islamphobia in unpopular opinions again πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

1  2018-12-23 by Inceltiers


This, but unironically.


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If it makes you feel any better if someone tried to use jesus as a reason to advocate for slavery i would insult them as well. Just seems pretty odd that you are using your religion as a moral reason to enslave other human beings, but no you are right i am the real garbage person here.

In a sense all Christians are slaves anyways so why would you care?

What? I care because slavery is pretty fucked up. My point about someone using jesus was to show that it wasn't because the person advocating for slavery was specifically Muslim. It is nonsensical to use any unsubstantiated myth to advocate for enslaving other human beings. You ever think that it may not be the word of an all powerful loving diety if it approves of the enslaving of other human beings, that doesn't seem incongruent to you at all?

Yeah but christianity is a slave religion created to keep people in check. "Work 6 days a wk and rest on the 7th", "life is pain and hardship but it's ok because when you die you'll go to heaven". Just like golf, DO YOU GOLF? Golfing is hella racist. White ball in a black hole...need I say more? At my house we have 3 horses, 2 males and one female. If I jack the males off every other day or so we don't have to worry about them getting the female pregnant. It also makes them like me better than anyone else on our farm. If you have a regular 9-5 you're already a slave. if you buy products from stores you support a slave economy. Realistically your existence is that of a slave, your chains are your materialism and your master is your fiscal responsibilities

Oh im sorry that's my mistake i thought that you were going to actually say something coherent.

Oh I'm sorry, did I go over your head?

No what seems to have happened is that you missed my head completely and ended up with your head firmly planted up your own ass.

What does that even mean? You say some stupid shit like this but have the nerve to accuse me if having my head up my ass. Nice try buddy!

Ya know i should have realized at the jerking off horses comment that you are just fucking around.

Yeah I got really excited to tell you about my horses then dropped the ball on the bait

You must have watched at LEAST 2 youtube videos about atheism. A true scholar

Atheist? I'm a hotep

Sorry brother, I thought you were atheist or even worst, hindu. Stay woke and keep calling out the caveman Neanderthal religions πŸ’―πŸ˜€

That's the racist black supremacist religion that pretends to be about Egypt with the added afrocentric "history" sprinkled in?

That's the racist black supremacist religion that pretends to be about Egypt with the added afrocentric "history" sprinkled in?

Especially since slavery, while not haram, is still not recommended. The prophet (pbuh) disliked the concept and encouraged freeing slaves.

Also incels would be the first to get the rope in a caliphate, so it's even more ironic

A Muslim supporting barbaric practices. This never happens. So rare.

Hot take. White people never supported or created the biggest slave trade network in history πŸ€”

B-but muh barbary slave trade

north africans needed mayo GFs too, white boy

If we're going by numbers, then we didn't. The largest slave trade network is currently going on in Northern and Central Africa.

I'd be surprised that the current Libyan slave trade is that huge... Especially 10m+ slaves huge. But if it truly is, it's actually messed up

It's not just Libya. It's an area larger than all of the US and most of Canada put together.

I thought the hub was Libya... Anyways, do you have some good s o u r c e s on the subject?

Libya is the newest player on the block. Fuck sources this is Drama. Just do a quick search on gem and mineral cartels in Africa. This shit has been going on since the Renaissance.

Oh don't worry, I wasn't asking you for sources to prove your claims. I was just wondering if you had good reading material in mind.

But wow, so it's the white man's fault at the end of the day. If Mayo's didn't need minerals it wouldn't be happening smh...

Fair enough. If your looking for non-white caused slavery, then you need look no further than Libya, The Lords Army, warlords in Somalia, DRC...

Frokosi (the church taking virgin girls as payment for religious sins) and other forms of sexual slavery are commonly practiced in Sudan and Liberia, Sierra Leone, northern Uganda, Congo, Niger, Mauritania Ghana, Togo, and Benin.

The Bantu practice the more traditional form of slavery against their DRC neighbors, and this alone is far larger than anything the De Beers family does.

In Togo and Benin you can buy a kid for between 20 and 70 USD. Most of this lies at the feet of Boko Haram.

Wow, I'm ashamed for my 1.6% west african DNA now.

No but seriously, that's fucked up. Especially since even plantation slaves were registered somewhere and there was always the chance that you'll be free either by your master or by new laws.

Imagine being a slave in a random African country, probably having no official trace of even existing, working in mines that would make plantations look like vacation camps. And basically have no chance of being ever freed since nobody even cares about it, either in africa or in the rest of the world.

Lowkey thankful I'm from NORTH africa lol

Hundred dollars isn't cheap in countries where the gdp/capita is 400.

To a warlord though? Or a gold mine owner?

A white person on a conservative sub larping as a muzzy to get attention. This never happens. So rare.


The absolute state of gullible hicks


Insert stale npc meme here


Islamophobia is intellectually untenable. I can refer you to relevant texts and articles that explain this if you want. For now let's try to not disparage an entire race of people, yes?

Religion isn't a race, you chapo retard.


It's ok, my little friend. You can accept that you're wrong and I'll still want to keep you as my fave drama pet.

What was I wrong about?

hush, only dreams now

Is it Islamophobic to say true things about Mohammed? I mean, the guy was a kiddy diddler.


Which one of you is this?

Nice bait OP, they look like they took it well

Muslims are as fragile as mayos

I think he's talking about the mayos sperging out about islam in the op. Not the opposite

Still true

can't disagree tbh

I will enslave you

Based and redpilled

THIS is the kind of stuff that should be upvoted in r/UnpopularOpinion, not nonsense like β€œMurder is wrong.” & β€œHitler would not have liked furries.”