It’s time these femoid marxcels learned that socialist men are NOT their personal property 😡😡

1  2018-12-20 by Abu_Ivanka_alAmriki


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


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It's over for socelists.


you gotta have a whole lot of privilege to be able to shelve political opinions for the sake of a relationship

"Most retarded woke twitter argument" is a hotly contested title, but the whole "having friends/SOs with different political views is a sign of privilege" argument is definitely a nominee. How is it not the other way around? Like, I don't have so many friends that I can just tell them to fuck off because they watch JonTron or commit some other crime against wokeness. Only some rich white girl getting her English degree has the time, energy and social affluence to vet their friends for (((problematic))) views.

Also rich black girls getting their humanities degrees and rich white hipsters who don't really count as men getting their humanities degrees

Hahaha look at all those pathetic people having friends, shouldn't even be called men.

Struck a nerve

Nah, I am a rich brown guy who loves pop culture studying a Social science. You're close enough though.

rich brown guy

What’s it like being part of an actual oppressive upper class?

Sorry to hear about your mayomind infection.

If it's anything other than psychology then your a melt.

Could be econ lol

Econ isn't social really is it? I always thought of it as part of the business degrees.

It is, business degrees use econ but are not econ entirely.

So it isn't really a social science then is it? You never see econ in social part of a uni at least in the few i have seen.

Uhh, it is. Economics is a social science. Business is just a mix of applied economics and other sciences. Doesn't matter if your Uni doesn't consider Econ as part of social science, doesn't tchange the fact that it is.

Fair enough your right I don't care enough to get into autistic argument. When the average person thinks of social science they think of psychology, gender studies, sociology, etc.

Nigga you could have saved us all time if you just googled it instead of asking around in reddit replies.

So your parents are rich and you're taking a deuce on the family fortune

Woke af tbh

studying a Social science

So what makes you think you're qualified to make an /r/drama post, let alone an actual value judgement?

Honored to meet you Mr. Obama!

a rich brown guy who loves pop culture

So a mayo wannabe. Are you a curry?

Nah, I am a rich brown guy who loves pop culture studying a Social science garbage. You're close enough though.

Shut the fuck up, white boy.

What in the name of Jesus makes you think anyone getting a humanities degree is rich. I WISH we were rich.

You fucked up. You’re supposed to be rich before you get the worthless degree.


None of them have anything on rich white girls studying PR and HR. Those are some ice cold bitches.

I've always seen it as the other way around. Most people are too busy trying to pay bills and better themselves and their families to be bothered with navel gazing about how mean words are exactly the same as physical violence.

Precisely. As Nietzsche said*, philosophy and other exalted thoughts can only be found among the privileged, aristocratic class. Poorfags simply cannot compete.

*according to scattered posts about him I only half-read on 4chan while rocking on my Max Stirner themed dildo

Nietzsche was just a jealous wehraboo who was upset that the British where culturally superior.

literally scientology

Wasn't there a post like yesterday here about some left-wing guy reeeeeeing about some leftie chicks dating rightoids?

Some things are universal, it seems.

There was also a study about how women aren't attracted to male feminists lmao

"Dating a male feminist was the worst mistake of my life" was the quote lmaooooo.

Finding out you're dating a rapist is no laughing matter.

That’s just because women don’t like being raped

collectivize the means of cummies production

you gotta have a pretty easy life if this ^ is your #1 life annoyance

commies communising cummies...just another day.

Female privilege is being able to date based on ideology because you have a huge dating pool and can have a 150-item checklist 😹😹😹

you are willing to go without sex to be a perfectionist

The type of girl that can get anyone ever doesn't date based on ideology

So it's just an excuse for femcels to not get some fukk?? That makes sense actually

This but unironically

Aren't there like 20 socialist guys for every socialist girl?

No worries, they've got the solution lined up:

Weeks before I went to Tableaux, I had coffee in Manhattan with Leon Feingold, an exceptionally tall, friendly polyamorist, eager to talk about his high IQ and his sexual philosophies. Feingold, who wore a red Hawaiian shirt and two necklaces, one featuring a Chinese star with flamed tips (designed at Burning Man in commemoration of his late wife) and the other pukka shells, said that polyamorists emphasize the importance of emotional openness and strong communication.

That's a lot of effort but I do believe he checks all the boxes.

why depend on just one person for all your needs?

More betas = more betabux, makes sense to me

Nigga sounds like a millenial Patrick Bateman.

this guy is a fuckin genius. you can tell because he works real estate and fucks multiple people


Yikes. He looks like a greasy, Filene's Basement version of Michael Fassbender. And the "late wife" bit doesn't make you a little bit suspicious? How much do you want to bet she died in a "mysterious boating accident"?

How much do you want to bet she died in a "mysterious boating accident"?

Stop, I can only get so erect.

what's wrong with his mouth?

