It's Over For Gincels

1  2018-12-21 by SignalEvent


Also, I have never said I hate white men, quite contrary, I like them as long asthey recognize and acknowledge their place in the world: that is, under the foot of a black man, same goes for all you cucks. The true evil in this world is /r/SubredditDrama, which is my only enemy. Hitler was an animal rights advocate, and I quite like animals too, so I have nothing against white people per ce, just don't think rapid babboons should be running on the streets among people, smh. Once the /r/SubredditDrama cancer is gone and social order is restored, we can live in harmony with the subhumans, they in their lard, and we in our cities.


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Post-surgery, there was no evidence of any remaining disease. Scans performed before surgery indicated no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body. Currently, no further treatment is planned.

Can’t sperg the Berg!

Kavanaugh Season 2 coming up. I liked the subplot they hinted during Season 1 related to Amy Barrett.

Plot twist: rather than give Trump a third Justice, the Democrats are just going to force the government to shut down for the next two years.

As if politicians are eager to show the citizens how unnecessary they are.

6 years*

Why would they shutdown the government under president Linda Sarsour?


There is nothing but a fount of liberal rage sustaining this woman.

This is her third brush with cancer so I’m pretty sure she has the magic genes 🧬 which make her impervious to such mortal diseases as cancer

Very crappy immunity if she got it three times

Jews are actually severely inbred.

How many foreskins does it take to keep that lady alive another day

37 and you know what that means. That she will outlive Trump, because there is a steady supply of foreskins in the US.

Are you implying that Trump will only be alive for another 36 days?

Kavanaugh Season 2 coming up. I liked the subplot they hinted during Season 1 related to Amy Barrett.

they probably just patch her up with them to hold her together

She's moved up to infant blood by now.

The libs are gonna have to crowdfund a mechanical exoskeleton containing RBG's mind before this presidency is over

Kavanaugh Season 2 coming up. I liked the subplot they hinted during Season 1 related to Amy Barrett.

Major surgery at that age is rarely good


why cant boomers just give up their jobs

also reddit:

it is a good thing ginsberg is still working at 400 years old, her posture is the shape of an S, and half her weight is tumors. #persist

Yeah because there's tons of millenials trying to get on the supreme meme court

it would be cool to have a millenial on supreme court who snapchats during hearings and vapes


You need a backslash in front of the hashtag to say #SelfCare instead of #SelfCare


I'm good with it the way it is.

put Barron on the court already

Didn't you hear? She does five pushups per day. Perfectly healthy

That's a pretty serious surgery to undergo, especially at 85. It doesn't say the type of lobectomy though. If she underwent VATS she could be back on the court in no time, if it was more intrusive she will be off her feet for at least a month with lingering pain for many more.

One way or another, she's a tough old bird I'll give her that.

Mmmmmm, cope

The law is pretty clear on this subject, I don't understand why they think that Trump would be able to overturn the law with an executive order. Valid asylum seekers are allowed to enter anywhere they need to, it is not illegal if they have a valid claim. His argument that this creates issues is irrelevant. Maybe change the law? This is not an emergency, the US isn't going to collapse from a few thousand Guatemalans. There is zero reason the regular system needs to be short circuited.

It's all theater anyhow, just the government finding shit to do and argue about, but rather this than most other shit the government finds the time to screw over

Good on you, you old crone. Live on, purely for spite's sake.

CNBC's editors must be on vacation today

CNBC's editors must be on vacation today

Implying that editors these days go beyond spellcheck.

Why does it matter she was second female? Only the first is noteworthy.

Justice thomas couldnt even make it into the Smithsonian's African-American history museum

i dont often cheer cancer

I'm pretty sure you do all the time

I hope she goes into a coma and doesn't wake up. Trump will try to replace her but there is no system in place to get rid of a justice so we'll have two years of amazing drama.

it goes to the supreme court but it ends up being 4-4 decision with Roberts voting againts Trump, Kavanaugh will go visit her to the hospital with a body pillow, but notorious RBG survives yet another of his assassination attempts

in the meantime there is some huge national constitutional crisis regarding Trump that needs to be resolved, but Roberts votes yet again againts Trump... it's getting so bad that the GOP senates are thinking about packing the supreme court, they pick a justice after RBG wakes up and retires, but things aren't over just yet because it turns out the justice they Trump nominated is a deep state loving libcuck who only pretended to be a con to get elected... democrats and republicans are now reversing their positions by 180 degrees, the GOP wants to abolish the supreme court but the dems want to preserve it, the GOP wants to pack the court further but dems want to unpack it further

Ohh phew I thought you were coming after my liquor with that title

LOL her fall helped them discover the cancer growths. God is on our side faggots. Just accept it.

sigh here I go again.

Guys, I'm shaking. I'm fucking shaking. I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with Ruth Bader Ginsburg. That perfect, curvy body. Those bountiful breasts. The child bearing hips of a literal goddess. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never mate with her, pass my genes through her, and have her birth a set of perfect offspring. I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to get Ruth Bader Ginsburg pregnant. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would the SCOTUS create something so perfect? To fucking tantalize us? Fucking laugh in our faces?! Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore. Fuck.

I am sure the Jewish pedophiles who run Amerikkka topped off this bitch with a fresh infusion of Gentile blood, so she’s good to go for another three to five years.

We need to install 9 Ocasio-Cortex clones on the scootus for maximum boomer REEEing

Destroy America to pwn the cons... ebin