1  2018-12-20 by Wraith_GraveSpell


It's over for kurdish-cels

This but unironically. :*(

I legit feel for the Kurds. They're about to get fucked over yet again by their shitty deadbeat Uncle Sam.

lol faggot go to chapo and organize the effort to save them yourself if you really care

Wouldn't be so bad if it was only Assad coming back to the area, cause he's basically a more posh colonel Gaddafi. Low-key psycho but someone you can make deals with. But instead the turks will probably come sperg all over the region and fuck it up even worse than their own country.

The Kurds and the Turks deserve each other. Ethnic nationalists can get fucked.

Uncle Sam gave them hope to begin with. Now they're back to square one.

Nothing says "Communist freedom fighters" than American-backed militia roflmao.

I will unironically get my representative or senator to pretend to listen to me in the incredibly slim chance they can give the Kurds SOME kind of support.

My rep. is the Dem. Majority Leader, come next congress, and he holds a lot of swing.

But will he listen?
Nah, probably not. Worth a shot, though.

Day of the poutine when?

tfw no qt Kurd sniper gf

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Daddy stays in Syria: America is a warmongering fascist state

Daddy leaves Syria: Trump is Putin's fuck doll

American politics, such a joke


I mean, he's not wrong. That same statement could have just as easily applied to Obama and his inheritance of the Iraq occupation

It's almost like foreign policy is hard and America should think twice before deliberately starting retarded wars it can't win and also won't want to lose.

But they wont. Bergers b retarded

They're gearing up to start a war with Iran next.

Being a country with Americas natural resources is basically nation state on easy mode and they still totally fuck it up.

The U.S. didn't start the Syrian Civil War.

Burgers started the Iraq war. ISIS grew out of al-Qaeda in Iraq.

I'll be the first to shit on the U.S. for the Iraq War but I wouldn't go as far as to blame the U.S. for starting the Syrian Civil War. Once it started, though, the U.S. government was quick to throw gasoline on the fire.

This probably gonna exactly the same way too

Obama 'got us out of Iraq' and campaigned a bit on it. (We left literally the day Bush administration agreed to on leaving with the new Iraqi govt and Obama literally tried to stay longer lmao. New terrorist group took hold and conservatards blamed Obama... For carrying out Bush's policy lmfao)

Now Trump's gonna brag about bringing home 2k troops, which iirc were mostly deployed before he took office and explicitly meant to only be there temporarily. And now there's a significant chance that in 2-3 years we'll have some new retarded extremist group or isis rebounds or some shit in Syria. Or Assad and the ruskies just go brutal preventing it.

Next terrorist cell is going to be incels

It's beginning for terrorist-cels

deployed before he took office and explicitly meant to only be there temporarily


"Trump Just Messed Up the One Thing He Did Better Than Obama"

Russia will grind down the remaining Salafist presence over time (ISIS factions along with the U.S. supported Salafist groups) while the U.S. maintains low-key support to the Syrian Kurds via SOCOM "advisors". We will probably keep supplying weapons to non-ISIS Salafist groups in Syria like Al-Qaeda in Syria (lol), which has been par the course since 2013.

they're right this time. obama's decision to support the Kurds and not immediately try to make a deal with Assad regarding their future is what created this issue in the first place

Eh. Supporting 'freedom fighters' hasn't gone too well in the mideast and Obama's not the first one to waffle around on the Kurds

"I-I've always loved American intervention in the middle east! you're coping, not me!!"


poor daddy,when will they leave him alone :'(

Not taking his side, he's a cunt

Either way he’s Putin’s fuck doll.

Let all the tears out cletus

y-y-y-you're mad n-n-n-n-not me

you're red in the face and shaking over drumpf pulling out of syria


I get what you're saying but majority of people actually like when daddy goes to war. For example when he fired those missiles the main stream media was his pet dog for a day, it was very odd.

The fact of the matter is that American media is always pro-war, despite all the chaos American interventionism has caused in the world. Most people see this but main stream media still report as if interventionism is a good thing.

