r/PoliticalHumor blames the Holocaust and WW2 on the US

1  2018-12-24 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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I swear i would be going ham in this thread if i wasent banned from poli humor


They are really in deep with denial. this was just the first thing i saw.

My favorite is the comment saying Vietnam was also cleaning up France's mess

≥Also,has anyone else noticed how gold stars are practically everywhere now? I feel like Reddit has been compromised. Sad.

Yeh, it's the (((gold stars))).

So many people have no knowledge of history agghahghaghafghadfg

That whole thread Jesus Christ

No wonder plbbit is so bad at history when the main history sub is r/askhistory

That post at least makes an attempt at humor but still comes off painfully like soccer mom facebook. "These people are saying this joke" is the worst possible way to set up a joke loool

Man. That joke is lamer than my penis after accidentally clicking and then browsing through the Rat King forum on KiwiFarms.

Can I get a SFW description of thowse two terms thx sweaty 🤗🤗🤗

Hes right but for the wrong reason lel

Wilsons shitty 14 points set the inevitable ww2 to happen in the bear future, many people predicted it. Poland was given way too much territory and Danzig was a great excuse for hitler to shittily cassus belli a ww2

Ur a tard lul

No u

T. Armchair 1900s to 1950s history-let

Imagine thinking that world war II wasn't caused because the basic question of French/German European dominance had yet to be solved by either the Franco-Prussian war or WWI, thus setting the stage for a third conflict.

Holy fuck you thought i was serious posting? Hahah i was trying a joke. Wasnt very good but i le tried

German reunification was ever a problem to the westphalian order determined after 1648. Much like how britains stopped napoleonic france from dominating the european continent, so did they again in ww1 to stop german domination

Ww2 was a continuation of that and the rise of two new world orders that challenged the existinf “liberal democracy” of usa/britain, and those were fascism and communism

Now holy fuck write me up longpostbot for a serious post

Fun slightly related book: https://archive.org/details/WilhelmRoepkeTheGermanQuestion/page/n3

Actually it's my fault for not reading the linked post. Decent joke nevermind

Is ok bb have good christmas 🤗🤗🤗

Henry Kissingers World Order book is a good start, but so is a lot of other books of that time period that you can find on archive.org

The only part of the 14 points that was adopted was the League of Nations which the US didn’t even join lmao

404 joke not found

Pinko revisionist history has become Reddit's mainstream version of WW2.

Weren’t these people always bitching that the US was fighting forgien wars?


"Actually, the USSR did more damage to the Nazis than just about anyone, so idk why the US celebrates winning."

Also Commies:

Forgets about the entire Pacific Theater

If there's one thing that the left is consistent about, it's not valuing the lives of Chinese people in ww2.

Well I mean when there’s so many of em they’re collectively worth less, simple supply and demand sweaty

If there's one thing that the left is consistent about, it's not valuing the lives of Chinese people in ww2


What a weirdly specific thing to blame on "the left". In what ways does being politically left leaning mean that you also ignore the Pacific conflict and the Chinese role in it?

Well who is it who screeches all the time about the atomic bomb and how we should have not used and prolonged the war and let another million Chinese die? 🤔

the nukes weren’t dropped to not shorten the war. do you really think they give a shit how long it went? they dropped the nukes as a show of force to Russia. we dropped 2 to imply there was a whole lot more and to show we will use them without care. that’s also why we didn’t warn Japan about them and use them as a bargaining chip.

do you really think they give a shit how long it went?

Literally the only consideration made at the strategic level by the US. I don't know what pinko revisionists you've got this idea from, but it's over for never-read-anything-written-during-ww2-cels.

no, it was literally showing russia that we had capable nukes and pretending we had more than 2. otherwise we wouldve warned japan first and not have dropped 2.

i suggest you read Mark Selden and Peter Kuznick's works. you single digit iq moron.

Willing to talk and correctly communicated that intent are different things.

Making ambiguous moves via the USSR is not the same as sending a response to the call for unconditional surrender.

just listen to the japs! They only want complete, unconditional surrender

Big oof

They were willing to talk about peaces that involved things like keeping their colonial holdings. The japanese leadership absolutely betrayed their people by holding some notion of collective honor to be superior to their lives. Any rational nation would have surrendered well before that point.

