All evidence points to me being an ugly retard.

1  2018-12-23 by ColonXplosion

I make a lot of money and am not fat. However nobody wants to date me on the online dating.

Looks like I will have to settle for a fatso. SAD!


Just lift you absolute retard.

...until yer colon xplodes...

too late :(

I only lift 30lb dumbbells each day, around the /r/drama gym I'm sure that qualifies me as a manlet.

I think being bald counters out any amount of lifting I do.

take steroids you pussy

I only lift 30lb dumbbells each day

What do you do with them

kiss them and pretend they're my gf tbh

wrist curls and bicep curls mostly





Do this with them

You should train for something other than the jacking off Olympics.

but that's the only sport I can compete in đŸ˜„

Come on man, why dedicate any time to the gym if you don't bother to get at least beginner knowledge and work your whole body with a beginner program. I hope you're trolling me.

because i go to a shitty gym without a cage, have a schedule that makes finding spotters hard, and my landlord would evict the fuck out af me if secured a real cage to the floor in my apt.

I lift at home alone with no spotters and only 1 foot catches to save me from death. There is a 60% chance I will die from the bench press in the next six months. Some people don't even have legs. What your excuse bro?

really makes me think đŸ€”

You heard him. Cut your legs off!

very based. wise! good post.

You can't live until you die. đŸ’ȘđŸ˜đŸ€™

Death by bench press is an underrated suicide method. Keep up the good work

Based and redpilled

does it make you feel better at all that i have thick hair, a great gym with cages, and get laid with ease all the time? hope you are at least happy for me. have a great xmas!

I'm literally vomiting with envy. Feels good, losing weight.

i sincerely hope you were trolling about the only doing 30lb curls too. thats honestly the most pathetic thing ive read on this sub. only doing that and not realizing the shallow depth in knowledge you have for lifting or the apathy for it only makes me feel contempt for you. you will stay single and die alone.

Well, it's good to know I can inspire any feeling in anyone at all. Progress!

Use dumbbell presses instead of a bar, squat racks have safety catchers for you already and you shouldn’t need a spotter for anything else

you're underestimating how shitty this place is. There is not even a rack, the bar is just on a sort of graded stand.

Bro how much are you paying to go to this tetanus factory?

lol, office building gym, so $0

you know you're right. this is ridiculous. I'll pony up the extra travel time to go to a real gym. I'm just naturally cheap, too much.

Good on you man, going to a nice gym makes it much more enjoyable as well

So you just have massive for arms? Probably mostly from excessive masterbation, you popeye looking fuck.

popeye would probably get more matches than me.

What about pushups?

Download the stronglifts app and start doing barbell training.

Ok trex man

Lol you're right. I only do the squats every other gym day now.

Yeah, maybe you should just kill yourself, after all you're bald.

Fucking retard. It's your own fault that you're unattractive. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

I think being bald counters out any amount of lifting I do.

Shave your head and own the baldness.

Get a gym membership and start a proper program which includes the big barbell lifts, deadlifts, squats, bench. And eat enough to make progress.

you're never going to get big by doing curls with 30 lbs dumbbells.

Also being ripped, bald, and ugly is at least better than just being bald and ugly.

v. good points

I only lift 30lb dumbbells each day

For curls that's pretty good tbh.

Until you remember that’s the only body part he works out lol

hey. hey. i also do treadmill đŸ˜«

You gotta go for the Mr. Clean look.

wearing an earring in one ear might send the wrong message

I'm sure that qualifies me as a manlet

I'm pretty sure manlet refers to being short, not weak.

See? I told you I'm a retard.

You misspelled “hire a hooker”

That's a short-term solution tbh.

The point is to build confidence until women no longer seem like this unassailable “other,” and your anxiety dissipates.

Mom, I told you to stop reading my reddit account

That’s it, I’m deducting fifty GBP from your account.

You're probably putting too much shit in your profile. Keep it short and don't list stuff off. Use your pictures to show what you're interested in, make a few jokes in your profile and leave the actual details for when you interact. Lastly, don't waste a lot of time texting back and forth. Get their # and try to set up a short date like grabbing a beer or coffee asap.

My tinder profile is literally

Hi I'm ________, I enjoy long lines of cocaine and short walks to the liquor store.

Hey ladies, I actually don't do cocaine like that, it's a joke...stop asking me for drugs

I get a match or 2 every day. I actually had to add the last part because every so often someone would ask me for drugs.

thx bud

Do you work out?

Also, what’re your mental illness levels like? A lot of people think they can hide their problems, but are actually really terrible at it. Same with being desperate about finding someone, which is basically mental illness tbh.

around 1-1.5 hour at the gym every day, so I'm in alright shape.

I don't think I have a mental illness, but that's just what someone with mental illness so bad they didn't even know they had it would say.

what are your stats though?

Or on a sliding scale from Brad Pitt in Fight Club to Matt Ogus (1 to 10)


Matt Ogus is ugly too, and short, look him up. A true inspiration to uggos everywhere. But he has a good physique admittedly

Why date women when you make good money; just hire a housekeeper and a whore.

gonna see if i can do both and get a bangmaid

I like your thinkin' đŸ€ 

Hot Escort for a month can make you comfortable and confident around women I bet in the future

Grindr has bangmaids.

Have you tried going to a bar like a normal person

But are you ugly?

i must be a dumb facelet. It's the only logical conclusion at this point.

I trust your self assessment. You’re screwed

i've got some bad news for you

wow, it's over for me? That means it must have begun at some point #blessed

that's not a blessing, that's a curse

Some people just can't earn enough and look good enough to make up for their shitty personality.

feels bad man

Make a tinder.

  1. How tall are you?

  2. What race/ethnicity are you?

5'11 (aka manlet)

half mayo half jew (they cancel each other out)

Decent stats, you should try gym-maxxing and meeting people IRL instead (if you're not autistic).


Why race/ ethnicity a factor?

It is what it is, some people are attracted to people from certain races/ethnicities more than others.

Fair enough as long as they're not being racist/cruel to a person of colour just because they are different

How old are you, where do you live and what apps are you using?

In all seriousness it’s probably just shitty pictures on your profile, most guys have no clue what to put.

In all levity though it’s probably because women can sniff out from a mile away that you are the type of guy to post on a forum unironically oriented around bussy.

that last sentence but unironically

Have you tried grindr?

What's shocking about this thread is that the comments are all supportive. I'm going to go with "everyone is trying to groom op for homosexual conversion".


Or maybe you're just an asshole?


Reddit cliché noticed: This

Phrase noticed: 908 times.