It’s over for inspect-element-cels

1  2018-12-22 by uniqueguy263


You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


  1. This Post -,,

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Thank you snappy, very cool!

As a moderator of r/EnoughDramaSpam, I can verify this is the unaltered correspondence.

Prove it lol

Now that you're a poster here shouldn't you be banning yourself over there?

I've been a poster here much much longer than a moderator there. the_marx works in mysterious ways.


Ride or die my ninja 😘

Worst mod

Best you mean. 1. She barely mods at all and seemingly couldn't care less what happens here. 2. Look at what else she mods, those subs seem almost at odds with eachother, kind of like radical centrism personified

I gotchu fam!

Seeing snally recently defend Morocco I am fine with /r/drama being closed.

This place has gone through phases of being interesting, and lately the only interesting thing has been snally going through a sort of microcosm of my reaction to the internet over the past ten years. Watching her grow and develop a nuanced, genuinely interesting perspective has been really heartening.

Watching that culminate in "people are bad all over, white women should continue to backpack to Morocco" has led me to believe that the internet eventually devolves into exactly one argument: do you generalize. Are blacks a problem, are muslims a problem, it's always going to be exactly the same thing.

Seeing snally succumb to this tells me that the internet has no hope and no future

First of all literally who are you.

Second of all shut the fuck up.

Shut up mudslime.

Snarly gets to be a girl when he is born with a pee pee

And snarly mods SRD and thus is a degenerate tranny

Lol shut up fag

White women should definitely still backpack through Morocco! wtf is your problem you retard!?

Great pasta tbh

Imagine me being anything but rude and condescending in modmail πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

Best mod