Jeremy "Literally Karl Marx" Corbyn mumbles something in parliament that may or may not have been 'stupid woman'. A female Tory MP decides this is worth dropping a #metoo on twitter for

1  2018-12-19 by cultish_alibi


Jews did this


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That's hilarious.

wouldn't be suprised

Topical, snappy!

I just saw a man purchasing a bottle of lotion at CVS #metoo

Just slipped on ice #metoo

Open my window and a breeze rolls in #metoo

And I jizzed in my pants plants



That was actually Gamergate.

Love how blare managed to both fuck the Tory party and create a new political group

The most chad of politicians


Don’t correct my mistake incel

Well he also wasn't a member of the Conservatives... He did shift labour right during his tenure though.

he caused a rift in the torries that led to them taking in a bunch of left wing MPs to appeal to the new labour crowd

He also converted to Catholicism

i know i went to school with both of his kids

That's actually kinda cool. Nice enough?

Me too!

St Joan of arc? Or CVMS?

Il find you and beat you up nerd

That Chinese agent is giga-Stacy Wendy Deng who also cucked Rupert Murdoch, and is currently dating Russia-Daddy.

Wow she's really Stacy maxing. Seduced some retard, got him and his wife to sponsor her student visa, got caught cucking the wife, got burger citizenship after she married the husband, cucked him in months then married Murdoch, cucked him with Blair at his own properties and so on. She doesn't even look that hot SMH.

It's over for spellingcels

You get that you're worshiping a guy who most people would like to lynch in his own country?

never said i would vote for him

i am saying he is a true chad

A true chad would have found his own countries to invade instead of following Bush around like a puppy.

Thatcher was the real Chad tbh, he was her Beta.

most people r stupid

Infact about half are below average intelligence.

no i pull the average way up

And that's a good thing

It's kind of hilarious watching the UK government and news whip itself into a frenzy over Corbyn like Americnas freak out about Trump.

It was revealed that an anti-Corbyn smear organization during the election was actually run by the government. When this news broke it was immediately denounced as Russian fake news.

It's kind of hilarious watching the UK government

Could've stopped right there.

It's kind of hilarious watching the UK

It's kind of hilarious watching

/r/drama in a nutshell

lmao nice try russian incel bot

Of course they've all got Russian money, Westminster's in London.

It's less funny when you have to actually live in this shithole.

Shut up and make me curry

I don’t think that’s ed your talking to.

Imagine it's 2018, and you're a western government in total collapse and your choice of a hail mary strategy is to pull some dusty boxes out of the cold war closet and decide to agitprop your own citizens with cold war propaganda.

Could you imagine being so worthlessly corrupt?

Since Michael Jackson died they've been pretty low on scapegoats.

Nothing wrong with the red scare. Burn commies tbh

The government also went around poisoning people. The Russians were innocent. Da, comrade.

They know that Jeremy "Blairite genocide" Corbyn is coming for them.

Being called stupid is LITERALLY RAPE! Also hilarious it's a conservatard doing it. Such snowflakes

She probably is just one of those people who've spent so much time in an echo chamber that she believes that the average leftist would actually get angry about something like this and decided to run with it, sort of like how every time /pol/ tries to imitate antifa or 'soyboys' or w/e in an attempt at a psyop the attempt is so ridiculous that it only fools /pol/ and other radical conservatives.

Antifa just ganged up on a couple Mexicans and called them Nazis for being in the military. I don't know if you can go lower than actual antifa.

What's that got to do with some dried up Tory cunt?

I think the woman is retarded. I am just saying that you can't really act dumber than random antifa retards in order to strawman them. Snally was talking about playing into a stereotype.

I don't know if you can go lower than actual antifa.

Actual neo-nazis are pretty bad

I meant in terms of acting retarded.

Antifa just ganged up on a couple Mexicans and called them Nazis for being in the military.

show me the lie

You made me laugh at least.

Jokes on you because this shit is being taken seriously by the retards in the media and government to the point where we are now literally hiring lip reading experts to dissect the clips and detirnine if he truly did say "stupid woman".

Jokes on you because this shit is being taken seriously by the retards in the media and government to the point where we are now literally hiring lip reading experts to dissect the clips and detirnine if he truly did say "stupid woman".

Who are the ones doing these things specifically?

Yeah, she's an upper middle class old biddy who does politics as a lucrative hobby I'm assuming.

The absolute state of the "conservative" party in the UK

based corbyn

the fact this was covered more than #Brexit shows an attempt 2change the narrative.

Yes, because we haven't had enough Brexit coverage yet. Please give us more. Oh, and maybe some Trump as well.

We haven't quite beaten that kavanaugh horse to death, can we have a rich biography of our holy mother Christine Blaisey (no patriarchy names please) composed and performed as slam poetry?

The title; Blasé Blaisey

never change, Tory gals

Even conservatives have started to use the weapons the left invented. But both sides abuse these weapons.

he actually said "stupid jews"

Jeremy "No Jew is your neighbor, vote Labour" Corbyn?

This is great. Pinko gammon morons from the UK are already easily wound up by calling their limp god a nazi, can't wait to roll out 'misogynist nazi' now



They've been calling him a misogynist for a while.

Lefties are pinkos, as in not really red

Can you call a man a stupid man ?

Reddit: 'Trump voters are just racists looking for other people to blame for their economic failures'.

Also reddit: 'Men are totally to blame for all of women's economic failures'.

Wow she is getting slaughtered in the comments.