The Absolute State of Britcels: Conservative Party Lose Their Shit After Opposition Leader Was Seen Calling Theresa May a 'Stupid Woman'

1  2018-12-19 by POST_BUSSY


I’m riddled with shame. White shame. This isn’t helpful to me or to anyone, especially people of color. I feel like there is no “me” outside of my white/upper middle class/cisgender identity. I feel like my literal existence hurts people, like I’m always taking up space that should belong to someone else.


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Meanwhile the Brexit ship continues sinking 🤣

The British parliament is so bewildering. They've all the weird ritual candlesticks and shit left over from the 1400s that you're not supposed to touch or else you get cursed, but then 90% of the time they act like they're on Jerry Springer.


Lmao. I was watching the PMQs earlier and I can't believe they spent what seemed like half an hour on whether or not Jeremy Corbyn said 'stupid woman'. All this while Brexit is looming.

Manufacturing outrage

It’s that or discuss what a shitshow brexit is which neither Party benefits from

I'm confused, why would calling her "stupid woman" be sexist? If he called another MP "stupid man" it wouldn't be

They've all the weird ritual candlesticks and shit left over from the 1400s that you're not supposed to touch or else you get cursed,


Arguing for no reason whilst maintaining strict social rules is what the British empire is built on

They were acting like that 200 years ago.

It's unironically better than Congress, though.

I can't even imagine the drama created by a no deal Brexit. It'll be glorious.

more like “Conservative Party rub hands like greedy Jews at the thought of hoisting Corbyn’s band of degenerates by their own fruity petards”