"my gf cheated on me 😭😭😭 she got drunk and fucked another dude 😒😒😒" "well you see, women are children so she could't consent while drunk. so she was raped 😨😨😨"

1  2018-12-21 by ltedt


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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Lol that sex must have really sucked.

Bingo, he found a roastie on Tinder. What did he expect her to do? If she can't keep herself from getting drunk and hanging around a dude who is into her, then she wanted it. Facts

I met the love of my life on tinder. Not all bad


The meme gender. This is why bussy is superior. Nothing better than bros

Just jerk your bro off and dump a load in his bussy. Easy and no drama.

Standard demon behavior.

That guy was great

Whatever happened to that weirdo anyway?





Yeah according to Reddit I'm a multiple rapist and rape victim.

Yeah I’m a white Jewish male, so being a rape victim is pretty cool for my image. It was fun getting raped and now I went up a rung on the victim ladder.

Lol what? White Jewish males are the least oppressed, you people literally run the world. I'm a white male gentile, so I'm 1 less privilege than you.

That’s my entire point/joke, I’m finally oppressed.

Sorry boss, my mistake.πŸ˜“

Officer, im too drunk to have consented to totaling my car

Just another situation where Sharia would have prevented the entire situation smh

The Mike Pence Rule looks better every day.

She was just hanging out and rejecting his advances. Never thought to leave or stop drinking.

Also I'm confused about "call the Police or HR."

You mean she should have exercised some personal responsibility and removed herself from a bad situation?


Seriously, though, this guy's g/f is a ho-fo-sho and he needs to dump her ass.

I thought the Mike Pence rule was about avoiding the rape accusation boogeyman, not becoming a MGTOW to avoid heartbreak


As an economist I like to think in terms of incentives. What incentives are you setting for your gf if you just take her back after cheating? She'll just do it again obviously.

So really the only correct choice is to beat her with a belt into submission until she starts calling you master and follows every of your commands.

As an economist I like to think in terms of incentives. What incentives are you setting for your gf if you just take her back after cheating?

You literally couldn't sound more of a neckbeard here if you tried.

But it's okay I still love you baby

You literally couldn't sound more of a neckbeard here if you tried.

Redeemed as a chad with the belt-beating though.

Perfectly centred πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

Basically it's a prisoners dilemna situation where if you don't turn on your partner and they don't either (ie neither feel violated) then nothing happens. If you turn on your partner first, you get victim status and lots of sympathy and attention. If you don't turn on your partner, and they turn on you, you're totally boned.

He dated a whore, he needs to get over it and move on. He's only 22, plenty of puss left to crush ;)

He's probably a border line incel and it will be a long dry spell before he smashes anything except his hand.

Doubt it, 22 and had any success on tinder is far from incel

Young people are retardedly short sighted about their youth.

She also said how she doesn't remember consenting, but doesn't believe that equates to rape either. I'm partial to agree as it takes two to tango, but this has made things even harder.

It sounds like the girlfriend is looking at things the correct way. The guy was probably half prompting her to say it was rape after reading the comments, but she's willing to own up that she straight up just fucked the dude.

If it was rape she'd already be at the station it reads like two monkeys got drunk, fucked around until they started actually fucking and she realized she fucked up a paying relationship and confessed quickly imagine even thinking about dealing with this at 22

People constantly confuse incapacitation for blacked out. Not the same thing at all

wait, adults can consent while drunk?

Yo, I actually think he is really into cuckolding, since he stayed with his hoe of a gf and even sought therapy.

Typical cuck logic amirite?

Maybe she was raped.

But when she is getting raped every weekend and sometimes on during the week, then there's a problem.

The guy is so desperate for pussy and to be a saint that he convinced his cheating girlfriend that she was raped.

At least cucks own their fetish

One time a friend of mine fucked an ex of mine so I spent a couple days convincing an ex I hadn't spoken to in a year or so that she was raped because I was so mad about the situation. What does that make me?