r/topminds accuse T_D of brigading for posting a screenshot... by directly linking to the T_D thread.

1  2018-12-21 by Baconlightning


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this but unironically

I'm not trying to defend T_D (cause they are fucking retarded), but how fucking lost is the irony on these people?

Hey now, ya can't say no one informed OP that was a less than accurate description/accusation, because I surely did in that thread right after it went up.

posts in TMOR

You need to leave

But what if I'm trashy on the inside?

by directly linking to the T_D thread.

I only see a screenshot of the trees thread tho...

they used the crosspost feature

ohhh that didn't show up on mobile. I see it now.

TMOR accusing others of brigading lmao. Good lord liberals are always the victim, it's like a shitty cliche joke now.

Good lord liberals are always the victim

You are delusional if you dont think mayo fragility is the biggest victim complex in the world.

watch out youre gonna trigger the mayos. some chud is gonna link to this comment as proof of mayocide being real

oh nooo intellectual dramaposter outed me as a dirty mexican commie by clicking on my profile! chapos are truly btfo.

also nice hog.

TMOR, AHS, and CTH are the unholy trinity of brigade subs that complain about others brigading

stoners getting pissed non stoners are slapping back.

my surprise level is minimum

Top minds of TopMinds brigades but it's okay because other side.

Everyone should wear an "I AM THE VICTIM!" t-shirt and badge

Most CBD shit is a scam anyways. It's a weird marketing wives-tale mixed with weed ay lmao culture.

This is the MO of the T_D brigade. Feel out the subs, invade specific threads, exit until the next shit storm they want to propagandize. Look at local subs, look at NBA, look at NFL, and look at trees. It's pretty fucking clear what is happening and how they do it. It's their playbook.

How dare anybody remotely right pretend to like the same hobbies as a top redditor

Also Local subs? My state sub is shockingly liberal for a deeply red state

i've got a chrome extension that tells me when someone's not worthy of listening to

Masstagger saves lives

... these people...