r/theoryofreddit is rather upset r/unpopularopinions feature unpopular opinions.

1  2018-12-26 by Baconlightning


/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


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Lol snappy jealous at that another sub is getting negative attention.

Snappy, it’s ok, sweety, he was joking :((((

"Why are people allowed to have opinions I dont like 😤😤😤"

I think people just don't like faggots victimizing themselves for believing what a shitload of people obviously believe.

They just think it's unpopular because most of their fellow believers are worthless midwestern christcucks

A better name for that sub would be r/unpopularopinionsonreddit

Those worthless midwestern christcucks cost you the election :^)

He's not a democrat, and it wasn't the christcucks, rather disgruntled blue collar workers.

I don't think he makes the distinction.

I don't live in America anymore

All these people are just variations of Nazi.

The proletariat is the reason nazism existed, tho.

Class warfare is good and the poor should be more oppressed.

When did reactionaries co-opt r/unpopularopinion?

Floppy bacon is better than crunchy bacon, Oh God! It's the end of the world.

How doesnit feel to live a lie bruh

Floppy bacon is better

I mean, we should just let them get eaten by the pigs at that point

Floppy bacon is better than crunchy bacon,


r/theoryofreddit is very left leaning though. No wonder they dislike that sub. They complain about all right leaning subs one at a time.

The literal only thing reddit is "left leaning" about is weed

Sorey the rational theorist have spoken

It's a meta sub. Apart from /r/Drama they're all like that nowadays, as far as I can tell. No idea how that happened.

99% of free discussion subs tend to revolve about politics in some way just because there are so many left leaning users on Reddit and if you don't restrict them they go back to that Trump vs. good guys talk.

Extremely online people are all dweebs and dweebs wish we could flip the order of things with the fantasy they’d end up on top where they deserve to be.

I kinda noticed the meta sphere is primarily left leaning. I think it was stuff like Gamegate/Fappening where the shift started and Trump basically accelerated that to light speed. Looking at old SRD comments from a few years ago would have caused a lot of yikesposting today.

I know, I was there. I left SRD when david_me was permabanned. It's a pretty complicated but compelling issue, and I have yet to see an answer for that explains it in full. I don't think we'll ever get one. I'm just happy that in all its years /r/Drama's political leaning stayed pretty much the same - which is an incredible feat, all things considering.

Was that before Ellen Pao? Because I think I left around the same time because I got ass blasted with downvotes talking about Stone Mountain

I blame SRS

They're right, you do have to sort it by controversial to see the real unpopular opinions

It would make sense for that sub to have visitors land on the 'controversial' page in stead of the default 'hot' one. I don't think I've ever seen that on reddit though. I don't even know if it's possible to set a sub's CSS like that.

Don’t know if it still is but for a long time r/gamersriseup defaulted to controversial

Theoryofreddit is retarded but lets not pretend that /r/unpopularopinion aka /r/popularrightwingopinon has not become a alt right circle jerk a long time ago.

Almost as if anything slightly left of centre is unpopular, at least on this site.


Lol imagine caring what regards on Reddit think about your extremely popular opinions.

The fact that everyone including whines about it all the time just lends it credibility.

I cried about it? I thought I was simply stating the obvious.

The fact you're having an autistic episode about it only proves their point.

Look at it like a pendalum, it's swinging back because the echo chamber is growing loud and now it's trendy to be anti-SJW sgain.

In three years you'll get your turn again.

I like how all you rightards think simply describing what is completely obvious counts has having some kind of episod. Then again, you probably just emulating daddy who throws a hissyfit everytime he is confronted by someone simply pointing out some facts.

it’s really too funny


The culture war can be pretty hilarious tbh

Downvoted for being a little bitch

More like downvoted for telling the TRUTH by fragile majos who can't handle it

I'm majo league nigga

You are supposed to use three parentheses get it right.

Theory of reddit calling anothet sub an edgy circlejerk..

It needs to be renamed “kinda popular on reddit but IRL you will get lynched”

Made a well written post about slavery and just got islamphobic hate from it 😰😰

That sub is a fucking mess

Post unpopular opinion Down-voted to oblivion People complain of hot take/unpopular opinion


go to /r/unpopularopinions

freak out because you don't like the opinions

Sounds like it's working as intended tbh

Lmao wtf is so reactionary about those guy? top 25 posts of last week only have around 6, but really only 2 of them properly "reactionary".

you fucking wut m8