Here's a show hog

1  2018-12-19 by expesh


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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Faggot bot.

Call snappy that again and I'll kick your balls

Oh look, a totally random and cool nerd girl. Sandwich, now.

didn't ask for my gamer girl pee

Fake and gay

Amazing, I still am not eating a sandwich, why?

Because this ain't commie land. Work for yourself.

I'm a fascistic anprim, you would be out in the fields pulling carrots in my world.

No thanks I can't use daddy's credit card there

You wouldn't have much of a choice, unfortunately.

Insulting Snappy is the only time i downvote on this sub 🤬


I came.

That's some pig

That's me when I stroll through the lolcow pasture.


That'll do pig, that'll do.


chapocels will never be that happy

This is exactly what I thought the moment I saw the picture. And then I realised that it applies to dramalords too...

I’m pretty happy


According to Animal Farm, happy piggy overlords are exactly what they want

That's one charming motherfucking pig

That pig needs a top hat, white scarf, and monocle.

Who wants to see the indian hog again?

he looks proud

thanks I love him <3

why is the hillbily tickling that pig?

Why can’t I be this happy

You know why

Don't kinkshame me.

OMG 😍 tay-tay shooo pretty


She would do anything to get that much meat on her ass.

I remember when chapotards were shitposting like pol veterans in fyad. Now they want to tell the kids racism is bad. They remind me of my parents.
