What is your go to sub for finding drama?

1  2018-12-22 by jewdanksdad

I know no one posts questions here, but I'm bored and I have a curiosity about this.


Mayocide drama


/r/UnpopularOpinion has been pretty reliable recently. They’re discussing Da Jooz even more than usual.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianIdentityWatch/ more crazy than regular aznid

I dont wait around like a God damned asshole for somebody else to bless me with drama.

I grab life by the truck nuts and make it myself. Why?Because I'm an American, that's fucking why.

CPT is pretty much just beating a dead horse at this point, you'd have a harder time finding a non-retarded post than a retarded one. Any brigade by them is fair game, though. Our waifus over at Gender Critical are prime targets, as well as hot takes in relationship_advice. Unpopular opinions and trueoffmychest are good though, it's almost all "DAE hate women and black people???" sometimes. If you're willing to wade into happa and aznidentity, there's some prime material in there. T_D sperging over something stupid that Daddy said is also great, same with Conservative's boomer tier memes. Finally, TMOR is always a gold mine.