Why don’t people enjoy eating shit for breakfast? Why don’t men like to be kicked in the balls? Why do TERFs hate trannys? Why do MAGAcels fuck their cousins?
If you cannot figure it out, you’re retarded. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think deep down inside most drama regs love chocotwinkhorse because they're the arch enemies of drama. Who else is there now that MDE is gone and CA has been neutered? There's GC but they basically ignore us...SRDines are like the skim milk to our whole milk...seriously, who else is there? If chirpotwerphound were to be quarinitned I think drama would greatly miss them
1 SnapshillBot 2018-12-20
Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 CoolBeansBussyBoi 2018-12-20
No bussy
1 BeanerShnitzel 2018-12-20
Why don’t people enjoy eating shit for breakfast? Why don’t men like to be kicked in the balls? Why do TERFs hate trannys? Why do MAGAcels fuck their cousins?
If you cannot figure it out, you’re retarded. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1 Neon_needles 2018-12-20
They angry post 24/7 and are all white coastal white people
1 scatmunchies 2018-12-20
That’s pretty white
1 HeroicIncelDesi 2018-12-20
You mean hyperaesthenic kikes living off daddy’s law firm salary.
1 RevolutionarySpread9 2018-12-20
Better dead than red.
1 trilateral1 2018-12-20
1 habs76 2018-12-20
sort by new it's usually better
1 charming_tatum 2018-12-20
I think deep down inside most drama regs love chocotwinkhorse because they're the arch enemies of drama. Who else is there now that MDE is gone and CA has been neutered? There's GC but they basically ignore us...SRDines are like the skim milk to our whole milk...seriously, who else is there? If chirpotwerphound were to be quarinitned I think drama would greatly miss them
1 Sluzhit20 2018-12-20
The podcast and the subreddit are two entirely different things.
Podcast: Occasionally interesting left-wing economic, and sometimes social analysis.
Subreddit: Liberals cosplaying as leftists by repeating "CHUD" over and over again.