Now I would hate to speak ill of old Uncle Sam and its internal policies, so all I'll say is that I bet all the intelligence agencies would hate to have another case of Vietnam in their hands. You know, people protesting and rioting and all that. And I'm sure the media would be complicit if they were commanded to air pro-war coverage.

Kurds shouldn't worry, they can get a bunch of chapo posters to help 5hem out by moving to rojava LOL

the one chapo who was man enough to put his money where his mouth is and go to Rojava to fight was a florist in the US, which tells you a lot about the rest of them

Wait he had a job???

Long live pisspiggranddad

I heard in the early days the kurds would get right wing nuts show up to fight with them who knew literally nothing about the kurds and freaked out when they found out they were actual commies.

Botanical jobs are the manliest line of work foh

Working with dirt is feminine...

Except the chapoposters who insist that the Kurds are imperialist puppets for betraying Assad.

ah the good old "anyone who the US hates is a good guy" school of thought, /r/conspiracy buys into it super hard while simultaneously sucking daddy off and being very rightwing.

It's embarassing that people actually believe in this retard

"wtf i love dying in some middle east shithole for retarded shitskins"

nobody is stopping you

Dying in foreign wars is a job for poor people like you

lol C O P E

imagine thinking Daddy actually cares about you. Between fentanyl hazes and fantasizing about daddy's love, you got a real good distraction from life going

lol C O P E by desperately trying to change the conversation

you got got, retard. deal w/ it.

Whos shitty alt is this? Imagine being so pathetic as to make your account name an homage to a /r/drama powertard

u mad

U a time traveller?

Probably the same person who's been impersonating GrandpaTickTock recently.

Probably the same person who's been impersonating GrandpaTickTock recently.

Let's unpack this

No, but seriously, who's that?

I cant be arsed to remember every internet idiot’s nom de guerre. You should know, you’ve argued with him several times that I’ve seen.

I've been informed by my (((SECRET SOURCES))) that Grandpa 🕒tick🕞tock🕦 is currently active on Reddit and i do have his username info. He isn't all that active on r/drama and surprisingly, i have replied to him in past threads.

I found out like a week ago but i haven't been able to go through some of his comments to see if it's actually him. I don't want to spook him, lol


I literally, specifically remember him posting this, and I think it was in an exchange with you. This happened within the past week. C'mon Ed, if anyone can figure this out it should be you.

Here's the backstory to the 🕒tick🕞tock🕦 meme

It's was kind of popular during IvankaTrumpisMyWaifu's meltdown phase so merely a reference to that phrase isn't proof of him being Ivanka.

Oh well! I'm actually surprised that he has stopped reporting r/drama user comments to the admins for inciting violence because recently I've seen some and they weren't suspended. Mail

No, someone was actually going to pretty great lengths to impersonate him. Threatening us with reports and the whole 9 yards.

Wow. I don't remember that happening recently :/

Hey u/Ed_ButteredToast you've got a lolpet

Lol, I have way too many at this point to even remember.


i said it again, look guys. pretty clever huh guys?

Dude orange man bad lmao

orange fan mad

everything I don't like is C O P E

Warmongering is good. Kill cletus and advance american interests. Motherfucking two birds one stone.

Be you.

Get wrecked.

Fall back on your recently assimilated r/drama vocabulary in defense.

Find yourself a safe space and stay there friendo.

you have to go back to r/politics, mr

Imagine posting about this website in current year. Did you go into a deep coma when your Humvee went over that IED?

imagine trying to downplay (((them))) to avoid the inevitable second holocaust

Harder daddy

War is a necessity. The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are but one of the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be satisfied when those rights have been made as secure as the faith and the freedom of nations can make them.

