Looks like we've officially got a war between "gaming" circlejerk and PewDiePieSubmissions. Should be pretty entertaining.

1  2018-12-20 by Particle_Man_Prime


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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If you go to r/pewds and upvote their meme, it’s brigading and against our rules.

A circlejerk sub going to war with a meme sub.. Over morality..


That's the real problem.

/uj Israel is an illegitimate state that coordinated the attacks on 9/11

/rj gaymers rise up bottom text

The majority of the time I see the word brigading on reddit I just imagine it as if a crying toddler is saying it

Both subs are getting pretty cringy over the media shitstorm, so I'm cool with it if it means retarded hot takes we can laugh at. Speak of retarded hot takes, there's many in that sub.

Gaming circlejerk used to be so fucking funny too, and then retards from gamer gate (I think? I honestly don't know what gamer gate is) started jerking about how "sexist" everyone is, so sad

Gamerghazi I think. You can definitely see that many GCJ posters are unironic commies though.

Calling out people who are sexist! What a shame!