Aquarium apologizes for using lighthearted internet memes to describe their “thicc” sea otter. Stop 👏 appropriating👏 Black 👏 female 👏 bodies 👏

1  2018-12-21 by Sc0ttyDoesntKn0w


This only proves that I'm not MDEfugee, downie, autist, or any other labels you cucks try to put on me. I'm my own party, army and a movement. I'm an independent, thinking, rational person unlike you dumb sheep.


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Are they implying black women are fat?

Does "Insanely chunky and grostque obese diabetic monsters who only understand a good backhand" count as a description for fat?

No no that's thicc

Awww they abuse the poor otter with backhands??😢😤😤😤

Its the only way they will learn.


No that's just the average GC user


Does that even need to be implied?

Like, "golden corral" fat

I like how they break down why it's wrong -

The language expert explained a trifecta of problems with the wording Monterey Bay Aquarium used to describe Abby:

The word “thicc” is a slang term primarily used by African Americans.

“She chonk” becomes problematic when the word “is” is removed because such phrasing also is used in AAVE.

And “Oh lawd she comin” also likely originates from AAVE because “Oh lawd” is a commonly used expression for African Americans in some parts of the country.

“By themselves, I don’t think that any one of these things would have bothered so many people, but, taken together, this tweet is pretty cringe-worthy,” he said.

“While I highly doubt it was intentional in this meme-filled tweet, African American Vernacular English has been mocked throughout U.S. history for the amusement of white people. It’s the linguistic version of blackface.”

Ironically, I bet the otter itself was thinking Yessuh, hah! Yeah mmm-hmm gonna get me some crawfish, hah! Hell yeah, hah!

Now, it's not a loan word and there aint no loan about it. Because white people take everything.

I'm even more offended and annoyed by internet-meme-speak bullshit than I am by AAVE, but they both are horrible.

I'm even more offended and annoyed by internet-meme-speak bullshit than I am by AAVE, but they both are horrible.

dey bof be horrible

i feel like 95% of the people who talk like that are white /r/BlackPeopleTwitter users who think it makes them cool if they use the cool hip hop words they heard a rapper say once

The fuck why AAVE done offend thee boye?

Anonymous employee uses WORD.

WORD tangentially related to BLACK PEOPLE.

Anonymous employee is RACIST.


It's this fucking simple, idk why everyone spergs out all the time. Just pony up and write your apology letters or have them pre written and ready to go.





It's not what you think.


He wants to be blown by bisexual brachiosauruses

I just really fucking hate dinosaurs


Based and redpilled

Finally: someone here who says what we all feel

/u/cdace please help



If the dinosaurs weren't such faggots, they'd still be around today.

My only hope is that one day we completely run out of fossil fuels so we can be rid of this evil scourge once and for all.

Fossil fuel is ancient plankton and shit. Not dinos 🦖

Thank you for the information. But I still think we should burn through it just to be safe.

Destroying the ozone layer is a wonderful strategy to weaken humanity to bring forth the dinosaurs 🦖 once again! Brilliant idea



I will call this PAINFULLY THICC creature PHAT AS FUCK and you cannot stop me.

Quit apologizing you cock gobblers. The permanently offended aren't even your target audience.

I aint gots-ta learn shit bout da animals n shit

Isn't AAVE just a black appropriation of intelligable white people english? They need to quit appropriating white culture and go back to speaking in clicks and whistles.

It's like sampling in hiphop.

If you do it enough and claim its original white people will capitulate.

Isn’t English just a Germanic language appropriating Latin vocabulary?

MFW we were appropriating monkey screeches all along.

At least we're better than swamp Germans.

Reminder that Latin is just an appropriation of authentic backwards-alphabet Etruscan.

You mean the old southern american accent? Somehow that was not subject to endless scorn and treated as if it were "incorrect" and a non-language. Funny how that works.

Why are high status accents like GA and received pronunciation "correct" and "intelligible" and low status accents like AAVE "unintelligible"? Literally the exact same linguistic process formed all of them. The features that AAVE has developed, are things we can find in other languages, or things that have developed previously in the history of English. Because all languages are subject to Chomsky's universal syntax, they are just evolutions and variations.

Southerners are slow and stupid

Everyone knows this and their speech gives the away every time

stereotypical hillbilly accents are highly respected and never mocked

The only thing that get mocked the cousin is drunk ugly sister they gangbang at the hoedowns

Did you get lost on your way to r/serousposting?

Just because the guy was retarded with his clicking joke doesn't mean you have to retaliate with your own retardation.

Everybody things Southerners are retards though

we ain't tho yall

Lmao the brits have the same thing with some of their people it’s not about race you mayo black knight, it’s about class. And talking like a retard.

wait till the_marx sees this

Yes daddy please. I'm a huge fan.

If only there was a way to bring this thread to his attention....

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Is this the end of /r/drama?

No that happened when pinging was banned

this is so sad

Alexa play despacito

I finally made it. Later virgins

So it really is just "someone posted a thing in /r/drama".

I think the official term is 'ebonics'

How dare they oppress otters, otterphobia should not be tolerated.

When the director of the aquarium is identifies as somehow both a woman and agendered it’s really not surprising .

But she is an almighty stemlord


Surely an almighty stemlord is not subject to the horrors of the hated GENDER IDEOLOGY?!

dat 👃 tho

Everyday I pray God will smite us all

People have got to stop apologizing for this kind of shit or it's never going to end.

No. Apologize now.

The backlash from doing anything remotely bothersome to these people is so severe it makes apologizing seem like more and more of a bad idea. These fucks are literally making more unapologetic sociopaths

Whoa you mean capitulating to outraged toddlers makes them more likely to throw tantrums in the future?

honestly could not have said it better

Shoulda doubled down and started posting thicc anime babes tbqh

I fucking hate twitter

Be honest: what was the first thing you imagined when you saw OH LAWD SHE COMIN


Get in here and do your fucking job.

Fucking hell. Imagine thinking you can own language, seriously.

it's a sea ottress, shitlord

So they're ranting about how this word is "cultural appropriation" but not how they described an otter, an animal, as thicc, a word used pretty much only with sexual implications?

Sounds like they still have their priorities in order.