Hi again

1  2018-12-21 by SaIvadora

Sorry for being naughty enough to win a two week holiday.


Literally who?

I was famous here until they banned me.


It's the gay Indian incel who will die alone because he refuses to try and meet people.

What the fuck?

I will meet anyone, but no one is fucking willing to meet me.

Go to Craigslist like I told you

Meeting people isn't the same thing as meaningless worthless hookups like I already told you faggot.

How would you know? You have literally no experience at all. Do you know what insanity is? Doing the exact same thing and expecting things to change.

Fucking retard faggot mods just tried perma banning me for ban evasion when my temp ban had already ended, wow how the fuck did they forget me so soon?

They even previously stickied my bussy, I can't believe this!

I am a celebrity here.

Literally who?

I'd rather read endless lawlz stickies than one of your posts a week

Did you finish decorating your place?