unselfish sympathy.

VII. Belgium, the whole world will agree, must be evacuated and restored, without any attempt to limit the sovereignty which she enjoys in common with all other free nations. No other single act will serve as this will serve to restore confidence among the nations in the laws which they have themselves set and determined for the government of their relations with one another. Without this healing act the whole structure and validity of international law is forever impaired.

VIII. All French territory should be freed and the invaded portions restored, and the wrong done to France by Prussia in 1871 in the matter of Alsace-Lorraine, which has unsettled the peace of the world for nearly fifty years, should be righted, in order that peace may once more be made secure in the interest of all.

IX. A readjustment of the frontiers of Italy should be effected along clearly recognizable lines of nationality.

X. The people of Austria-Hungary, whose place among the nations we wish to see safeguarded and assured, should be accorded the freest opportunity to autonomous development.

XI. Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro should be evacuated; occupied territories restored; Serbia accorded free and secure access to the sea; and the relations of the several Balkan states to one another determined by friendly counsel along historically established lines of allegiance and nationality; and international guarantees of the political and economic independence and territorial integrity of the several Balkan states should be entered into.

XII. The Turkish portion of the present Ottoman Empire should be assured a secure sovereignty, but the other nationalities which are now under Turkish rule should be assured an undoubted security of life and an absolutely unmolested opportunity of autonomous development, and the Dardanelles should be permanently opened as a free passage to the ships and commerce of all nations under international guarantees.

XIII. An independent Polish state should be erected which should include the territories inhabited by indisputably Polish populations, which should be assured a free and secure access to the sea, and whose political and economic independence and territorial integrity should be guaranteed by international covenant.

XIV. A general association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike. 

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I so cannot wait for the robot jihad.

I said 14 too

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for our children

S'okay you are dealing with a spoonfed child in a form adult enough to push keys. A sound education in the liberal arts was not, alas, bestowed to each of us.

14 woofs

Wilson was a dim witted cuck and forced americas entry into the war by arming usa merchant vessels and with orders to fire on any sub aka uboat

Literally SJWs when they enter the real world

What the fuck is wrong with just text on a white background? Who actually wants this web 5.0 ajskldfjsw bullshit?

This. Is it meant for phones? I don't get it.

It's for millennials who have attention spans of 3 year olds.

Yeah it's meant for mobile. It actually reads pretty fantastically on mobile. Good pictures, good formatting and zero advertising cancer. I was shocked.

This begs the question--when isn't it a joy to read about genocide? I'm about to play some Stellaris and hoo boy will I be purging some pops.


I don't disagree that the guys who larp in Wehrmacht (or worse, Red Army) are absolute weirdos. And gmers, much less strat gmers, are total nerds.

But I put the question to you--in a slight disagreement about Regulus, you as ruler of Earth and her dominions have acquired 400 millions of fanatically xenophobe Plantoids who will not be appeased and who proliferate like... mushrooms after rain. Will you permit Plantoids to rule over the homos (sapiens)? Would you let a Plantoid date your daughter?

I'm sorry good sir, but that's not an interesting question to me. I exclusively play as The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Napoleon: Total War, I'll have none of this fey flight of fancy falderal.

FPS the bigger gay tho

Have fun clicking 500 fucking times to get anything done, Paradoxian.

What I found most unpleasant the first time I played a game like this was a design antipattern I have noticed is common in current site and OS desgin, of using notification popups like it was going out of style.

Unfortunately, it's not going out of style; I see it all over as (I suppose) sites pretend to be interactive. At least in notification settings you can tone that down a bit in PDX games.

There are many little ui tricks with R click and the shift or alt clicks or drags, and the keyboard has a spread of shortcuts I use commonly, but vim it ain't for sure. Better come ready with your mouse hand.

Don't you people have phones?


Works on my machine

Get a phone, poorlord

> What the fuck is wrong with just text on a white background

Bad for your eyes and for the environment.

The environment? Please explain.

Well of course it's because she's racist and hates Muslims. Same with China. And India. And Russia. And Eastern Europe.

