AITA continues its FPH theme.

1  2018-12-23 by miraoister


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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YTA but not for that. For the clickbate title. You knew people would sympathize once you found out she lied and completely failed to mention purely for drama/karma.

The easiest way to lose weight is to get your cardio in doing something you enjoy. If you aren't into the cardio options you've given yourself you probably will do, at the most, the bare minimum. Running and stationary bikes bore the fuck out of me plus I'm in my 30s and my back is fucked so running for extended periods isnt good for it. Instead I play pickup basketball 3 days a wk and 2 days i play tennis with a friend. I'm not super good at either but I enjoy competition so I can get at least 2 hours of cardio in per day easily. At my house we have 3 horses, 2 Male and 1 female. If I jack off the males every other day we don't have to worry about them knocking up the female plus it makes them like me a lot. I never knew a horse could be that affectionate. In my late 20's I worked as a river guide during the summer, I paddled 20+ miles a day and lived on a diet of whiskey and American spirits, that was probably the most physically fit I've ever been.

The easiest way to lose weight is to watch what and how much you eat.

Cardio by jacking off horses is nice and all but it doesn't even burn that many calories.

The easiest way to lose weight is to watch what and how much you eat.

I worded that poorly, I meant thats the easiest way to maintain working out and routinely get a complete cardio work out. When I started I did stationary bikes and elypticals for cardio which to me is super boring, I'd usually clock 30 minutes then call it a day but since I've been playing basketball and wanking off horses I don't watch the clock

Cardio by jacking off horses is nice and all but it doesn't even burn that many calories.

Try jerking off a horse while it's running then tell me that

wait... jacking off horses for money is a thing?

Theres a black market for horse sperm, yes

but like I mean if I owned a horse, would I have to jerk it off to keep it calm all the time and it would be legal???

Yeah jacking off horses is the gritty under belly of animal husbandry. Everyone wants to eat the sausage but no one wants to know how it's made. There's a thin line in regard to legality. You should never get any enjoyment out of it, make sure you're all business but let the horse enjoy it as much as he can, it'll help him bond to you and he'll trust you more when you start riding him

...ok I think I've finally been outjerked, last time this happened was on a message board in 1978.

The calories you burn during a 30-minute jog at a 5 mph pace depends on your weight -- the more you weigh, the more calories you burn per minute. According to Harvard Medical School, a 155-pound individual burns roughly 298 calories, while a 185-pound person burns about 355 calories.

The easiest way is to just drink zero calorie sodas instead of those 1.5 liter Mountain Dews and eat a rice cake or some shit

It sounds gay but I actually cut soda out of my diet completely by switching to kambucha. I dont worry about carbs because I get enough exercise