Without US intervention either Nazis or commies would have ran most of Europe. That makes it a coin for tankies.

The worst part is Commies who insist that it was the Soviet invasion, not the atomic bombs that made Japan surrender.

Even less plausible than the conspiracy that nukes never existed.

That was part of it though. Imperial Japan had been hoping to broker a peace deal through the Soviets that allowed them to hang on to a lot of their imperial territories. The Soviet invasion of Manchuria put an end to that hope.

Then of course Hiroshima and Nagasaki getting flattened put an end to their hope that fortifying the home islands would make an invasion so costly that the US would drop their unconditional surrender demands.

So pretty much both things were pretty important in the surrender of Imperial Japan and its not really a simple black and white thing.

Go kamikaze charge into a crater lib

Also America:

Totally forgets Australia does the majority of the land fighting in the New Guinea and Solomon Islands campaigns.

had to wait for the Chad Australian Divisions to arrive before success on land.

Also Commies:

Forgets about the entire Pacific Theater

I dunno dude, the Soviets seemed pretty proud of their work in that particular field. Operation August Storm was no freaking joke.

Jesus, I saw this shitshow last night but I didnt realize how badly it had devolved. The left can't meme isnt even a joke now, just straight up facts. Which is probably why lefties deny it so vehemently.

What boggles my mind is how the painfully unfunny or just propaganda posts get such high vote count. They are always on r/all all their other subreddits too ..

How does this have 40k upvotes and 11 comments!?

Bots man. It's a concerted effort to astroturf reddit so fools think shit like that is popular opinion. It's amazing watching a post get 80% upvoted yet every single comment is calling it out for being stupid or false. Reddit is in a sad state these last 2 years.

amazing watching a post get 80% upvoted yet every single comment is calling it out for being stupid or false.

This has happened with every popular post on reddit for as long as I can remember. People that vote on a post aren't the same people who take the time to comment. Nothing sinister about that, it's just how reddit works.

True, but let me point out it happens more regularly on politicaltumor. I have seen this happen on other non-political subs that get some stupid article upvoted out of nowhere too. I think we all forget there are plenty of lurkers who don't even check/read comments, just mindlessly upvote everything based on party lines.

The left can't meme

Meme being used as a verb is the 2018 version of people trying to pronounce acronyms like "lol" and "rofl" back in the 2000s.

I lol'd at this

Jesus, I saw this shitshow last night but I didnt realize how badly it had devolved. The left can't meme isnt even a joke now, just straight up facts. Which is probably why lefties deny it so vehemently.

I'm not a fan of most things lord orange man does but nothing we do over there ends well, ergo let's do nothing.

I can't imagine unironically posting in that sub

It's unreal how all of a sudden left-wing Reddit is all about war in the Middle East and interventionism because Trump is pulling out of Syria. I swear if he started campaigning for vaccinations half of them would become antivaxxers.

Pretty sure the main objection is that you shouldn't make military policy via tweet.

I really want to see Trump strongly support eating food, and make many smug comments about how liberal women can't possibly seduce male trump supporters.

Maybe he should start donating to body positivity "movements", suddenly the pink hairs would go on diets.

The US and Britain were responsible for the famine in the working camps due to the non stop bombing later in the war, not a single jew was gassed, Sovjet propaganda.

FDR gassed 6 million Jews, never forget.

Wait I don't get it, are those the same guys crying about the US killing "innocent women and children" abroad ?

Why are they mad about this ?

wtf i love imperialism now

Number one the holocaust never happened and for the most part the Jews actually caused ww2

holy fuck.

An entire sub of unironic boomer impact font memes

came in late to ww2

Imagine you're in a fistfight in the back of a bar. You and your opponent are at a standstill after 20 minutes. Suddenly, you tag in your best friend Mike Tyson and he beats the ever-loving shit out of your opponent in less than a minute. Then imagine how much of a retard a bystander would have to be to say "geez, Mike Tyson only came on at the end of the fight."