Man, all these people all over the world who seem to all have an issue with this group of people. What are the odds? The chances must be so slim.

dumb poor people agree with me


people who have been invaded and raided by these people for thousands of years


im just worried my village is going to be raided

y i k e s

The only concern once global warming hits us good

The correct term is climate change sweaty

For just this kind of pedantry I will raid your village in the future.

These lolcows don't milk themselves.

Who was talking about wh*te people?

Oh that's right, the Muslims invaded whites too. Thanks for the reminder.

Payback for the Cr*sades

Crusades were payback for the first muzzie invasion of Europe.

What's old is new again lol

Destroying the seat of Western and Christian civilization to trigger the muzzies

This but unironically

Do you really not know about the Umayyad Caliphate you dozy broad?

Tours is only 150 mi SW of Paris. That was 782 AD.

On the other end of the Big Green Menace's furthest incursion into Yurop, Vienna (1529, 1683) was truly the gate to the continent.

Now if you'll excuse I'm off to masturbate to Sabaton.

That was 782 AD

So hundreds of years before the Crusades? 'hey guys let's go sack England as revenge for what they did hundreds of years ago'

On the other end of the Big Green Menace's furthest incursion into Yurop, Vienna (1529, 1683) was truly the gate to the continent.

It's a real shame that the Crusaders fucked up so bad as so to allow this to happen. Imagine being so incompetent that you destroy your own seat of power to the point where the people you've been antagonizing for hundreds of years can take it over in addition to claiming the land you tried to steal from them. 😂

Ban women

Snally not understanding the importance of religious symbols and religious wars

more news at 11

'hey guys let's go sack England as revenge for what they did hundreds of years ago'

Not quite sure where you're getting sacking England from. Is that hyperbole (which would be entirely justified, I became incredulous above and used an intemperate adjective to describe you, which I retract in awe at your 'wokeness'), or does it refer to an event?

The point of illustrating the sweep of Muslim vantage in Europe over a millenium is that it was for nine fourteen centuries a credible threat to the cradle of Western civilization. Iqta was a competing arrangement of governance, and sharia is a set of principles of jurisprudence at odds with the common and civil law.

Your comments above do not seem to have in mind a grasp of how near at various times a continent was to falling to the barbarous dominion of Saracens, as over retaining the accustomed savagery of Franks and the civilizing influence of the church.

Why are your such a reterd?

Seems rude, tbqh fam

Ight nigga

Please go and post all this drivel at r/AskHistorians so we can see you getting your bussy gang-blasted more than u/serialflamingo on a drunk New Year's Eve.

I'll be happy to when at greater leisure. As a sort of warm up, could you list out any factual errors or inaccurate observations that you are seeing ahead rn, just to save the historians' valuable time?

I'll be happy to when at greater leisure

Nice copeout, pussy

no u

It's called Hogmanay in Scotland.


That's pretty cool.

This type of history discussions always suck because most people don't seem to know that kings and emperors used to constantly invade each others usually for simple reasons like wanting to become richer or more famous. Religious, cultural and political borders moved all the time because people fought each other constantly. It was easier to get the Pope to bless your invasion if you were fighting someone who wasn't Catholic, but that doesn't mean that most wars fought between Christians and Muslims were all about religion.

They were fundamentally unlike most people in non conflict areas are like today. For a long, long time people thought if you could take something from a designated Other, and no one was present to stop you, just go ahead and do it.

The religious conflict part of the Crusades, especially the first one, has a subtext of exporting that violence and opportunism to the paynim since Christendom at the time was not a peaceful civilization.

Did we really even need Constantinople?

Is becoming like Special Ed the Drama equivalent of transitioning into a tranny?

Which emojis do you identify as?


It's over for ignorantcels

Ten thousand millenia

Not sure Muslims are a race.

Well then why the fuck have I been called a racist for months now? If Muslims aren't a race, and Mexicans aren't a race, I'm pretty confused what the issue is.

I'm pretty confused what the issue is.

Clearly you opening your mouth is the issue because most people aren't being called racist for months on end.

Are you one of the new Chapotards around here that completely lack any sense of humor?

Insulting people is standard fare here and you set yourself up for that one.

Really? Been around r/drama "for years" and still bite on reactionary statements? Oof

And if shoring up national security and protecting your borders is racist, I'm racist as fuck.

