Here’s my old fat rat, RIP 🐀

1  2018-12-19 by Scarytownterminator


This is why we need mayocide.


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Are rats only appreciated by whitey?

Putting out the call to minorities who own rats. 🐀👳🏾‍♂️🧝🏿‍♂️🧕🏽🐀


From 0-10 what would you rate your rat-ownership experience?

whites are a minority sweetie


sweaty FTFY

Whites are rats sweetie

Uh huh.

And next you'll be telling us that black people can be racist.

Take your whitesplaining nonsense somewhere else.

shut the fuck up peckerwood

yeah, tell him blackey

My Asian fiance has many pet rats.

Is that what we call mayoids that drool all over Asian women now?

doesn't count if she's going to eat them eventually

What is many? Also, define "has". Like in cages? In the walls?

Shut your mouth, Snappy.

I don’t understand this not

Did you choke your rat?

No, he got old and had a tumor. :’(

Ain't that a bitch. Condolences.

At least my room won’t smell like rat piss anymore.

Not with that attitude

Sorry to hear that. I'm a rat owner too and I've lost a few this year to old age and pneumonia. Sucks. RIP rat friends.

Has anyone ever had a rat that didn't get pneumonia or a tumor?

Not yet :(

It’s the end of the road for beloved petcels 😰

Poor rat. :(

Owning rats must be tough. They seem similar to cats and dogs in terms of how domestic they are but only have a fraction of the lifespan. Or a similar lifespan to some disgustingly inbred breeds of large dogs and neglected cats.

Wow /u/Zachums you just going to sit there and take that

My boyfriend got one from his coworker and at first I was disgusted he brought a rodent into his home, then some time passed and before I knew it it was a year later and I was grown man crying when we woke up to find him deceased.

They're like tiny little dogs, I shit you not. We taught him how to play fetch. He had a distinct personality. It's nothing like a mouse or a hamster as I'd previously thought. But year, they live 1-3 years tops. It's depressing as hell.

It's over for ratcels 😪

Thicc rat looking pleased.

what was his name? I'm not really into rats but he is pretty cute

His name was bender because he had the personality of a bastard, drunk robot.

Did he have his own separate cage with blackjack and mouse hookers?

He definitely had his own toys that he pissed on and a bag full of yogurt treats. I guess that’s sort of the same thing?

Rodents fucking love yogurt treats. That's better than blackjack and hookers.

True story, he learned how to undo the locks on his cage and while I was at work, he would get out and climb to the top in order to pilfer the yogurt treat bag.

When I had a hamster I tried one of those yogurt treats, not proud of it. But they were pretty good. If I was a hamster or rat you'd bet I'd figure out a way to get those fucking things.

One of my favorite lines from the entire series is the were-car episode where from accuses Bender of seeing things.....

” poor Bender, you're seeing things. You're too drunk.... Or not drunk enough. I forget how it works with you."

I came here with a simple dream...a dream of killing all humans. And this is how it must end? Who's the real seven billion ton robot monster here? Not I... Not I...

Isn’t it obvious that’s Taylor swift or is this your first time seeing a taypost TM ?

Oh wow, she fixed her teeth, neato


Why not get a cuter rodent like a guinea pig?

Ree ree ree 🐽

YIKES!! 🤢🤢🤮🤮


🎉🎈 🎈🎉

We is made because rats and pajeets fight for scraps near the gutters.

Natural enemies 🤠

If only there more subs like r/Dogfree. Pet drama is on the rise these days.

Why are you yikesing a taypost.

/u/DistortedLines THEY'RE BEING MEAN AGAIN!! 😡

How dude!!!!! 😡

Please change your flair. She is no longer our kween



No eat!

Where did you get a gif of Lena Dunham's gussy?

not posting your hog smh

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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dramas all i have to live for i cant leave 😢😢😢

Well then follow the bot's command!

Kinda cute if you’re into rats. Sorry you’ve lost a pet. You could get a girlie one next and call it Tay.

He should get a Fennec Fox. Those things are cute as fuck and even a mayo like OP could get some pity sex.

Jokes on you, my (((Jew))) wife is the one that convinced me to get him.

Don't you talk about her family members that way!


Just looked them up they look like Gizmo. :)

I gotta wait till I have a house or something because these guys are nocturnal animals. But that fluffy tail and ears is too cute

You’ll need to look for a super cute one when you get a place.

The screeching sounds they make are horrible though, and they're not quite as domesticated as regular pets (or as clever as rats). They live longer than rats though.

Sorry about your loss. People say rats are very friendly and personable.

