heart disease is a social construct you fucking idiot

1  2018-12-21 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Empathy is not letting someone balloon to 400 lbs and die 25 years early with a greatly diminished quality of life the entire time

Also lol @ circlewoker chastising someone for using medical research as evidence

medical research is only valid when it agrees with trannies

So it’s never valid?

I’d say pretty much.

It doesn't agree with the transgender phenomenon though, there's no proper way to measure the whole "born in the wrong body" claim. It's so difficult to experiment on and support that claim.

Does it ever?

I mean, they're pretty clearly saying that empathy is recognizing that hateful mockery does nothing to prevent, and probably contributes to someone ballooning to 400 pounds and dying 25 years early, and has less to do with anyone's desire to help than it does with their desire to get off on the thrill of being an asshole.

Now hurry up and post "found the fatty" like a mouth breather so you don't have to do any painful thinking.

found the fatty

hateful mockery

I dunno the thread linked is super supportive

found the fatty

Reddit lefties are all skinny fat skeletons, it's the rightoids that are 500 lbs

I dunno the thread linked is super supportive

Yeah this is actually what I get for not clicking through to the originating thread and just assuming CB2's reactions were a rational response to whatever it was they were responding to.

What the fuck you posted something that I agree with

shame doesn't help people lose weight

apparently social pressure can't incline people to behave in certain ways. really makes you think 🤔

Why are you pretending you want to help people lose weight? Why not just admit that what you actually want is to be a hateful dick to fat people, regardless of whether it helps anyone or not, because it makes you feel good to be an asshole?

Found the fatty

I'll never get this interest in being wholly outraged at all times. Is it just a victim complex?

Aahaha good lord people on /cb2/ literally do not have an ounce of self-awareness.

How about we just get rid of all men with over 20% bodyfat and all women with over 25% bodyfat. This would solve the fatty menace

Why did you delete yamete?

tranny bullying

I always wondered why we bothered spending so much time finding a cure to HIV/AIDS when we could just kill everybody who has it and be done with it.

Its over for fat-cels

there is absolutely nothing unhealthy about having a different body type

It doesn't get much more radical than that.

Looks like you found the fatty

How dare you assume my Big Mac and Extra Large Fries?

Shame doesn't help encourage people to lose weight.

What a shit-ass blanket statement.

I mean there's a difference between "Holy shit you whale-fuck lose weight or kill yourself" and "Yeah I don't think being seriously overweight is okay. You should do everything in your power to not be that way"

Determinist niggas be like: there's no free will and God has destined you to be fat and you can't change that

Tis true you fat fuck

Imagine being so consistently fat that you create an identity around it and refuse to believe that its harmful for your health.

just lose weight 4head

This but unironically

Everyone is unhealthy because our society is unhealthy. You just want to hate on someone because it makes you feel better about yourself.

Yes. What’s your point.

downward social comparison is a hell of a drug and you know what? it feels great.

There’s a person in that thread saying shaming fat people doesn’t encourage them to lose weight.

When did it become other people’s responsibility to make sure you, as a fat fuck, feel encouraged. You’re will to be a productive member of society is not my fucking responsibility. I’m gonna say the truth - being morbidly obese is unhealthy, it is unattractive, and it makes you seem like a lazy fuck - and it is not my responsibility to make sure you feel encouraged.

“But if you really want them to change, you need to be encouraging.”

Fuck you, I don’t care what you do with your life. But I sure as hell can have an opinion and state the facts about it.

To all you fat fucks out there - get a support group. Find people that do want you to succeed. Don’t expect, demand, or even request it from the general public. YOU feeling encouraged is YOUR responsibility.

Personal responsibility is capitalism's greatest trick

Sure but if people call you out on being a dick you can't really be like "well this should help them".

And if chasing people around the internet in order to put your little mean comments where they will see them is a big part of how you entertain yourself, you should be focusing on introspection before you trust yourself to hand out any advice to others.

I don't care what you do so I'm going to angrily rant about you for several paragraphs

-person who definitely doesn't care

That’s a fun way to avoid addressing the point. Keep up the great work.

I love how the_marx shows up right below the X-post bot to shill his own stupid sub lmao

I love how the users here downvoted my comment.

Sir you need to leave.

What's your problem with this sub?

my guess? he's a communist, so he hates the democratic nature of /r/drama and would rather have his own sub where he can be as authoritarian as he wants and ban anyone he doesn't like

Most subs already do that though. I use to use Reddit like a normie until I started getting banned from random subs left and right for not even violating any sub rules or my comments were being removed instantly so I said fuck It, I'll just use drama and poke fun at the insanity on reddit.

I know you are but what am I?

Don't be too upset when r/drama wins an internet fight. You're facing off against one of the most degenerate, twisted subs to ever have graced reddit. I don't know if it's the lack of Vitamin D from their basement dwelling lives or brain damage from constantly obsessing over "Bussy" but those cretins will literally work themselves into a masturbatory froth clicking that downvote button on anything even slightly kind

“I have no idea what it’s like to be dirt poor"
inability to afford healthy food

This excuse is amazing. How retarded do you have to be to think this. Like stuffing yourself full of fast food and sugar is cheaper than fucking rice, pasta, vegetables, chicken, water/mineral water.

Reasonably healthy food (i.e. food that won't lead into obesity) is cheaper than food that makes you obese.

Don't forget the delivery costs of pizza. We all know chubs want to get their food handed to them with minimal effort. I am a fucking mathemetician, I know what I am talking about!

Skinny people can be just as unhealthy by smoking two packs a day and going on benders every weekend.

lol, i know this word gets thrown around alot, but this some real cope shit

I liked it when the guy raised by a poor single mother was called privileged. These tards throw sociology terms to try to make themselves sound smart but they have no fucking clue.

90% of people in that original thread say that they are proud of people who workout to try and list weight, WTF is CB2's problem?

I miss people saying shitlord