Could not be farther from the truth.

Wait a minute, you're the one spergposting at me, how am I the angry one?

Because you're gargling out paragraphs of retarded serious posting about your retarded views on r/Drama of all places

I mean it's not like I have shit else better to do today.


Like when the Muslims Rohingyas persecuted the Hindu Rohingyas in the refugee camp.

Then when Reuters reported the incident, they were accused of giving rise to Islamophobia.

Even in this article, the author writes pages about what the military did but as to what caused it there's one sentence about 'attacks'. Journos who think their job is to influence rather than report are scum.

Wait till you hear about a certain tribe of people who got hooted out of 104 different countries. Weird coincidence

certain tribe of people who got booted out of 104 different countries

Wh*tes during post-colonialism?

Muhammed literally had Jews write the koran for him, Islam is basically a more retarded version of Judaism.

Part 3 of every popular franchise usually sucks.

Whoa, why are you bringing up the Jesuits in this thread? 😂😂😂

they said that about the jews too 😴

The Jews don't behead people who insult their God or prophet last I checked. Little different. A lot of 'muslim persecution' is just retribution. Literally Sikhs have been persecuted by Muslims nearly their entire existence.

Do you even know whats going on in China right now?

I can't be bothered to keep up with the war against the Chinese delivery guy leaving menus on my door, and you expect me to keep tabs on an entire country? Pure insanity.

They're owning libtards




Do you know anything about what's going on with the Rohingya?

They previously genocided the rakhine forcing them to flee Bangladesh and started the conflict by raping and murderering a Rakhine woman, then after a temporary truce/peace/lack of violence they started attacking Rakhine which escalated it.

134 ethnic groups in Myanmar have had 0 problems with the Rakhine

When do you hear about buddhist terrorism or buddhist violence?

My family are buddhists. I have only heard one case of a corrupted buddhist and a temple. But yes, buddhists are peaceful people. But violence is not unheard of and can build a movement.

I don't like Islam. Its a shitty belief. The DDF is probably more progressive than half of muslims.

But that doesn't justify scaring women and children. I don't give a fuck what happens to the men.

And I don't know what the muslims in China did to justify their treatment.

Do you know anything about what's going on with the Rohingya?

They previously genocided the rakhine forcing them to flee Bangladesh and started the conflict by raping and murderering a Rakhine woman, then after a temporary truce/peace/lack of violence they started attacking Rakhine which escalated it.

134 ethnic groups in Myanmar have had 0 problems with the Rakhine

When do you hear about buddhist terrorism or buddhist violence?

Islam is not very sophisticated theologically, and the details that make it problematic can easily be controlled. It only cost Saudi Arabia $10b to destroy Islam's reputation with Salafism. Any major country could afford to turn them all into harmless Sufis, but authoritarian states benefit more by having a scapegoat to oppress.

Yes, progressive Saudi Arabia, how did I forget. Did they find which buckets Khashoggi's pieces were found in yet?

My point is that it only costs an investment of money to turn Islam into either a bad religion or a good religion. Religious beliefs don't come from Allah, but from investors. If you don't like Saudi Arabia controlling the faith then start paying for something better.

We could just scrap it all together and do the world a favor

Lmao imagine actually believing this. Peaceful Sufis are a meme, the only thing different between them and other missionaries was that they syncretized the faith to more easily convert kafirs. The peaceful elements that Sufis get praise for were part of the faiths they tried to dismantle their whole lives.

When Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti reached near the Annasagar Lake at Ajmer where a number of holy shrines of Hindus were located, he slaughtered a cow and cooked a beef kebab at the sacred place surrounded by many temples.

This is one of the most famous Sufi saints in the subcontinent btw.

 Fanatical dervish warriors were the special forces of every Islamic army from the 13th century through the end of the 19th.

The expansion of Islam outside the core areas of the Middle East is above all a Sufi story. Sufi orders led the armies that conquered lands in Central and South Asia, and in Southeastern Europe; through their piety and their mysticism, the brotherhoods then won the local populations over to Islam. They presented an Islam that incorporated local traditions and worship styles, including Christian saints and Hindu gods. Today, Sufi styles and practices dominate in the non-Arab Muslim world: in India and Pakistan, in Indonesia and Malaysia, Nigeria and Senegal, and in the Muslim countries of Central Asia, such as Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

Good luck teaching the Arabs that their religion is actually the one made to convert people who aren't savages like them and not the one handed down to them directly from their prophet. Good luck finding any theological backing for that from actual Arab sources and not works written by some Arab trying to convert a few thousand Bangladeshi fishermen.