I've got a bunch of them. They're great pets but they require a lot of upkeep and socialization. I wouldn't recommend them if you're lazy.

rats are cool af. wish they lived longer

Yeah, that's the only reason I stopped getting them. They are an awesome pet, but their short lifespans are tough to go through.

Condolences to OP.

That and he destroyed my pillow cases and bedding, the little fuck was something else. Awesome to hang out with drunk though and feed pieces of meat to.

How long did he live?

He lived to be about 2 years old. Though his personality will last a lifetime. I’ve never met something that’s as selfish as he was and also loved me at the same time. They really are the best pets.

Mole rats can get to like 30.

How hard is it caring for a miniature pet because I’m tryna find a reason to keep living through making a good lad rely on me

Hmm i hope apartment complexes wouldn’t be too loud for their sensitive ass rat ears

i used to live in cleveland, so i can assure you rats have no problem living in apartment complexes

They look like penises, tho.


you have feminine hands if youre a guy and if youre a girl theyre kind of masculine

being upset that not everyone has ham fingers


no comment im still flustered at your sissy trans hands

It’s a guy you can tell by the thumbs.

what about the feminine looking legs and ability for the legs to be squashed together so tightly? like complete absence of any dick or balls to be concered about?

idk what kind of balls you got that makes you unable to cross your legs like that but they sound impressive

it sounds like you have small balls. like dick nipples girl could castrate you witha nail clipper

i think you just got unga bunga coconuts my friend

huge balls, lil dick

I can relate

But he’s not crossing his legs so must be a real man.

Thought you were talking like a greasy Italian at first with your “stunnedat” typo.

Fuckina stunad

all my messages here have layers of jokes so you are correct i meant tod othat

non-binary hands

My condolences.

Press F to pay respects to Bender.


oho thats a fatto ratto haha

I always wanted a rat but i don't get one cause i know they live so few years. Can't deal with that.

RIP rat buddy, may you have open field to run and eat grain, in heaven.

I'm pretty sure rats like open dumpsters and basements apartments a lot more than open fields and grain, but what do I know, I'm just a guy who's never seen a rat in an open field eating grain.

rip mr.rat



Get a cat if you can handle seeing rats murdered in an extremely cruel manner.

Or a miniature dachshund.

That’d make me hard tbh

Have you ever thought of making them a rat piss and shit box. If they had a place to piss and shit you wouldn't have piss and shit all over your kitchen. Rants don't use the internets, they have no way of telling you don't want them pissing and shitting all over your kitchen.

source: am not rat

💩 Shit or piss🍺 I guess they never 🌀flush, huh? 🚽 You got a⛲ bathroom 🚹attendant🚺, I bet he doesn't offer ya 🍬🍬🍬 breath mints 🍻 mwah 🍻He gon' find another 😬 stall ♿🚪and he won't spritz 💦💦 ya 🙊 He gon' shart 😣💨💨and hit the🌋 john 🚽 like Wiz Khalifa 📣📣

cute rato

Hello rato

Tbis is so sad, alexa play time lapse

Bad bot I wanted Time Lapse by TheFatRat

Where are his genitals? And are you wearing that sweater unironically?

Every girl who has a pet rat has a nasty stinky vagina


Sorry for your loss

Owning rats are hard because they are cute and intelligent like cats and dogs but only live for 2 years

That is a very photogenic and patient rat. I'm sorry for your loss.

Anyone that has a pet instead of a significant other is a joke in my mind. Not even joking here, I'm seeing this phenomenon more and more lately. Try not to spill your soy juice everywhere please

poor ratbro

Rats are great. If you want a longer living rat, and you live in the UK, think about getting a Gambian Pouched Rat. They live for about 7 years. The only downside to rats are their unfortunate life span, they're honestly the best pets.

I can tell he or she was a good guy. 😇 RIP


how long did she live?


I had a few pet rats growing up. One if my rats, I sat on his tail by accident and it ripped off. The other one ate her babies. They are awesome!


It's illegal to have a pet rat where I live.

I didn't know that another of the Hartley sisterS died.


I feel for you OP. The lady and I rescue a lot of these little bastards, and it always sucks when they pass.

Goodbye rato

How is this in any way drama?

Why do you people use this place as /r/self

He is so (((cute)))!

Damn i thought i was looking at the newest Sonic movie poster. RIP

RIP fat rat

It’s a shame they have short lifespans. Did you ever put him in a tiny sweater?

Holy fuck, that's Biggie Cheese!

Rat is short for Ratthew.

How did you take that picture? 🤨🤨

that's a nice Jew you got there


Are most pet rats hyperalergenic?

Sorry you lost your buddy. He was adorable!



Why are you choking your mom?