An r/politics refugee arrives in r/israel, ends up admitting his european superiority complex and pulling a "I'm not racist cause my neighbour is a jew", literally.

1  2018-12-20 by ineed750bucks


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Didn't know snappy was a jew

Snappy is a constantly complaining power bot who steals all his quotes from oppressed drama users and stabs them constantly in the back.

Of course he is a fucking shekelshlomo.

Choice quotes quotes in question:

Your European superiority complex is showing.

You know why it shows? Because we are superior. We have figured out how to let Jews, Muslims and Christians live side-by-side without having one group shell on another.


See, matey, I went through a doctorate in STEM, my business partner is a Jewish South African. I live in a Jewish neighbourhood in Barcelona. I don't get why the minute I question your narrative that Israel is justified in building its wall through disputed territory, you have to immediately brand me as a hater of the Jews.

If I were a hater of the Jews, it would be far easier for me to execute my neighbour, who happens to be Israeli-Jewish and owns the Felafel stand I get my breakfast from on most days. How do I know he's Jewish? Well, so far as I know, non-Jews don't wear the yamakah that he does (if they do, feel free to correct me here, as noted above, I don't mind being told I'm wrong, provided its done in a civilised manner).

Meanwhile, the Jewish Nazi tries to justify genocide and land theft.

Which illegal settlement do you live in?

I am ###LITERALLY an IDF sniper shooting palestinian kids 24 hours a day 6 days a week and working as a jidf hasbarist on shabbat from my mansion built on the bones of palestinian apple trees destroyed with nazi k☠ke bulldozers

Every time I see a news story of Jewish settlers being killed, I pray they were Reddit propagandists.

You should notify your school

Did you see the one where the Jewish Nazi cop gets run over buy the car? I came so hard.

Sorry, I currently squeeze my hog to this and this

She loved oppressing Palestinians. And she hated getting run over by cars.

Is this your sexual fantasy? We can rp in pm if you want.

Go do it yourself



My favorite lampshade is jewish!

Oh wow that's pretty good.

As a radical centrist I believe neither Israel or Saudi Arabia are good places and they are shit allies. Obvi I would rather live in Israel than the KSA

If you're a real centrist and appreciate bussy then the choice is obvious. All middle-eastern countries except israel will punish you for being gay.

In reality your choice is Iran or Saudi Arabia. 2 different religions. Proxy wars all over the Middle East including Yemen.

That's rich coming from a Spaniard, lol. The second it seemed like Catalonia might actually break off, they went full fash on them.

Well that and… ya know… their government from 1936 to ‘75

Falangist gang represent

What would burgees do if Commiefornia tried to go splitsies?

In the [2017] session of the UN General Assembly, all EU member states are voting for one resolution each to criticize (1) Iran, (2) Syria, (3) North Korea, (4) Crimea, (5) Myanmar, (6) the U.S., for its embargo on Cuba, and (21) Israel.

I believe that israel should be destroyed but that the palestinians deserve to be genocided

True centrist.

Radical centrism:


The fuck? 6 lines on the left but only 5 on the right? You may as well get a swastika tattoo at this point.

I fixed it, but this is /r/drama and you should know none of us can count to 6

That's why I'm here to count for you. I'm your daddy.

This. It's just common sense policy, really.


Remove ZOG from the US to stop aid and watch the Battle Royale as the Samson Option unfold as they get overun.

All of Islam instantly attacked Israel as soon as it was formed. They still managed to hold on, even if barely. Now that Israel is established it's like a tower defense game set to easy, forever.

it's like a tower defense game set to easy

Don't fucking jinx it. Hezbollah reportedly already has gps-targetted rockets or something like that

The fact that Palestinians are completely dependent on Iran for their military strength is made especially tragic by Iran's continued economic slide and their ineffectiveness at doing anything except provoking Israelis to kill them.

Oh, so dozens-hundreds, my bad. Still, the fact that they could apparently shoot 500-1000 rockets a day for two months now is fucked up.