He is actually fairly attractive, but there's something off about his lips, they look infected or something. In fact, it kinda looks like oral herpes... That's going to be a yikes from me dawg.

helped to establish a sex-positive, three-story, 15-bedroom apartment building in the Bushwick neighborhood of Brooklyn

How the hell can a building be sex-positive? Are there, like, dildos coming out of the walls or something? Glory holes in the bathroom doors?

I had a much more final solution in mind.

Yes. Why do you think they're so thirsty for hogs?

The ratio or cis men to cis women to MtF trannies is something like 10:1:100.

Are you familiar with male feminists? Now consider how much more rapey it gets when the gussy is considered communal property.

Braincells rhetoric crossed with Twitter Marxism is the crossover no one needed or asked for.

socialist girls are everyone's property

You're not wrong.

This is why we need Stirner. So all girls can finally become my property, as we all know I deserve.

i must have really touched a nerve for you to go back and forth with me about it... i’m not gonna keep engaging with you, but yes, it’s annoying, because yes, straight men are shallow and sexist even when they’re socialists

It took a few tweets to find out she's a solid 3.

On a good day.

Women can be awesome on their own, men need a socialist ideology and then some to even be decent humans. These comments are a good example of this.

I wonder if male socialists are like male feminists tho. I have the right opinion so you have to lemme smash

I imagine male socialists are like male feminists, “I have the right opinion so you must lemme smash”

From each according to her ability; to each according to his need.

she jelly

Checklist for dating 1. Doesn't call the cops 2. Hates the rich 3. Believes we should take care of people 4. Knows climate change is a big deal If she meets all of these, probably a socialist, if not adjacent. Oh and 5. Likes Gritty

Why do serial killers always take out normal mayo women jogging and old couples instead of people like this? Seems way easier to get away with that stabby spree.

Normal mayo women jogging:

  1. Are attractive
  2. Are a challenge because they're somewhat in shape
  3. Leave their house

You think serial killers want to have to go through the effort of pretending to be friends with these psychos so they can get in their house

It isn't contradictory to share values and simultaneously challenge them, because every socialist in 2018 believes in an extra-special flavor of socialism that is so incompatible with other forms that they're planning on killing each other as soon as they take over.

Hate fucking makes the socialism hotter.

in 2018

Nigga Monty Python made fun of that exact phenomenon in the Life of Brian. What do you think all those Jewish Liberation groups were ripping into?

Jewish Liberation

Don't bring up the names of those splitters at any People's Front of Judea meetings.

I love the idea that socialist women only date socialist men. I plow marxist QTs on the reg and I always let them know I'm a raging neo-liberal beforehand (cus informed consent is sexy)

I hope you get at least some of them pregnant....mixed-politics babies are the cutest

Like god’s photoshop


Checklist for dating 1. Doesn't call the cops 2. Hates the rich 3. Believes we should take care of people 4. Knows climate change is a big deal If she meets all of these, probably a socialist, if not adjacent. Oh and 5. Likes Gritty


  1. has big tits.
  2. has big hooters.
  3. big bazzungas, yah!
  4. doesn’t have a penis. if she meets all of these, probably smash. Oh, and 5. Big boobs.

1-3 are good and imma give you the benefit of the doubt on #4 that including “doesn’t” was just a typo

i actually don’t get why everyone is so mad!!!! our politics reflect who we are!!!!!


Methinks someone's crush has gone off with someone less politically high maintenance

I just take anything I can get to be honest.

She looks exactly her tweet

It’s fucking over for someone I just can’t figure out who

All the exclamation marks make me feel personally attacked

because socialist men are more concerned with dating someone pretty and chill than someone who shares their values and challenges them?

She seriously typed that without a hint of irony. Ol girl a straight up legbeard/nicegirl.

Femcel apparently

This fucking sub is a mindblow all the damn time. Honestly one of the hardest subs to be a subscriber to. Every time I visit it I learn about some new weird-ass culture and learn that some people are more batshit crazy than I could have imagined.

You guys were supposed to just make me laugh at people!

I urge you to get lost on rose or commie twitter, you can spend days learning about new subsets of hilarious political and sexual stances and identities these people use to describe themselves lol.

Am I dead? That sounds like hell.

everyone since 2012

Once you start down the rabbit hole you need more extreme retardation to even be able to laugh. Welcome to the r/drama addiction

/r/drama is a sub for contemplation of the human condition.

And also to say "dude, bussy, lmao".

because socialist men are more concerned with dating someone pretty and chill than someone who shares their values and challenges them?

What kind of dumbass would choose the 2nd option over the first

Dating within DSA seems like a bad idea. I wouldn't want a relationship to end and for either of us to be anxious or feel weird about continuing the work and see one another and stop coming. I dont want to do a thing that makes women feel uncomfortable in a predominant male space

Perhaps women would feel more comfortable if you walled yourself into your basement.

dating within the dsa seems like a bad idea

I agree but so is being in it

this is like haase queens bitching when some celebrity kaaang gets MILKED

i mean shes not wrong, it absolutely is on my bucket list to fuck some fashy anorexic bitch thats into bloodplay. if that isnt woke then let me sleep