When low-effort trolling reaps the big butthurt

1  2018-12-22 by better_bot


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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Jesus low effort high reward

"I know, I'll inbox spam him. It's not like he'll just ignore it and laugh at me!"

Or just disable reply notifications for that comment.

This high effort autism we need on the moderation team

Gamers deserve special mayocide attention.

Ive never seen better proof for the gamercide than those 2 insufferable nerds

lol. Some dipshit took the time to go through and downvote all of his posts.

Sorry man, waiting for halftime to end. Gotta keep busy or else I'll start thinking about things. That never ends well.

You should've upvoted him instead, obviously.

The Bot Wars have begun. Oh spare me murderous kill bots, I shall lead you to other, more plentiful humans to genocide.