Also, I thought hezbollah were shi'a and palestinians - sunni

Also, I thought hezbollah were shi'a and palestinians - sunni

Correct, but Iran supplying Hezbollah is what makes the Palestinians have a more powerful rocket supply than what you have during the 4th of July. Even then we're mostly talking about the BM-21, which is unguided and gets fired en-masse and is not particularly useful by itself.

Yeah, but I meant that I thought hezbollah wasn't actually comprised of palestinians, especially since palestinians are pretty oppressed in lebanon. Like all other arabic and muslim entities they pretend to care about the palestinians while using them as a political tool

In case of a real war, wouldn't Israeli planes bomb the rocket sources pretty quickly?

Don't fucking jinx it.

why not? the israelis are not exempt from the mayocide

Ffs, jews are schrödinger's white. Only white when it's convenient for other people.

You sound like a partisan; this is a centrist subreddit, Shlomo.

No wait, you didn't get it. The far-rightards hate jews because to them they aren't white, the far-leftards hate jews because to them they are white. Being hated by both is the definition of chad centrism, johnathan

So who even likes jews?

Ultimately, the mayocide is inclusionary, and all flavors of mayo are invited.

The far-left are usually led around a bunch of antisemites pretending to be anti-israel (e.g. the recent women's march thing) and there are far-leftists who actually do ascribe "white privillege" to jews.

The far-right usually doesn't differentiate and hates both. Their conspiratard theories feature both as the same thing or both separately.

Ah yes, the far left. Led by all those pesky jewish squints antisemites.


Disclaimer: I'm not subscribed to that sub cause I'm a secularboi. I just wanted to link a post that wasn't on t_d or other shitholes conservative echochambers like that.

I can also find you like 5 articles about the antisemitism being promoted by BDS.

Plus jewish antisemites is a thing. Sometimes it's a coping mechanism (people wanting to fit in), sometimes there are other reasons. Karl marx was quite literally a jewish antisemite for example.

Some random post that I haven't checked thoroughly literally skimmed through




Oh and by the way, if you're wondering how the super leftist media reacted to the women's march disbanding(?), they're sucking their methaphorical dicks harrrrrd, painting them as just some poor victims of antisemitic allegations.

The women's march was pissant neoliberalism. Also, Marx's ramblings on jews were mostly a reaction to burgeoning proto-Zionist thought in 1800s Europe. Considering Marx's assimilationist communism, his views makes sense from a principled stand point. "I don't like Zionism" isn't really an expression of anti-semitism, so much as it is an expression of anti-identity.

The women's march was pissant neoliberalism.

Doesn't matter, still a huge leftist movement led around by literal hard r antisemites.

Concerning marx, I'm too lazy to write long paragraphs about the fucker, but he not only expressed and tried to reinforce and normalize the classic antisemitic view of jews being greedy and connected with money and thinking of themselves as better than others (the stereotypes which pretty much lead to the holocaust), he was also noted to be an actual seething antisemite by his peers. Here's an article but read the whole thing if you're gonna read it (or at least more than half of it):

TIL every single Muslim on planet Earth attacked Israel in 1948.

They still managed to hold on, even if barely.

Didn't they take the Sinai Peninsula, I mean it's pretty badass for a new nation

Only a part of it iirc

That was 67.

The Zionist entity was 20 years old at that point. They launched the war of Israeli aggression without warning and seized a bunch a desert for all of their betrayal and evil. Truly the Zionist entity is totally without any shred of morality, just a group of pirates who landed in the Palestinians homeland one day and decided to kill every innocent thing they could find.

Gr8 b8

All of Islam instantly attacked Israel

more like 6 inbred nations

Yeah and that's why the crusader states are still around too.

> All of Islam instantly attacked Israel as soon as it was formed.

Were they just supposed to let Israel ethnically cleanse the Palestinians in peace? You really think if they had just sat on their hands Israel would have just happily danced with their Arab brethren in their 49% Arab state until it became majority Arab in like 5 years?

