How to stop being a creepy brown dude?

1  2018-12-25 by Totally_Bear

I'm a 20 year old Pakistani male and have like no game... with girls

I'm not Muslim btw.I'm an x moose So don't worry about that LMAO


As a brown man it is your duty to society to wear more antiperspirant and wash more often.

Stop trying to behead them.

X moose=/=muslim

One you go halal, you never go back

You are a walking terror threat and need to go back

Fuck off. Being born muslim sucks which is why i chose to leave the cult, and I hope you can respect my choice

Sadly, you're the wrong flavor of brown person. There are no racist fetishes surrounding your ethnicity.

I dunno, someone somewhere has to have one. OP just has to focus on finding that person.

He could go for desis to get the naionalism taboo going.

ayy gurl lemme partition ur anus

It's over for 1949-cels

There are no racist fetishes surrounding your ethnicity.

That's where your wrong, kiddo. One thing I have learned in my journeys through the Internet is that whatever you are, however you look, no matter how weird or offputting to the mainstream--someone digs people like you.]

There's a RIGHT flavor of brown person? XD

Shave head, grow thick (but not long) beard, get jacked, use deodarant

It's a good look

use deodorant

lol that’s impossible he’s Pakistani

Stfu Prolly a stanky sikhorskiii

Helicopter grease could probably help attract women

Stop being brown

Thanks I'll do that looooool

Be funnier

try kissing the blonde wh*te girls aggressively

Will do donald trump

Good luck kissing Daddy

You forgot the comma, daughter.

Did I fucking stutter


Just wait around for some Danish backpacking girls. They always walk around single in your countries.

Sadly I'm not in pak or else I'd be slamming

Drive around in a $800 busted drop-top blasting nasheeds and wearing a muslim skullcap. When you see a fat white woman, slow down, open the passenger door, then start shouting in Arabic and making this gesture.

When one of them gets in, have them open the glove compartment. Inside should be an $20 cubic zirconia wedding ring. When they see it, start shouting your love for them in as accented, broken english as you can manage.

If any of them go along with it, just keep up the charade for ten minutes then drop them off at a McDonalds.

Start a terrible streetwear brand.

I know a Bengali guy who literally does exactly this. He crushes puss somehow even though it's cringey as fuck

even though it's cringey as fuck

it may tell you something about gussy if you think about it

Rock beats scissors, and confidence beats cringe.

Dress like a western professional: well-trimmed beard, suit, or at least button-down shirts and good designer jeans. Learn how to dance well; listen to mainstream hip hop.

Who tf doesn't listen to trash hop hop. That doesn't get u girls

You'll have better luck with Drake than some Bollywood musical shit.

You act like all the advice in this thread is obvious, so maybe you know it all and you're just a manlet. Try being taller.


Couldn't have said a less basic name lol

But yeah for hoes Drake is good

Since you'll be creepy and brown forever no matter how hard you try, you could try getting a sex change and chasing after guys. It's not gay if you have a legal certificate declaring it isn't.

I'm white and I'm in the process of doing that, still hoping i can also erase wombynxx (born and raised) cislesbians by sleeping with them

Post 🅱️ussy pls

How bout no

what is your diet like? idk if pakistanis eat a lot of curry but keep it up. it smells really good. also get all your haircuts from relatives and get all your clothes from handy downs.

to other posters saying get deodorant, dont. white girls hate that cancerous shit. have you heard of pheromones?

handy downs

This sounds like what your moon-faced sister gives out to strangers

if i had a sister and she did have downs and was loose, she wouldnt give handys to pakistanis though

handy downs

I love you

wear a huge gold cross like Mr T

What’s “x moose?”


Ohhhh did not connect that dot at all lol thanks

Learn a London accent, move to backwoods Texas, and impress the dumbest blonde you can find with your "exotic" personality 😹😹😹 btw you have to impress her father by telling him you will make his daughter into a worldly woman

Which us state has the "dumbest" blondes in your opinion xD

anywhere with a college that has a nursing program will work

  1. Tennessee

  2. Texas

And at number 1...California

makes sense. Nashville and LA are full of dumb mayo foids

I really don't understand how you can be a virgin in LA.

Be under 4 years old

Or 11

Nah if you're over 4 y.o. in LA there's a significant chance you're not a virgin


r/RoastMe 😂

Game in one sense is just applied social skills. Improve your overall social skills (at a simple level, say hello to people, imitate extroverts, initiate interactions, and discover your own vibe and learn to be comfortable in yourself) to make a positive contribution to your situation.

Consider getting a part time sales job specifically to work on interacting with lots of people. If not, take up social hobbies. That would do for a broad base of experience.

Have good character and keep good friendships. This allows you to know and be known by others deeply, which is a kind of practice in intimacy. Do not be afraid to reach out to friends of friends and express interest.

