What potential developments in the next 2 years would create the most entertaining drama?

1  2018-12-21 by Communist_101


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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The 2020 Republican primaries.

2020 Democratic primaries with 20 candidates should also be full of drama

Impeachment of Trump, if it happens, would definitely create truckloads of drama. Cope, rage, and memes as far as the eyes can see in political subreddits.

Potential conflicts between DDF fighters and the police as well.

Nah they're scared of cops. The ones who aren't don't live near cities

For maximum drama, we would first need Trump to be reelected then impeached.

I think we've found the winner.

It's almost as if shymalanadingdong wrote the script.

We should all pray for this glorious future

Re-elected by Nixon’s landslide

Sentient AI hentai games and weebs trying to get them recognized as people to get married

Russia’s occupation of Ukraine

I just brought this up in another thread. RBG goes into a coma, republicans want to impeach but the house is desperate to stop another trump justice so we have a stalemate for 2 years.

Ruth Vader Ginsburg retires/dies

The 2020 Election

Climate change and water drought related incidents