WW1 was the dumbest war of them all

I thought we were gonna beat ISIS bro what happened

they are as beat as a military from a continent on the other side of the planet needs them to be, without nuking the place or fucking with the locals enough to create more of them.

even a smolbrain like you should be able to understand this

Then why is daddy saying ISIS isn't beat :(

they are as far as America should be concerned, which is the only thing the American President should give a shit about.

pretty fuckin obvious tbh

so they are beat and not beat at the same time!


only based trumptards can truly see thru this paradox

logictards cucked

tbh if you think that the American military should cuck themselves for no benefit in fighting for some syrian civs who will hate them anyways...

you're probably a literal cuck.

go live out your fantasies with tyrone and stop projecting them on the army

the only reason trump pulled out was becaue Daddy Putin told him to and he is Putin's cuck bitch so he did it

thats it.

so Russia is mad that Daddy pulled out... because Russia told them to?

nigga you believin 3 simultaneously conflicting ideas right now and you try to pin me with 2?

thats called C O P E

Who said Russia isn't happy with this?

Daddy, as people here are desperately bringing up as some kinda gotcha

Imagine believing what the worlds biggest pathological liar says lol

Lol you literally believe what Toadcock says

Russia is thrilled ya goofball

Where did you get the idea Russia is mad?

read the thread, dummy


Russia ain't even mad. C O P A C A B A N A

I think there are a few other retards in this thread you should be replying too, I was just being their proxy

imma gonna reply to any retard i want C O P E

Putin said he is pleased with his puppet.

I've never seen cope as hard as DDF cope.

plz daddy make more war

   E  P  O  C
        P        O O
      O        P   P
    C  O  P  E     E
    O        P   P
    P        O O
    E  P  O  C
          E  P  O  C
        P        O O
      O        P   P
    C  O  P  E     E
    O        P   P
    P        O O
    E  P  O  C

beautiful 3d self-portrait you have there

No u.


I cannot for even one moment imagine being as stupid as you actually are.


Russians are popping bottles over this turn of events. They ain’t mad.

lol what a retard.

r/politics poster

says enough

Creating a new account every 3 days to hide your DDF posting says more.

oh i just forgot my password lol

Russia is mad

Citation pls, fellow based

This is like saying the us didn’t beat communism because there’s still some communists around

it's over for comprehensiblecels

It’s not that withdrawing from Syria is a bad thing. The embarrassing part is that Trump said yesterday that ISIS was defeated, but today said that Russia, Iran, and Syria are mad that they will have to fight ISIS without the US. It makes him look like he has the self-awareness and short-term memory of a goldfish.

they have to "fight" an unorganized group of retards with no bases or leaders left, that are in relatively close proximity to them.

they are not a real threat, and there is zero reason why the middle east should ever be America's problem period.

I mean, you say that now, but you're going to be the loudest whiniest crybaby when some ISIS-aligned burger opens fire at a Walmart or whatever.

thats not ISIS forces in syria idiot, that's some brown first-gen "american" edgelord larping trying to get his 72 virgins

That's fine if you're consistent about who you count as a lone wolf wackjob. In my experience, you lot are pretty quick to scream about terrorism any time the shooter is a curry incel instead of a mayo incel.

I often is.

If someone kills a bunch of people because they're angry they aren't getting laid or because they hate black people, that's not terrorism. If they're killing people in support of an ideology, ala ISIS, it's terrorism. Because terrorism has a definition, it's not just random slaughter.

If you look at the history of most of the lone so-called "islamic terrorists" in the west, you'll find that most of them were petty criminals with shitty lives who were never particularly devout or religious.

Also, hating black people can totally be an ideology, look at the KKK, for example.

Yes and? If they wave a fucking ISIS flag they're supporting a specific ideology with violence, which is terrorism.

And yes, hating black people can be an ideology, but it isn't one by default.

I'll take a few mass shootings over a war.

If you're a burger, you have no choice. You'll take both and like it.

You aren't wrong.

