Dragon with poor command of English defends himself after sustaining weeks of abuse from his fellow mythical creatures.

1  2018-12-21 by snallygaster


everyone forgets the reduce in reduce, reuse, recycle


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Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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using all caps to avoid getting attention, lmao

And you wonder why people think you have a mental problem when you contradict yourself in one sentence with a specieist statement?

wew lad a lot to unpack here...

>because your acting like humans.
Ah, yes. A typical Talbain post. Be sure to piss off as many beings as possible before you finish.


*flys off*

I didn't know the (((reptilian people))) also had wings.

I mean, it's not a big stretch that reptilians would have a few dragonkin in their midst.



Eeew scalie

In all seriousness I don't get how furries find dragons attractive. They're like goofy scaly horses.

Big dicks, breathe fire


An unfortunate side effect of being awesome or popular is having a fandom.

You know little of the reptilians then

Wow this was written 2 days after 9/11, a while ago. Hopefully they';re dead by now.

It's OVER for semicoloncels

"Talbain" looks awfully similar to "Taliban"...πŸ€”

I've lost all respect for Islamic terrorists

Actually dragons can live for more than 1000 years so there's no hope

What is it with Usenet and attracting all the eccentric weirdos?

*What is it with the internet and attracting all the eccentric weirdos?

What’s the HL stand for?

Snally how are you so good at finding this stuff? 😍

Here's a good way to do it in the case of Usenet:

  1. Learn that a usenet group exists and go there on http://groups.google.com (or alternatively type in a topic in http://groups.google.com and select the group with dots in the name)
  2. Type in an insult or something you think someone would say if they are in a fight
  3. Find a lengthy slapfight (there are a lot on usenet). A lot of the time if you browse the search results with phrases like "go fuck yourself", you can find metaposts that reference other drama or internal epithets, and then you can search those terms and get to the root of a drama explosion
  4. Find references to other usenet groups that you can mine for drama


Are you over or under the age of thirty? I feel like I was on the cusp of all this great drama but overlooked it because I thought the internet was a dumb fad pushed by elementary school librarians.

I remember when I wanted to grow up to be a dragon...at age 5.

Then you realized the superiority of the dinosaur πŸ¦–


You really need to find a boyfriend or a hobby.

Which of the following are and aren't hobbies?

  • Video Games
  • Drawing
  • Fandom
  • Animu/weebshit/otaku
  • Photography
  • Birdwatching
  • Gif-making
  • Fishing
  • Art-collecting
  • Reading
  • Taxidermy
  • Hunting
  • Online trolling
  • Tiki
  • Antiquing

And what differentiates the hobbies from the not-hobbies?

Are you seriously defending yourself to drama? Shame. Shame.

Hell yeah I am


Hobbies= reading, videogames, watching films. Even better reading high literature, playing auteur videogames and watching art films.

Not hobbies= reading obscure internet google groups.

You need to find a more feminine hobbie so a nice fella will wanna take you out to dinner. Doctors and lawyers making six figures aren't interested in obscure internet drama. They are gonna think you are a fujo. Make your mom proud and marry a neurosurgeon and leave all this internet drama mess behind Snallygaster.

Hobbies= reading, videogames, watching films. Even better reading high literature, playing auteur videogames and watching art films.

What makes a hobby?

You need to find a more feminine hobbie so a nice fella will wanna take you out to dinner. Doctors and lawyers making six figures aren't interested in obscure internet drama. They are gonna think you are a fujo. Make your mom proud and marry a neurosurgeon and leave all this internet drama mess behind Snallygaster.

This would have cut deep 8 years ago.

This would have cut deep 8 years ago

It still does, you just gotten better at ignoring up your own fears and insecurities as they start bubbling up. Avoiding your feelings is also not a hobby by the way, Its just a coping mechanism.


>Lawyers making over six figures aren't interested in obscure internet drama.


Half this subreddit is (((lawyers))), my guy.

  • Birdwatching

  • Antiquing

It's nice to see you're still so active at your age!

Cuckolding others is a good hobby to take up.

Does he use magic with or without a K at the end?

Now I feel bad for shit talking snarly

Fucking machiavellian tier drama


It really doesn't get old lmao

Disleixa no bulli

Have you tried not having a defective brain?


Too late

Yes I have done copying stuff in the past. so I could practice and have accidently and one time purposely did it just to get attention.


What is it with weird fandoms and art?

May Allah vanquish this degeneracy. westerners had their chance.

The posts I come here for.

I honestly can’t even read this.

How do you degenerates even find shit like this?

Too late