Mother Jones takes notice of r/libertarian

1  2018-12-20 by Abu_Ivanka_alAmriki


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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When will r/drama get its 15 minutes in the spotlight of the national media?

Because I will die happy if I get to read an article in Mother Jones that explains the term bussy in its attempt to show that our professed love of bussy serves to paper over a thinly veiled transphobia lmao

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How the reddit /r/drama board's ironic support for the good kind of genocide actually masks unironic support for the bad kind of genocide. t. vice-dot-com

Being ironically racist against a certain demographic doesn’t stop you from being unironically racist against another.

That sounds like some shit a mayoskin apologist would say.

Who ever said the mayocide was an ironic proposal?

vox has written about us

Link? I can’t find it

They mentioned /r/drama when came here to post his manifesto explaining why he killed KiA.

When will r/drama get its long overdue 15 minutes in the spotlight of the national media?

We kind of did when that kid livestreamed blowing off his dome with a shotty and his mom had to come in and clean it all up.

JobDestroyer detailed a list of new restrictions barring trolling and “off-topic” conversations, and threatened to ban anyone believed to be posing as a libertarian, but were secretly on the left.

So, this a dogwhistle call for white supremacy and State authoritarianism?

So brazenly open and unambiguous!

He’s been banning people left and right for criticizing his purges.

Almost competent for /r/drama mod

only dogs hear dog whistles!

Ok, but who is the dog? The hypothetical Nazi readers or mother jones?

Any group of people who want some degree of distraction-free debate?

Wait do left-libertarians not exist in this version of current year?

They exist, but they hang out with other leftists instead. They're the commies in LSC who think all the tankies surrounding them are only joking about gulags and sucking Mao's micropenis.

Rishab Nithyanand, a professor at the University of Iowa who has researched far-right extremism on Reddit

sounds like a fun phd program

Imagine getting a jorno job or a professorship for reading reddit all day and then publicly wringing your hands about it

people are getting paid to read shitposts

what am i doing with my life

mfw people get paid to while I do it for free.

Reminds me of this guy.

Imagine being a blue checkmark who unironically says I'm fluent in 4chan and thinks it adds credibility.

I cannot believe the writer asked P_K for a quote.

It's like a wet dream for him

A bunch of posters in there are unironically leftists, the new mod did nothing wrong.

I don’t browse it enough to comment on that, but the idea that a libertarian sub should be as near as possible to rule-free and moderation-free was always pretty retarded, even on libertarian premises. Like, does being libertarian mean letting strangers shit in your house? I thought libertarians were enthusiastic about private property?

Same argument used against that cringy anarchist sub sometimes. "YOU'RE AN ANARCHIST SUB YOU SHOULDN'T BAN ANYONE!!!!!!" as if you can't ban blatant dumbassery at all or you're a hypocrite. Everyone on that sub is hilariously retarded but not because of that.

Even still, /r/drama is the only true anarchist sub. Retarded opinions are even straight up upvoted here.

Yeah it was pretty dumb and even before the brigading the posts libertarians basically ignored all the posts that reached r/all so the upvoted comments were mostly authoritarian communist and it was just a bad look for the sub in general