But if ISIS is in such a bad state, then why (according to Daddy) are Russia, Iran, and Syria so mad about having to fight them? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad we’re getting out of Syria, I’m just laughing at how even when Daddy does something good, he can’t help but look retarded while doing it.

because literally everybody is happy to have somebody to their shit for free, and is miffed when they stop doing their shit for free and fuck off

I legit thank you for participating in this thread

It really demonstrates how Trump supporters hold 2 diametrically opposed ideas as facts in their head at the same time and yet dont see how there is any conflict

its truly fascinating

lol sure thing mr. "war is teh bad republican ting" but also mr. "wtf why daddy stop war"

Trumps retarded. Pulling out this early does the same thing that we did in Iraq which allowed for the rise of isis.

... we coulda just not gone to Iraq

Yea but the bush administration was full of neocons who thought they could achieve policy by half assing their wars and worrying about being re-elected.

No, I get that but what the hell was Obama supposed to do about that

Ignore the Iraqi wishes,

And what? Occupy the country indefinitely?

Ideally for at least another 10 years, kinda like Afghanistan. Pulling out while the Arab spring was happening was really dumb.

We fucked up invading in the first place


Novel idea.

We probably should have

ur mum coulda just worn a condom but here we are


Putin literally came our and thanked Trump for doing exactly what he wanted. He went

Thanks fuckwits, Assad, Iran and I hated having American oversight of our actions and now we can whatever the fuck we want.

Is this what counts as 4D chess now? Weakening Israel and working directly in Iran's interests?

weakening (((israel)))

oh nooooooo

There's about 30,000 of them left and somehow they have no bases, leadership or millitary infrastructure?

Is this an agitprop Ed alt wtf am I looking at

Daddy Defense Force to the rescue!

Wow what a brave day old account. Tell me, where did the Ed touch you?

he touched me in the part that makes me forget my password

Defend Daddy!



now they will have to fight ISIS and others, who they hate

We, on the other hand, can take 'em or leave 'em.

We did invent them after all

Imagine trying to convince people that ISIS is somehow still a significant threat in almost 2019.

Imagine trying to convince people that Al-Qaeda in Iraq is somehow still a significant thread in almost 2012.

Imagine trying to convince people iraq was a significant threat in almost 2003.


Imagine trying to convince people Afghanistan was a significant threat in almost 2001.

The problem with Afghanistan wasn't directly its government, but the fact that their government allowed terrorists to organize against us. Syria is destabilized to the point that terrorists can't even use it anymore, plus the people who want to hurt us are the same people that Assad likes to torture to death.

This but unironically. We should have let Saddam waste away in Iraq instead of toppling the Jenga tower that was the post Cold War Middle Eastern power balance.

The iraq war was basically taking a hammer to a gimped out retard for self defense.

The only thing it accomplished was a shitload of suicidal vets, a trillion dollar wasted, and a total ME shitshow that will be ongoing for decades.

Bright side tho is no one who isnt suffering from retardation basically writes off neoliberals and neocons as degenerate faggots, its basically impossible to respects or listens to them at this point and be taken seriously

Reeeeee this is wrong.

We removed saddam to isolate Iran, which failed because we gave the Iraqis democracy too early.

We removed saddam to isolate Iran

rofl wat

So here’s the thing, saddam was a bitch who hated both Iran and America and Saudi Arabia, removing him and putting an American aligned leader would have basically fucked Iran.

Ok, that's quite a bit different from "removing Saddam to isolate Iran". Removing Saddam was a huge boon to Iran. Installing a compliant regime in Iraq would have isolated them but doing so in a Shia-majority country on Iran's border was next to impossible.

Oh yes correct, the whole thing was bungled due to several factors, but it sounded really good in policy meetings.

Look at that map. What’s between Iran and Israel? That’d be cool to put a shit ton of the US military there and dick slap that guy who fought with my daddy - 2003

The point was that removing Saddam would help Iran, not isolate it.

Isolate Iran by removing their enemy, only bergers would fall for retardation this severe

Okay so here’s the thing, saddam essentially was a buffer state for Iran and was super belligerent to KSA. Removing saddam and putting in a Saudi aligned leader was the main goal of the war. This would have removed the buffer state and made the saudis happy, while also fucking Iran and removing any chance that they could influence the region

Its a shiite majority nation, no one ever tried to do what you suggest.