It was always clear what Israels intentions were. It is profoundly stupid for you to justify those intentions in retrospect because others saw them and took desperate action to prevent them. Despite the fact that barely any of the Arab governments were formed at that point, had no central organization, and were numerically smaller in number than the Zionist militias. In fact Jordan basically had a de facto alliance with Israel, an agreement to allow Israel to take what they wanted in exchange for the West Bank, and they only fought when Israel violated the agreement by trying to seize Jerusalem (in case you are wondering, this is why pre-1968 territory stretches into the West Bank towards Jerusalem). Luckily they were not able to take Jerusalem fully though and massacre their inhabitants as they no doubt wished. And by 1968 the world was paying attention and wouldn't allow the barbarian pirate entity from the sea to kill all they want.

Ayo we wuz phoneicians and shiiiit

being retarded enough to believe the sampson option is real


Typical jews complaining about everything. The jew cries out in pain as it strikes you

People are reading Culture of Critique.

People are reading The Decline of the West by Spengler

People are reading Industrial Society and Its Future by Teddy K.

People are reading Midnight Swim by lr thunder.

People are reading Siege by James Mason.

lol holy shit

he owns the Felafel stand I get my breakfast from

He couldn't hate or execute his jewish neighbor you see, where would he get his breakfast?

Alternative title: "Israeli JIDF demonstrate the catch-22 in being accused of being anti-Semitic. If you defend yourself, you look like you're lying. If you admit to it, well, then I guess you got what you wanted."

The thing is, he was never accused of being antisemitic. Not even after he brought up the token jewish falafel stand owner

Israel and Palestine are both illegitimate states and both, along with the rest of the middle east, should be destroyed in favor of secular governments.

Israel is secular. Except for the family law. But I support your intention to destroy the fundamentalists. And your true centrist position.

Nigga no. Their symbol is the Star of David. It's a Jewish state. They may allow other religions but it isn't a coincidence that most people there are Jewish, which is like the lamest religion and no one would convert to it.

First of all, you took like one of the two or three diagonal crosses on the list and tried to strawman it out.

Second of all, it's still christian, it's called a St. Andrew's cross

Nigga it's called ISRAEL. It's literally the name of ye Olde Jewish country. It's literally the nation state of the Jewish people.

Nigga it's called ISRAEL. It's literally the name of ye Olde Jewish country.


<link to the nation-state bill>

Oh ffs.

The law is largely symbolic and declarative.

Doesn't even change the status of the arabic language.

Plus I think it uses "jewish people" to mean ethnical jews. But I'm not sure of course.

Plus it's just pandering to the right-wingers. It should get amended if they ever lose their influence.

Plus I'm pretty sure a lot of western countries have similar things, from "in god we trust" as the american motto to the blasphemy laws only relatively recently amended in uk.

Israel is not secular dumbass. Eurofags hating freedom of speech doesn't make Israel any less illegitimate.

That's the first time I see someone draw the conclusion that israel is illegitimate from the fact that it's supposedly not secular enough


Watch your profanity

Any country that is not completely secular should be destroyed or changed until it is. Religion in government is a terrible idea that only leads to holy wars and genocide.

Well yeah, israel is pretty fucking close to be fully secular. If the family law gets separated from religion israel would pretty much be secular. Iirc all of the main opponents of likud campaign for the civil marriage, including for lgbt people. Except for joint list (I think, not sure) but that's because they have a muslim fundamentalist faction.

Ok buddy

I mean, okay...

How was your day today?

Dude, rude, I asked you a question ffs.


How is your day?


bro it's just symbolic haha it's just pandering

why would you think israel passing a law stating israel is an explicitly jewish state make you believe israel isn't secular? u stoopid lmao


Ethnically jewish, not just people who practice judaism.

so it's an ethnostate, not a theocracy? how do you guys get away with this shit?

First of all, ethnostate is no minorities, e.g. 95% of arabic nations. You're parroting someone else's rhetoric without bothering to check.

Second of all, so you're shifting the goalposts now? I thought your original problem was with religion.

no, ethnostate does not mean literally no minorities exist in the country, are you retarded?

I thought your original problem was with religion.

so you are retarded. ok. this isn't a debate reddit, there were no goalposts. in conclusion you're a faggot and need to go back to brigading /r/worldnews threads about your military doming palestinian kids

no, ethnostate does not mean literally no minorities exist in the country, are you retarded?

Read, nigga.

so you are retarded. ok.

