LeBron James: NFL owners are ‘old white men’ with ‘slave mentality’ toward players and the 2nd whitest subreddit discusses this educated Basketball American's deep opinion

1  2018-12-22 by NapoleonBonerpart5


I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


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ayo this hand that be feedin me is white, ima bite it

What are the Lakers gonna do? Cut LeBron James?

Yeah dude LeBron James is really in trouble here

I didn't realize slaves got multi-million dollar contracts and could negotiate their own endorsements.

It's the worst kind. They're so close to living the perfect life but they're still being held down. Imagine their pain fam.

Do you complain about google and tech company censorship? If so, you shouldn't complain about Lebron.

The only hand feeding lebron james is his own.

lol, fuck off

"wealthy men are the true job creators! I must suck their dick because they are the gods of money!"

vote for Tump much?


I'm sorry you failed economics

The quality of these recent Chapo immigrants is actually making me wonder whether the Orange Man might have a point after all.

t. DDF

stop sucking wealthy white cock

t. man sucking wealthy black cock

Now you listen here boy. After you're done workin' in them free college fields I'm 'onna bring you in the house, clean ya up real good, then take ya to the slave market and get ya $100 millions dollars in endorsement deals! Then I'm 'onna put you out on another field and you 'onna play a game for me 16 times a year! That's right! Then I'm 'onna give you $35 million guaranteed money so you and you're family never have to work again after I'm done with you! All you gotta do is shut up and play!

I own you, boy!


'['/''['[['? ';' \;/.::

TIL I wanna be a slave.

Pay attention. He's saying that he's appreciative of NBA. He's taking issue with the way NFL owners treat football players.

nigga I didn't actually read what Lebron said.

U bum.

It's over for article-readingcels

Yeah, they treat them to millions of dollars.

Other way around. The players treat the owners to billions. The league doesn't exist without the players.

The players make millions, which is what the comment you just responded to was saying

It says "treat them to"...

Its not a gift, it's a reflection of the value they bring to the organization. Except football, unlike any other regular business, caps off the amount of money the employees are allowed to be paid.

Yeah, it's basically slavery, but the players get paid. That's the only difference.

No one is saying it's slavery. Surely you're smart enough to discern the difference between what LeBron's said and calling Ayers literal slaves

I did. I called it slavery. But the players get paid, unlike slaves. Except for that, it's exactly like slavery.

The league also doesn't exist without owners... That's a stupid fucking argument.

Then thevplthe players can start their own league

Or they can just strike and force the owners to make concessions. I'm sure you've heard of unions before.

If the owners and league offer no benefit why continue playing their little game in the league

NFL players get treated comparably to NBA players lol

No, they don't.

NFL players make way less money annually, have a far shorter career, and risk both physical injury and their mental health in a way that isn't comparable to NBA players. Also, NBA players have their entire contract guaranteed.

They make less money because teams have 5x as many players as in basketball. Yes, there are greater injury risks due to the nature of the sport, which is why athletes who can will go pro in something else. Not really sure how this is on the NFL. Contracts probably should be fully guaranteed, I’ll agree with that

NBA owners don't stop players from making their political opinion known. Which is what LeBron's issue is.

NBA owners don't stop players from making their political opinion known.

Neither does the NFL. Mate where have you been the last 2 years? The NFL has been tolerating players protesting during the fuckin national anthem ceremony lmao

This season they get fined for it. Not the last two though.

There have been, what, 3 or 4 NFL owners who’s openly stated they don’t support the players kneeling? Actually it might not even be that much. I’m pretty sure aside from Kaep every player that kneeled is still signed to a team lol. Nobody has gotten fired on the spot yet, despite what Trump or other right wing snowflakes have demanded

It's a shame that so few people know the risk of repeated head trauma and injuries of such a low-impact sport such as football.

Seeing as you're an expert in brain damage, you should probably tell them to stop making their own decisions!

Fucking employers thinking they have the right to tell their employees what to do. Fucking fascists.

Just because they pay him millions they think they can tell him what to do. Fucking racists

This, but unironically.