You are literally just writing fan fiction geopolitics.

The bush admin wouldnt have driven the sunni baathists out of power; they did.

Letting the shiite majority have elections and vote in an iran aligned govt undermines literally everything you claim was 'the plan'.

And if you are trying to take everyone into your mindpalace of how a redditor could have won the iraq war /r/braincels is just a click away.

Lmao, the Sunni baathists that sure were super receptive to American and Saudi diplomatic efforts right?

Yes, by pushing the baathists out of power they basically took the ruling elite and forced them into the insurgency, making their entire objective harder to achieve.

You feel the need to talk about the subject but know basically nothing on it.

Listen to this, i chose it because obviously since you are retarded you wont be able to follow something produced by the bbc or grown up media, but this podcast gets the point across and since its comedians i assume you need learning to be fun:

Listen to this, i chose it because obviously since you are retarded you wont be able to follow something produced by the bbc or grown up media, but this podcast gets the point across and since its comedians i assume you need learning to be fun:

Oh come on at least be honest, you're a ChapStick so don't try to pretend you're above getting information from podcasts and also really? The BBC?

You cant read engliah good, and hindu nationaliam is pathetic and gay.

Go learn how to fuck before your parents buy you a pussy at age 32 untouchable

You cant read engliah good enough to even criticize my comments, and hindu nationaliam is pathetic and gay.

I am not even a Hindu but more importantly are all the spelling mistakes in this comment also meant to be ironic? Considering you're criticizing my English and all.

You literally cannot even read my chapo posts as shit posts and trolls.

Of course you were only pretending to be retarded.

Yes and yes, why would i spellcheck for someone whose entire cultural identity is defined by not getting pussy or bussy?

Yes and yes, why would i spellcheck for someone whose entire cultural identity is defined by not getting pussy or bussy?

Oh oK you were just lazy not retarded, so we'll go with that ;)

Lahore is in pakistan because sikhs were too pussy to keep it btw

Not Sikh either lol.

Hey small dick or not dick at least I am not a Chapstick.

Reproduction through rape is not how civilized people behave

Well at least they get to reproduce. Can't say that for Chapstick trannies who are infertile.

Im calling you an indian bit of trash, and literally have been racist to you since i found out you were from a subordinate population.

Getting called an unfuckable hairy degenerate that cant be stopped from eating with their hands in 2018 and thinking they are getting dunked on by a woke leftist, maaaaybe the most retarded thing an indian has ever done.

but maybe the other was getting dragged into the modern era kicking and screaming while revolting over cow juice in ammunition packets. I cant tell, all i know is youre retarded

Come on, let's say for arguments sake you aren't a Chapstick but why would that stop me from calling you that at this point considering the way you're chimping out about it.

Because demonstrating that you cant even identify woketards reflects poorly on everything you are, even for a shit skin.

You know what its like being brown, youre the least fuckable race next to inuit or like 120 people on a pacific islander and you think you can show up here in r/drama and make words with your betters? You'd be ruled by mughals and incapable of travelling on the roof of a train if it wasnt for me.

Bright side tho is no one who isnt suffering from retardation basically writes off neoliberals and neocons as degenerate faggots, its basically impossible to respects or listens to them at this point and be taken seriously

Why do you hate the global poors ?

Because they don't post bussy

U don't say

Saddam was bad enough that the US should've removed him regardless of him being a threat or not


Saddam had killed more people in the Iran Iraq war, Saddam funded terrorist groups and gave out money to anyone who would commit suicide bombings and the Fedayeen Saddam did the exact same shit that ISIS does

America helped sadfam in the iran iraq war retard.

Same shit isis did just depicts you as a retard because saddam was a brutal run of the mill secular dictator but to you was literally isis.

A few thousand dead kurds and a war the US supported and helped instigate, thats your literal frame of reference. Youre dumb and bad.

