Where is Cdace and his stupid dinos?

1  2018-12-19 by aduketsavar

I haven't seen him for a while now. Where's he? Went extinct like his dumb dinosaurs?


/u/cdace, you up?


Iโ€™ve not seen him since thanksgiving. The turkey was too much! ๐Ÿคข


Well I ate something with two legs for sure

I donโ€™t want to hear about your love life.


Turkey is a dinosaur. So are crows, jackdaws, and all other birds. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saurischia

I wasnโ€™t referring to a turkey

Keep sucking that dick boy

You blew a chicken?

How about you ping him /u/cdace

Smart idea

I think he's grounded

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

Lies and slander

Fire and Fury: Inside the Cdace extinction event

This link is broken for me :(


Got BTFO by the platyposters. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Nah bruh. Platy and Dinosaurs ๐Ÿฆ– are like siblings. We have our arguments but we still love each other

Taycels are the true enemy.

This but unironically.

Work and trying to to get stuff settled for a transfer to a different university. Dinosaurs are coming in full force soon

Praise be to our dinolords!

It never began for dinocels

It ended millions of years ago for dinocels

is it true that this even will coincide with the Sonichu dimensional merge

I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations at this point in time.

settled for a transfer to a different university

Did you get booted out?

No got my Associates of Science for civil and mechanical engineering from a community college now Iโ€™m going to a university for my bachelors

civil and mechanical engineering


Gotta build the portal from the plasma fold somehow

Iโ€™d always thought Cdace was a woman.