Here's the thin Bron doesn't quite realize. All but 4 NFL players are easily replaceable. They are just cannon fodder good for two years. In the NBA, the top half are damn near unicorns. The NBA players get respect because they are fucking impossible to replace, and one or two greats will turn your organization into gold.

Why are there hardly any Latino or Asian football or basketball players?

Kiko Alonso, Marcus Mariota, that dude on the Steelers. I'm sure there's more

Are Samoans really asians?

Polynesians ate the actual asians. Thats why they get so god damn large.



kiko alonso isn't asian

Why are there hardly any Latino or Asian football or basketball players?

wow im retarded and can't read. Anyway, Hines Ward is half asian.

That's a good one, Tua Tagovailoa is also Asian.

Patrick Chung can be added as well.

Hines (he's half-Asian!) Ward

They're majority manlets

There are loads of Asian basketball players, they just aren't any good except for Yao.

Yao was basically created by the Chinese government.

Just like global warming.

True, insofar as all people are created by their government or lack thereof. You wouldn't want to see Yao in the state of nature.

You wouldn't want to see Yao in the state of nature.

He'd be nasty, brutish and short.

He'd be nasty, brutish, and seven feet, though those feet would probably be broken because he's unnaturally large.

How dare you forget Linsanity.

Jeremy Lin has been solid

Taiwan is an American territory.

How dare you forget one of the best OL of all time and Modelo model Anthoy Munoz?

Tony Gonzalez too

Because he played for the Bengals?

(I'm from Cincinnati and would like to die.)

Said the guy who worked for Dan Gilbert. Twice.

Yeah, no fucking shit lol.

let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. the professional athletes have nothing to lose but their chains, and millions of dollars from playing a game. they have a world to win. professional athletes of the world, unite!

Unionized athletes crossed a picket line to enter the hotel they were staying at. Filthy scabs!

NFL and NBA are modern day minstrel shows? wow no way who could have guessed

Did he was this with his fake prescriptions on? Because if not he wasn’t in smart lebron persona that mayos lap up so much.

Ayy yo mang give just da repereations fo enslavin our asses whyte boi

I wonder what he thinks about the kids that make his shoes.

Asians can't be oppressed

this but ultra unironically

jews are white now?

If jew does bad thing he is always white.

Jews have always been white sweaty.

They always were, don't let twatter blue checks try to say otherwise.


Isn't Jewdism the religion, while Jewish is the race? Honestly don't know.

If they weren’t, it would raise uncomfortable questions about why the supposedly privileged group is horribly underrepresented in the media and banking industries.

I'm gonna say the N word...

>LeBron takes a shit >becomes top post on r/nba within 20 minutes

(((NFL owners)))

Dude who gets paid millions of dollars and only had to work for about half a year bitching about being told what to do, yeah im sure.

nice AM radio take

Rich guy complaining about another rich guy.

take a drink every time you come across a “y’all” in those comments and you’ll be dead before the second page

A lot of white teenagers acting black in that thread.

Aren't they appropriating Mayo redneck culture?

Nah they're trying to sound urban, not redneck.

funny, I just did a quick count and it seems of the 32 nfl teams, 14 are owned by (((old white men))), not "old white men".

it would be nice if lebron could grow a pair of balls and maybe say something worth saying.

Eh, that's still a minority of owners. But, yes they are overrepresented.

LeBron is one of the least slave like people in the whole world. He is a millionaire and is earning mad amounts of money every year. He can quit any time. He can sign for a new team. He can call his boss a slave owner without getting fired. Even his chef and butler are more slaves than he is.

must be so hard being a multimillionaire

Shut up and dribble

The NBA and the NFL have had strikingly different approaches to player activism. In the NBA, James and others have worn T-shirts during warm-ups in recognition of victims of police violence with no repercussions from the league.

By contrast, former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick set off years of controversy and debate when he knelt during the national anthem as a means to protest racial injustice.

Yeah wearing a tshirt during warmups is definitely comparable to holding a protest during a televised national anthem ceremony

This seems like one of those posts where everyone is wrong. LeBron for a silly analogy and everyone else for not reading the article.