Shitposting chapo with 'lmao online leftism and being restricted to 1 post per 10 minutes there, yes must be a chapostick' lmao

So Reagan does something and the US shoulsnt change course? Damn didn't realize that chapocel worship Reagan as a god figure. And Saddam wasn't secular you retard, why the fuck do you think he put Allah Akbar onto the fucking flag? You're an actual fucking retard who knows fuck all about Saddam, the guy killed in the millions and you're just like "he was a regular dictator"

Saddam feared that radical Islamic ideas—hostile to his secular rule—were rapidly spreading inside his country among the majority Shi'ite population. ... There he involved himself with Iraqi Shi'ites and developed a strong, worldwide religious and political following against the Iranian Government, which Saddam tolerated.

Using religious identity for political convenience and committing sacrilege by writing a koran in your blood,LMAO

The person contridicting the wikipedia page is retarded and wrong, those are the rules of the internet.

Probably should try an keep the helmet on and stay safe.

He wasn't secular you fucking retard, there's a reason why he masacred Shiites

wikipedia lies REEEEEEEEE

You're denying that he massacred shiites?

I have no doubt that he did, but its no reason to kill a million people spend a trillikn dollars or create a larger iranian enclave.

You've demonstrated that youre intellectually retarded.

Youre calling him a religious leader because he virtue signals, the wikipedia along with historians describes his rule as secular, youre retarded enough to need that explained, and youre trying to move goal posts around because you're pathetic and dont know what youre talking about.

your country is stockpiling food and medicine because its literally expecting brexit to be a shit show and its hilarious how fucked youre going to be.

The fact that you think I'm americana or British just really shows that you're a fucking retard who has no idea what the fuck they're talking about. About 500k people died in the Iraq war, 1.5 million people died in the Iran Iraq war. He killed hundreds of thousands in Iraq itself you fucking troglodyte. The only people who would call Saddam secular are retards who know fuck all about Saddam. He funded Islamic terrorists and created Islamic schools. Like all you've done is prove that you're a colossal fucking retard who has not gotten a fucking clue about Iraq or Saddam

Using the word troglodyte unironically lmao

Imagine thinking that Saddam was secular becasue you read shit a Wikipedia article lmao

How dare someone use wikipedia to demonstrate mathmatically that you, in fact are a british degenerate.


Soaring imagination

Actual retard

That's easy; just lie to them and when they call out your lie call them traitors and sic your lapdogs on them

I just this found this fag sub off of r/conservative yesterday, and I'm laughing my ass off at you fucking beta male faggots attacking the (if you're American) PRESIDENT. What's wrong with you cucks posting about him 24/7? Would you post links to Bernies, Alexandra, Hellarys twitter all day? No? That's what I thought. I'm not a lib or a commie and I can leave all of those dem idiots alone, why can't you "drama" fags post about something else for a change you fucking soy nu males? Do you people not have a life? Donald trump, while "unpresidential" (aka not polished by the deep state like Obama and co), gets stuff done. He's already beat Isis, beat Syria, withdrawn from Syria, made peace between koreas and helped the US become more self sufishent through tariffs. I shouldn't even be this mad but you cuck soylent chuggers are pathetic lmao stay mad when I vote for your president to return in 2020. Reddit is a lib hell hole filled with metrosexuals

is this pasta

it is now!

Why do you idiots call everything longer than a para "pasta", I'm a legitimate person with legitimate political views, and you people shouldn't be bullying others for having different political views. As a member of the young conservative society on campus, I get bullied daily. I'm not a lib tard spamming "pasta" to mock other political views, I'm defending OUR president from you hyenas. This sub is toxic, you're obsessed with Donald trump and conservatives, LEAVE US ALONE. Also, why are you so obsessed with trannies? Why do you post about them 24/7? I think that trannies are a manifestation of toxic lib culture BUT I DONT TALK ABOUT TJEM ALL DAY, and you're libcucks you should support trannies anyways. I'm not replying to any more comments mocking me or the president


i wanna fuck you hard on the sink

don't get spunk on the mink

ugh, do me instead!



