Chapos bravely defend The Lion Assad from the latest Jewish Trickery

1  2018-12-24 by liberal_running_dog


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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Wait, isn't Assad who all the far right mongoloids root for on that weird Syrian civil war sub?

Is this another horseshoe tip touch?

Damn it's almost like the commies have a history of being best mates with fascists

Press A to crush dissent in the name of The Nation

Press B to crush dissent in the name of The People



Name one instance of this happening besides Molotov-Ribbentrop.

Historically, fascists are the allies of liberal capitalists 9 times out of 10. Mussolini was on the MI6 payroll, Europe's moderates applauded the possibility of Nazi Germany as a capitalist bulwark, Pinochet's government was led by US libertarians, and today in Eastern Europe, western financiers have deputized literal Nazi brigades to protect their interests in Ukraine.

Crimea river, pinko.

You have to go back.


Hmmm I wonder who could be behind this post? 🤔🤔

Holy shit were not going to topple another country, giving with this shit

Found the other tip 😂😂😂

As a mod, why the hell haven’t you punished OP for .np yet?

Also fucking Chapocels shadowbanned me.


Well, last time was an actual ban ban. This time I had to log out to confirm that they’d done it the sneaky way.

Because I'm a dirty phone poster half the time so I don't notice unless someone points it out. OP has been processed accordingly. Thanks, citizen!

Typical jew!




r u elmer fudd?


Chapos wants US out of Syria

Donnie wants and is pulling troops out of Syria.

If the horseshoe fits, might as well wear it.


everyone hates israel its a real bringer together

Are they the true radical centrists?

Where have you been? Commies and the Aut-Right have been playing Just the Tip over the Lion of Damascus for like five years.

I thought your people paid attention to this stuff, smdh

It's everyone against the neocons and people easily duped by neocons dude

TIL the YPG are neocons.

And tools of neocons

Oh no, it’s retarded.

The YPG have mostly had a pretty favorable relationship with Assad, at least compared to every other faction in Syria

"What horse do retarded internet commies back in Syria?" Wasn't really a thought that crossed my mind tbh.

Forty years ago, “retarded internet commies” would have been joining Baader-Meinhof and attempting to shoot down El-Al jetliners.

“retarded internet commies”



Seems like a stretch tbh

Le brigate chape.

Far right mongloids

Lmao what?


Lefties like Assad because he's an opponent of US foreign policy and the last remaining member of a secular nationalist movement that once worked closely with the USSR in hopes of ending all Western imperialism

Righties just like Assad because he's anti Israel and has paler skin than most Arabs

Righties just like Assad because he's anti Israel and has paler skin than most Arabs

Not really. Its more that He, like his patron Russia, represent the idea of Nationalist sovereignty which the right champions as opposed to western globalism

Not even gunna ban OP?

User was banned for np

Can you not read?

Not showing up CSS might have fucked it

When Russian trolls push BLM or the border wall or any other such thing, it's to gain credibility with certain groups, so that they can go on to push the messages they really care about, such as Assad being the good guy, to those same groups.

It's nothing new. RT has given free coverage to western dissidents for a long time for this reason. It's not that they really care for Chomsky, Assange or Pilger (or the right wing dissidents they also promote), it's that they hope to gain a foothold with groups that for various reasons aren't really allowed to be heard in western media.

This but unironically

The are right tho

Which tip did you drip off of?

Hezbollah will match to the sea zioshill

i only like assad because he has ass in his name

also ban this np linker. i dont have time to report as i am very busy

Assadwave memes hitting hard.

So when do (((they))) try and pull another gas attack

NP link. Bad form, OP

saddam bad he kill ppl

iraq war bad it stop saddam

assad bad he kill people

us intervention bad western imperialism



Fuck this I got banned for doing that

So did op, don't worry

"the enemy of my enemy is my friend" is a proverb, but some people treat it as an unwritten law. I guess it's the whole, "wtf i love x now!"