Receiving end of Trumps "Do you believe in santa? well at 7 i'ts marginal"

1  2018-12-26 by TacticalHog


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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Love this one, Snappy.

She doesn't look like she's having her reality destroyed. She does, however, pause like she's thinking, "is this motherfucker seriously breaking kayfabe?"

according to the news article she didnt know what Marginal meant, and still believes in santa

Why would a seven year old know that word?

This dude misses more layups than whichever basketball player is most famous for missing easy layups.

Courtney Lee

Sounds like a pornstar

Brandon Knight


I like sports just fine, basketball is just a meme-tier example of sport.


trump supporters cant meme


The professional memesters got their clown elected and have moved on, boomers carry the meme torch and now T_D is basically /r/oldpeoplefacebook

Drumpf colluded with Russia for this christmas

This but unironically

Who fuckin cares about this

I bet the parent told the kid what to ask, or at least subverted her enough

I just thought it was funny lol

Oh that wasnt directed at you, more about the press making it news somehow and how either cuckservativs or how libtards will spin it

libtards unironically

that's a bass boosted oof my dude

Hol up

Crankin some Bass Boosted lil wayne and soulja boy like i did with my highschool homies in 2008. Then go home and play wow till 3am in the morning then class at 745 😎😎😎

I find this comforting. You know our country is doing well when this and slats vs concrete is what passes for political drama. I remember when we had a President that embroiled us in a never ending war in the Middle East lmao