Lol shut up fag

God, I want you to be real.

I cant figure out if youre a Chapo larping as a intellectual dark web goatee bad boy or a Proud Boy larping as a Chapo

This could just be homegrown /r/drama autism, too.

Hubba hubba! That's exactly the kind of smooth approach I'd expect from a /r/drama user.

Pretty sure this is a drama bait larp


Is this an alt of the retard larping as some socialist yesterday? Is this going to be your gimmick now?

I like it.

I think The_Marx is a genuine communist who larps as a communist with brain damage.

They both use the whole don't call everything pasta/everyone a troll. Only a day separated and with that same "I'm a conservautist and drama is just full of shitlibs! / I'm a chapotard and drama is just full of nazis! It really effectively rouses the local tards, pretty great tbh.


It's good to see a REAL American in the comments occasionally. fucking sub is filled with soy boys.


Is this another pasta?

You're overdoing it a bit. Even your average r/conservative posters arent this retarded.

Keep up the good work though.

If it wasn't before, it is now.

Fuck of stop making fun of me asshole

I love this persona. If you're not the same guy, you should hook up with /r/the_marx and his /r/enoughdramaspam crew

Based boomercel OWNS drama gamers epic style

Oh we'll take care of your asshole

Hubba hubba.... drools...... most females I know personally overdo the makeup and hide their beautiful features with foundation and eyeshadow, me being a nice guy, I try to advise them to let their true beauty shine through but alas I just get called a "creep" and a "weirdo"...... you're beautiful smiles and hugs computer screen...... you know the perfect amount of makeup to let yourself shine through.....

Literally impossible

it is now

It would be pretty awesome if there was a way to permanently import you and all your /r/drama dipshit compatriots into a single instance of GTA online. You guys could get all your lulz running each other over and everyone else could just enjoy a world where they don't have to deal with bored, ironically self-important nihilists who take very seriously the act of pretending to take nothing seriously.

gamer fantasy


I feel you're being intentionally obtuse to the argument that token representation in seats of power isn't bad just inconsequential to combatting material oppression of marginalized groups due to class interests superceding identity interest virtually always.

Literally every “accomplishment” you listed is a lie.

You should "literally" tell me how that's a lie lmao

g8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

no h8 just masturb8

I mean, the tweet by Trump points out that ISIS is not defeated.

You are replying to bait

You're fucking quite now aren't you? Why can't you just answer me snowflake FUCK THIS SUB

Too obvious.

Novice level boomer posting.

hot damn make this man a mod

I love it! This is fucking America and I'll be damned if I don't wear whatever the fuck I want in public, within reason of course. I rock MAGA gear and I'm like a third of you, fuck em. I have had a lot of fist pumps and compliments and only a few looks, not even shit talk, just soyesue looks. MAGA!

More like beat off Isis.

No you didn't find this fag sub just now. Your first post on this novelty account is on /r/drama. Delete your account and plan things better. This is pathetic. Nobody's 'sufishent' stupid.

Please do better next time.

Yes, hello. Non american here: how does it feel to have elected a real life meme as your leader?

I'm going to be honest, I fucking hate his tweets. They just infuriate me, the way they are written.

triggered lol

The radical centrist is never emotional over internatory matters.

On the other hand, the radical centrist is overly emotional over every matter


At least Obama never said he was accomplishing anything when he droned the Middle East!

He didnt boast any mission accomplished bullshit. He just bombed birthday parties and hospitals and said "oopsie doopsie"

subscribe to pewdiepie

Best take of the thread.

Leaving Syria is just more nazi policy in action. We need drones not bring troops home!

These post titles are getting dangerously close to the shit he actually puts on twitter.

not enough 4D typos.

but seriously, I apologize for trying too hard to make it close to SRD levels of titleposting

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I am building by far the most powerful military in the world

Yes you are, yes you are, Mr Big President-man. Yes you are.