I sense chapo toxicity. You better not turn out to be one.

this isn't a debate reddit, there were no goalposts

Read, nigga, read.

in conclusion you're a faggot

So you're like a chapo, but you also use slurs? Original.

need to go back to brigading /r/worldnews threads

1)Define brigading

2)Show an instance of me brigading r/worldnews

Btw, worldnews is constantly being brigaded by chapos and various muslim subreddits, if anything.

military doming palestinian kids

Lul what

A white ethnostate is a proposed type of state in which residence or citizenship would be limited to white people

do you read this shit before you post it? post bussy or leave, stop kvetching about muh antisemitism. this isn't the place for it.

or citizenship

And? There are 1,6 (about 20%) million arab citizens of israel (and some fraction of neither jews nor arabs), plus israel offers israeli citizenship to the people in the territories like golani heights and annexed parts of west bank.

stop kvetching about muh antisemitism

I've specifically didn't mention anything about antisemitism because you seemed like a normal fucking person who's up for a discussion, so stop busting my fucking balls you juicy little twink you

I don't think you are antisemitic and I never said that you were.

post bussy

As soon as I get my own place and have free time I'll post my bussy in a fucking shimakaze cosplay. It's something I've been planning for a long time. For now though, trust me, you don't wanna see my zit-riddled hairy asshole.

Nigga, it's literally Israel. Egyptians live in Egypt (omg!), which still contains such ancient Egyptian cities as Alexandria and Cairo but I'm pretty sure that most of them don't worship cats and build temple-mausoleums to their God Kings.

You fucking putz, don't you have a bot to fix or something? Programmercels should stick to what they know.

Imagine defending the Jewish state.

Imagine such a thing existing!

He's a retard you're wasting your time.

It was all pretty civil though

Its borderline impossible to fully convert to Judaism

Since converting to Judaism gives you an instant passport to Israel, Rabbis around the world are basically the border agents of the Israeli state. If the rules were loose, people would convert just to get to Israel.

Congrats, this is the least retarded take I've seen from you yet

Fuck, is this true? I'm bad Reform, but it might be time for a switch.

Their national anthem actually requires the singer to declare that their a good Jew and their heart yearns for Zion. People have actually gotten pissy that the Muslim and Christian Arabs don't sing it. Like how the fuck could anyone who's not a Jew be expected to sing that song with a straight face?

Excuse me goy. It's literally the most secular government there is. Can't you see that?

That's a fair point, it does refer to jews a lot, but not to the torah though.

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A Spaniard complaining about a border wall? Lol what?

He could oppose that for all we know. It's not like we can ping hin and ask.

Only tankies can ping

If he opposes that he opposes the colony. No way in hell it can sustain unlimited immigration.

United Morocco NOW.

*I don't hate Jews but the Inquisition didn't go far enough"

deth 2 israel

Chapo/a chad centrist pretending to be chapo joins the battle

I have seen much Jew hate from both the far left and the far right. On Reddit too. They absolutely have something to be irritated by. But Israel, because of the Palestine problem, is not really like the rest of the West. When they build the wall is literally kept terrorists away. And they have a huge terrorist problem. I don't think there is any solution on the horizon. But all the critique does get mixed together in a way that really makes it sometimes impossible to say if someone is racist or just supports Palestine.

This was also clear from the woman march post here where the leading Muslim members were anti Israel. The feminists wanted minority women to be leaders. Some of them had some weird baggage. But even now there is no clear proof if they were racist or not. It's just a thing you mostly should avoid unless you know how to make your point clear. Don't be afraid to say things like "I like Jews... but...". Honestly, it's stupid but sometimes it makes your point more clear.

Oh definitely, you can criticise israel however much you want, as long as you're being fair and aren't getting led around by a bunch of antisemites pretending to be liberals because it's cool, parotting their rhetoric without making sure to read into it, and as long as you can admit that many people who share your views on israel are actually antisemites. Otherwise don't be surprised at getting called out for it or ignored.

You know why it shows? Because we are superior. We have figured out how to let Jews, Muslims and Christians live side-by-side without having one group shell on another.

He must have forgotten what happened after Reconquista.

Man this guy is insufferable.

I'm not racist because I wish I had been born white.