Seriouspost: I don’t like Islam, but that doesn’t make it cool to massacre an entire ethnic group for being Muslim.

They should probably stop trying to do the same themselves then?

The c. 2 million Rohingya were trying to genocide the 50 million other people living in Burma?

I don't think that's what I was referring to, but I mean you tell me. Why do so many different ethnic groups in Asia hate Muslims? Can't just be "islamophobia". Something had to invite these feelings, deep generational feelings of hatred.

But I guess we'll pretend that historically one of the most warmongering groups this side of the United States or colonizing England are always peaceful I guess.

You’re being retarded. I already said that I don’t like Islam. It is an evil, violent religion. However, Islam=bad isn’t a good enough reason to commit massacres against Muslim ethnic groups.

I mean you're not wrong. I am retarded. I post to r/drama.

And if I can see my own country picked apart and people be blamed for shit that happened 200 years before their birth, I don't see why I can't return the favor. Surely one of these people's descendents led raids that killed a lot of innocents!

But seriously, you're trying to claim that the many shouldn't suffer for the sins of the few on the sub that argues for MAYOCIDE NOW. That's cute. I like you.

Imagine being this much of a ignorant retard and proudly defending yourself.

I mean I was more talking the whole 40 acres and a mule thing, but sure.

Cope more

Cope with what exactly, oh all knowing snappy commenter

The fact that Islam during the medieval ages was actually much farther ahead than their counterpart Christian societies and that Western Civilization as we know it today developed largely because of previous medicinal and scientific discoveries recovered from Islamic centers of learning by Christian crusaders.

Things weren't shitty once in a lot of places that are shitty now. I'm well aware of that, thanks.

No the 2 million rohingyas had previously kicked the rakhine out of Bangladesh and then gang raped and murdered a rakhine woman which started the conflict

That's this very situation just flipped btw, Bangladeshis genociding Hindus and Buddhists on the Burmese border in 20##. How many theses level articles have been written by bleeding heart Western journos about this yet? Find me one as a matter of fact.

We haven't yet given you a good reason to hate us kaffir


dogs are haram to feast on but you, kaffir, will be an expectation


If you're going to call a jihad on me, at least use the right words.

secular muslim states like turkey seemed okay for a while

Even though she's a cute Asian, she's still a Kafir. Burka-nize her for peace.

If this were an actual article instead of a quasi infographic, it would actually be interesting.

Imagine thinking fighting for your people means you have to fight for minorities too lol

I thought this was going to be about the UK before I clicked.

People hate to 45 (hurr durr got eem) is right about anything, but he's 100% about some countries just being shitholes.

She is more in prison now than when she was under house arrest. What is she going to do to stop the junta? What stops the junta from hurting people she cares about? She could say and do as she pleased before from a political stand point not with out criminal consequence. Now she is in charge of the government she was once against giving it legitimacy whether she intended to or not. Cutting her off from her former political allies.

Elected on democratic principles

Country democratically hates Muslims

I don't know what they were expecting

Do things the way the progressive west does democracy; keep all matters of immigration out of the hands of voters and use migrants as voter blocs to undermine opponents and troublesome natives.

Nobody wants to move to Myanmar tho.

The problem is that she IS solving the problem.

i hate all these retards who know literally nothing about the myanmar conflict acting like the rohingyas are purely innocent

>rakhine get genocided and peresecuted by rohingyas in bangladesh

>flee to myanmar to escape persecution

>rohingyas come to myanmar

>rohingyas gang rape and murder rakhine woman

>rakhine being previously persecuted in bangladesh stand up for themselves

>after a temporary pause in the violence the rohingyas start attacking rakhine again

>dumb mayos fall for fake news pictures of """genocide"""

there are 134 other ethnic groups in myanmar but only the rohingya are hated and despised as much

what the fuck is this website