Literal femcel is mad that men are not like her imaginary husbandos

1  2018-12-24 by JohannesClimaco



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Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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I thought this post was bait, but that post history is saying she's not just going for the long con.

whose cunt has no odor

🐱 💨 🤢

Noooo this is most definitely a real person. She thinks life for everyone is like Sex and the City because that's what her peers were like growing up and she stopped maturing at a certain point, so she has a very warped view of the world.

Yeah that post history is like looking at a deep black hole from which there is no escape....just kidding, you can just click out

Men show more interest in women with similar physical attractiveness, women do not. No matter how repulsive a woman is, she’ll still feel entitled to chad.

Lmao off at the "only 30% of the world will be male and they'll all be chads"

Just because they like science does not mean they are good at using scientific reasoning.

Man, sometimes these links just make me feel bad for people. I want to just say snarky things about what a bunch of losers they are, but I just look at how easy they're making it to do that and I lose interest. Then I start genuinely feeling sad for these people. That thread is just sad. I can't begin to wrap my head around what it must be like to make yourself that miserable all the time.

Who the fuck has time to read that giant wall of purple prose? Can I get a TL;Don'tCare?

She hates herself, feels there is no hope, etc.

She will never let a man touch her, but men are bad because they won't touch her.

Jesus Christ

I didn’t know femcels was a thing and now my world is a much darker place

You never read twox?

Femcels aren't a thing. I guarantee she would still get a thousand matches on tinder tonight regardless how she feels about herself.

Some people are just born defective.

She thinks she can't compete sexually but she doesn't realize she's would be the winner if she did.

The perfect bodied stacies who think are far above you, they are the ones giving out boring starfish sex.

Homely girls like this are the real gladiatiors of the sexual arena, because they have to be.

The term cope is being over used on here but this right here is textbook coping.