Israel develops high-tech interplanetary holocaust remembrance spacecraft to make sure the whole galaxy never forgets.

1  2018-12-20 by Oh_hamburgers_


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It's been nearly 80 years, when will these guys stop bitching?

Holocaust made their country. Just like America and Washington, these guys will never stop celebrating the holocaust.

cant milk a cow for 80 years etc etc

Got to have a headstart on guilt tripping the aliens

Did they include dancing Israelis?

The oy veys have ascended to space.

This post title is literally what happened in an episode of Star Trek Voyager.

-Voyager is fucking lost, again.

-Comes across a space beacon that mind rapes anyone who comes near it.

-It forces them to LARP the Alien's Holocaust.

-Crewmen almost die because the forced LARP makes you believe you were apart of the war.

-Janeway goes OHI VEY and repairs the mind raping space beacon because everyone needs to know what happened and leaves a nice note that says " NEVER FORGET THE 82 NAKENS, OH AND ALSO BEWARE OF MIND RAPING MEMORIAL BEACON."

I didn't realise that "make Mel Brooks skits a reality" was part of the government agenda. But here we are, with (robo)Jews in space.