Acta non verba est. Pay primary attention to what people do and also consider secondarily what they say. Consider a diary or journal if you do not write every day already.

You also want to remove negative habits, what you might call antigame. Do not "stay thirsty" in the words of the commercial; being thought "thirsty" as opposed to "passionate" matters. Those two words have similar definitions but vary significantly in effect.

There are many other forms of antigame. Any that you discover in self reflection should be removed or mitigated.

Work on your physical fitness and style every week until you are satisfied you have good habits.

Consider moving somewhere that is friendly to your type of person (make the numbers game work in your favor).

Also post bussy lmao

Your pulitzer's in the mail

I am a bot. Contact for questions

You'd probably fit in better back in Pakistan than whatever white majority country you currently live in.

Nah not really

Almost assuredly.

I'd probably get beheaded for talking shit bout Muhammad

But at least you could date within your race. I don't think whites, asians, hispanics or blacks will find you attractive unless you're rich.

I dont like my own race...

Enjoy being an incel unless you're outside the usa.

You think every brown man is an incel?

If anything most brown ppl have it easy. Have you seen some of the mayos? u have no competition bro dont worry

Thank you for the confidence in me lmao

I'm not the ugliest brown person I've seen that's for sure lmao I'm definitely above average

It's a confidence thing, dude.

Become the DJ Khaled of a group of white friends and you'll be fine.

Just muslims, why else would they force women to marry them?

That doesn't happen tho. Soooo...

Not every brown man is Muslim. Same as not every muslim >s brown. You're conflating.

did you just respond to yourself?

No, I addressed the OP

Get a trendy haircut and work out. Also don't put mayo foids on a pedestal.

What is a mayo foid

Whte wman

There ii Hispanic>>>tho

Data's on them CULOmbians? Mmm

My dude, you have great taste

Facts I do lol

Remember the infographic posted a few weeks ago regarding porn preferences- it had most countries in the world such as USA, UK, France as lesbian. For Pakistan it was Big Cock. Why?

Because they enjoy seeing girls suck big dick.... Nothing gay about it. -_-

"Because they enjoy seeing girls suck big dick..."

I pray for their sake, that what you say is the truth.

Honestly idk. Only been there a couple months at a time since I was 3

Also, I don't live in Pakistan, so that wouldn't apply

You identified yourself as Pakistani. That's why I asked the question.

Pakistanis IN PAKISTAN.

Idk. Big cocks are desirable I guess by men than small ones

To have. ya know

So closeted

Closeted homosexual? No um I'm straight Or I'd be asking about dicks in the original question

Unless you were a homosexual who was, you know, in the closet

How would I not know If i was in the closet

What fear would I have to stay closeted online? Dumbfuck

Sorry, I can see you've become really agitated. It's okay, man, you don't have to be so defensive here.

My parents really weren't accepting of who I was, so I know what you're going through.

I'm not gay

Take a picture of your asshole and post it here

Ha! Gay

Thanks for the conversation, it's been edifying


Here's a link fam

It's okay totally bear to be a homosexual it's okay we accept you totally 🐻

I already posted my asshole. Now I can't be gay.

not white

ehhh whoooooo... yikes

Fuck off

Bleach your skin or whatever Michael Jackson did.

Check the edit

Watch Bachelor Party, the Tom Hanks movie from the 80s, and pattern your game to match Rajah's, get yourself a stable of bitches and a big dude with intimidating headwear, preferably named Milt.


Step one: shave beard.
Step two: haircut
Step three: pick up AAVE.
Step four: learn how to dance to hip hop.
I just realized I made the Muslim version of sissy hypno.

What's sissy hypno

What twinks view to become girls. I made the post like you are a Muslim guy trying to act black.


fucking awesome

I mean. I've kissed a girl before. And we've went to the movies twice but it was "just as friends" she says. But she let me kiss her tho ;/ Perplexing to approach women in general to be honest

Nobody wants to date a bottle of curry paste.

Nobody wants to date a bible either


Mingle with my dingle

chemical peel

Grow a beard and tell girls you're Hasan Minhaj


Just move to the UK and have your fill of underage slags


Also how inbred are you?

Are your parents cousins?


That's a white ppl thing I'm pretty sure

My friend was an ugly 48 year old 5'2 Indian guy and he was having trouble finding a woman who wanted to be with him. Do you think he just sat around and complained about it all day? Fuck no. He improved himself and now he's a tall handsome 20 year old white guy and he can get any girl he wants.

He went back in a time machine, made his mother marry a white dude and became a hapa?

Make 6 figures. Problem solved.

You live in in NYC? Double that #

Join ISIS loo

Already did. Wasn't all that I thought it would be tbh

Ok, death is the only way out.

Stop asking broads for bobs and vagine


Bigot bingo

You knew what I was

And no can do. I needed my Bobby n VEGGIENA

Lol some dude messaged me that he was reporting me to the Pakistani police xDDD