Borat might have just uncovered an elite pedo ring

1  2018-12-20 by GandalftheChromatic


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Sacha Baron Qohen

According to Baron Cohen, the FBI decided against pursuing the tip.

the same FBI giving Daddy a hard time and bending over to accommodate Mommy?

le gasp


Wait a minute, you're not Ed.


yeah, i am

They really should have at least attempted to expose it themselves or gather evidence beyond “a man said he knew someone.” At least get the name of the contact. All that concierge had to do was say to the FBI he was playing along with the act.

Imagine the most believable conspiracy theory of our time being widespread pedophilia among the elites of our society.

I’m usually a skeptic, but reading about the Dutroux Affair or the Franklin pedophile ring is the most sobering, depressing shit ever. There’s definitely something going on there.

That shit in England too

I believe it. People who are sociopaths tend to want high authority. Sociopaths are also pedophiles in high numbers. When you’re powerful enough to not be stopped you do whatever

Sociopath the new scapegoat minority when? We already have methods to diagnose

For the retarded ones that get caught murdering people.

i think a lot of it is for blackmail material. you aren't allowed in some places unless your peers know you can be controlled, and that you can't hurt them without hurting yourself

Sociopaths are also pedophiles in high numbers.

You have stats on that?

Silsby happened right in front of our faces and still nobody believes anything nefarious was going on.

It's kinda fucked, there's a very real and very serious pedo problem in politics and Hollywood for decades, but a bunch of spergs playing connect the dots on some magical Satanic pizza pedo scheme is going to make any discussion laughed about rather than taken legit.

Pizzagate is probably all still true too, and it'll just never be taken seriously. Tony Podesta and his brother really do own some creppy art.

That particular pizza joint had an article written about it where the owner talks about storing ingredients in the basement that he would later go on to deny the existence of several years later.

I didn't know this. To me, it has nothing to do with the actual pizza show, and everything to do with the abusive imagery in the Instagram. One of the photo's is of a girl duct tapped to a table, and the comments are joking about it like it's common.

Yeah, whether the whole thing's true or not, the people involved are at least creepy shady people.

Like our sauce — we harvest a whole crop of organic tomatoes — 10 tons of tomatoes every year. Can them all, store them in the basement, have like a harvest party when it gets loaded in.

She’s smiling in that photo. It was clearly a joke.

Yes because kids "know" what's actually happening to them.

As opposed to random strangers on the internet who decide that the kids are actually being molested?

She was taped with masking tape which even a two year-old could easily break out of. The caption was about a “new restraint method” or something and it seems like an innocent joke about toddlers being hyperactive and getting into everything they’re not supposed to, but that’s just my opinion.

god I wish I knew pizzashills account now so I could ping him and have him REEEEE at you

Pizzagate is probably all still true too

wtf am i reading. Did I stumble into The_donald?

You're an idiot.

No you're just wrong, "Pizzagate" was very much real, and while the substance of the claims were never verified, the movement still very much happened. You're basically trying to say "JFK never died", when he very much did die, it's just disputed who killed him.

Pedophilia, and child trafficking, are very REAL issues, and you saying "Pizzagate isn't real" is just covering for more pedos. Don't you get that??

Pedophilia, and child trafficking, are very REAL issues, and you saying "Pizzagate isn't real" is just covering for more pedos. Don't you get that??

No. "Pizzagate" refers to a very specific conspiracy theory (which you alluded to when you referred Podesta), not Pedophilia in general. "Pizzagate" is a specific conspiracy theory about a child prostitution ring that serves DC's elite, run out of a specific pizza restaurant. You clearly know this since you even referenced Podesta, who plays a prominent role in the idiotic conspiracy theory.

Pizzagate is not real.

Imagine no one believing you or doing anything about it because.... pizzagate happened.

JEWS expose people who RAPE KIDS

Jews were the hero. We just couldn't see it.

Redemption timeline

Jews are the radical centrists they both rape kids and expose child rapists

Then why did they get kicked out of 109 countries? Those countries were raping kids

Because medieval people were rational actors who also made laws against witchcraft in hundreds of countries. People are worried about climate change or whatever, but they never address the true evil lying in wait to subvert our society: witches.

Yiddish redemption plot?


Why the fuck is /pol/ right almost all the time, ffs.

Truly the saddest words

All conspiracies have a grain of truth in them, but fly off the rails at some point.

For example the gay frogs thing is absolutely real and there are plenty of chemicals in the environment that act like hormone analogues. BPA in plastics isn't a conspiracy, but people like Alex Jones take it too far with speculations about the government and shit so people dismiss the whole thing

All conspiracies have a grain of truth in them, but fly off the rails at some point.

You clearly aren't familiar with a lot of conspiracies if you think that's true.

I think there's a big difference between "the earth is flat" and the "government experiments on people".

I'm referring to the second type of conspiracy which isn't completely retarded

"All conspiracies" means all conspiracies. You should be more measured in your speech if you don't want to be misconstrued.

Except Alex Jones wasn't using all that to explain the frogs being gay. The whole context of that thing was ranting about some shit about ISIS building a "gay bomb".

Not isis, but the US government which actually was discussed seriously

That article says that some think tank suits floated the idea as a lark in 94 and quickly dropped it because it turns out pheromones and aphrodisiacs are a load of bullshit. There's probably a shitload of bullshit ideas that get floated around those areas, doesn't mean they're actually pragmatically feasible, let alone being able to be realistically implemented.

wtf i love pizza gate now

Nah, still retarded.

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 79%. (I'm a bot)

There was one scene the Showtime series captured on camera that was too dark and extreme, even for Baron Cohen.

Rather than airing the segment, Baron Cohen and his production team turned the footage over to the FBI, "Because we thought, perhaps there's a pedophile ring in Las Vegas that's operating for these very wealthy men. And this concierge had said that he'd worked for politicians and various billionaires."

While Baron Cohen judged the interview too "Dark" and "Extreme" to be included in the show, it's a revealing look at how the powerful can get away with decades-long sexual abuse, including pedophile sexual abuse, such as in the massive cover-up of the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein, orchestrated by President Trump's Labor Secretary, Alexander Acosta.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Baron#1 Cohen#2 concierge#3 boy#4 interview#5

How the actual fuck is the FBI not gonna pursue this shit?

Maybe it's undergoing and they can't mention it. Or they don't care, or they are part of it. Another conspiracy is they use pedophilia as blackmail.

Or the guy was messing with Borat because he knew he was messing with him.

Yawn, another brigade from Drama? They must be tired of disrespecting the trans community or creeping on underage children if they're willing to shit on a wholesome subreddit that actually does something to help others.


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