The_Marx, defender of Communism, protecter of Socialism, and serious poster troll extraordinaire creates a new anti-drama sub to continue the srsposting troll.

1  2018-12-19 by Quietus42


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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I genuinely thought he was jebaiting us all. Guess not.

I still think it's a troll. If it is, it's a masterful one. If it's not, then I've lost just a little more faith in humanity.


I know, I know, having faith in humanity. But I'm still an optimist, somehow.

IDK, he is a Chapotard, they are autistic.

Calling CTH subscribers "retards" and "autists" is insulting to actual retards and autists.

He posts some seemingly serious stuff on chapo, but I think that’s only to give himself plausible deniability for when he baits them, like he did throughout this thread.

I dunno. They just locked the sub. I think they're serious.

Lol the mod sticky is too funny

Lol I knew he was a troll. I can always smell em

His shit on chapo is what convinced me he's an elaborate troll tbh. It looks like serious, earnest support for socialist positions, but is all phrased in such a way as to cause drama and infighting among the users.

Literally every post he's made there provides "cover" while at the same time stirring the pot and pissing people off.

I'm pretty much certain now that the_marx is an inside job, some disgruntled r/drama user having a bit of fun.

Damn I'm loving this new saga of r/Drama

Let’s face it, this is the most interesting thing that’s happened here since someone posted that nude photo of Ed-buttered-toast and his bussy (I’m still seeing a psychologist for that).

Okay dibs on r/TopMindsofDrama



Seems like it already exists

Yeah can't make subs using Reddit is fun, grats nerds

You got invited to be a mod

Oh I turn off inbox notifications ty

Can I be a mod? I promise to do no actual work.

you would get rid of all the fun things

I think you'd be surprised by my moderation.

I'm using the official app, it's that wrong?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Stop downvoting the lowcow posts!

Oh wow, they went private.

Hmm the top mod is a drama user

I'm already banned.

That was fast.

That's what she said.

Hey that was one time and I was tired!

Join the club, we’ve got jackets.

If they don't have it, you should put the pic of Lawlz on the jacket as a patch



Aaaand the sub is locked lmao. He’s for real 🤣

Holy shit. Dude is for real 😂😂😂

no hes not u fucking spergs


Maybe. It's one hell of a troll, though.

I guess if your whole life is spent feeling like a victim then you can even find a sub as toothless-limpdick-retarded as r/drama as antagonistic.

But who is off?

LOL what kind of fat ugly puritan opens a subreddit to play hall monitor and throw a tantrum every time another subreddit does something they don't like?

Obviously we should just post pictures of cute pigs in that sub

The drama was coming from inside the house