How, exactly, do you spend 13,000+ hours playing a game and give it a negative review?

1  2018-12-24 by vonguard




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Be a nerd

That's a lot of missed showers and bottles full of piss

but what about the poop socks? πŸ’©

for reference: 13,000 hours rounded up is 542 days

That’s almost exactly one and a half years for those of you in Yorba Linda.

Looking at the release date of the game on steam, thats just under 12 hours a day, every single day.

I would guess this person had a bot running for a lot of it. I fucking hope he was.

I’ve played Naval Action far more than most. Over 12,000 hours played. Have I got my money’s worth - absolutely. However, the game is for dedicated, hardcore players only. The game does NOT lend itself to new players.

I think he actually played it for a year

Don't forget it might have been an Early Access title

Not even that much.

Wtf the game isnt even released.

This guy must have been one of those super-backers. I mean if I was a superbacker in a game, I'd play it every fucking day and nag the shit out of the people I gave money to.

Got a feeling the guy just leaves the game open

I have 2k hours in a game I really only play once a week just because I leave it open so often

looking at Steam reviews

what kind of idiot masochist are you?

Tbf it takes a fucking eternity to do anything in that game. When I first bought it, it took me ~8 hours to sail from where I spawned to where my clan was.

While I would have liked Naval Action to be a success upon release, the developers continue to ignore all the sage advice players provide - and they continue down a path guaranteed to ensure few new players stick with the game.

I've got to agree with this. The game was really fun and pretty successful when it was essentially just a barebones team deathmatch.

The devs should have capitalised on this success and kept going in that direction. People want to spend a couple of hours roleplaying as cannon fodder in historical battles. People wanted Mount & Blade: Napoleonic Wars, but with sail ships. People didn't want Eve online set in the late C18th.

How do you hide hours played pls

I did the math

at 16 hours a day, it would take approximately 2 years to get 12,000 hours of playtime.

The game was released in January 21st of 2016, so that means if this guy bought the game ON release date, has 13,251 hours played, he's averaged playing this game for 12.4 hours per day, every day, since release day

What in the absolute fuck

He probably isn't actually playing that long. Most likely just has it running in the background.

I mean, if you read the review, he says he does not recommend it to new players. Since he has over 12k hours, hes fine with the game, but its new player unfriendly.

Kinda like how you can be in a shitty relationship for years.. Etc. Etc.

Experience will carry over into the live game when it exits early access.

I can't imagine playing a game where 200 hour New Players get cucked by 10K hour players.

White Knight Chronicles.

There's a SRD video game?

Eve is like that but Runescape is bretty easy on noobs. Hell pve for newbs is actually easier because no newb is xp maxing spending millions of gp a hour and there aren't a million people at each spawn.

nigga could have done a bachelors degree with that time

>reading steam reviews


Riffing off another post. I’ve spent more than 15,000 hours living and I’d give it a negative review.
