"Can you guys just please let me build 500 miles of fence?" - The greatest deal maker in the history of deal making.

1  2018-12-26 by MG87


I respect Hitler but I don't idolize him. He is partly to blame for the loss of the Reich and the destruction of Fascism's public image. He done fucked up, but he is still one of the greats.


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Please sir, can’t you spare me some buss...border wall?

The best thing ever would be if the new Congress just sends him a CR to veto and then overrides that veto. His head might literally explode if that happened.

would be funny, but the senate wouldn't vote to override

Certainly not right away, but damn, it would be a hoot-and-a-half if they did.

it's a hoot-and-a-holler", don't appropriate my fentanyl and mayo culture please

  1. Snort giant line of presidential adderall

  2. Publicly take the blame for any negative fallout (preferably on national tv)

  3. Confuse and piss off political allies with unpredictable statements and demands

  4. Panic and start negotiating with yourself (publicly if possible)

  5. Surrender and declare total victory

  6. More adderall

I want that life 😩😩😩

Spun and redpilled.

adderall is blue

Not at dank doses.

yum, them 30s

i took one of those once and i got an insane ache in my side that lasted for a few seconds, then went away.

Great story Mahk

wow thats crazy dude. what a fucked up story. i cant believe that actually happened

It explains so much about Trump and his behaviour when you imagine him being high on amphetamine all the time

Actually, you can look a few decades ago and see even back then he had a separate special doctor that wrote prescriptions for his amphetamine "diet pills"

Should be doing blow like a big tymer

Daddy Dealmaker couldn't even fulfill his campaign promises when his party controlled all 3 branches of government, and now that he's lost the house and made basically every Republican senator hate him he's going to get absolutely cucked come Jan 3rd. This is just the beginning stages of how hard he's going to get yeeted on.

Is being yeeted on the new dabbed on?

yea but more crunk

May Allah have mercy on those unfortunate enough to be dabbed, crunked, and yeeted on

as well as those unfortunate enough to use those words

Its better than being beat, ganked, broke and served.

How does that compare to being shrekt.


boomers frantically loading Urban Dictionary

I think it's the old 'dabbed on' come back again.

The Republican never had enough to beat a filibuster

Daddy probably could have wrangled something out of the Dems until he pulled the DACA program and held it hostage for the wall. At that point he ruined any chance of it happening.

Like that time the Democrats offered him $20B for his wall in exchange for the DACA program.

He could've had his wall under construction for the mid-terms, but there is no greater enemy to Trump than his own brain.

All he had to do was make a deal. Easy peasy for him.

But fighting for the wall is more important than actually delivering the wall. Conservatives see a story about an illegal immigrant killing some pretty blond girl every few months and get worked into a frenzy. They think building a wall would prevent this. If the wall was ever built and these stories still happened, they would become completely insane. I’m not sure Trump is smart enough to understand this, but the Republicans in the senate are. This is why you’ll see talk about how important the wall is from then, but DACA for wall has no traction even though that’s a deal the Democrats would accept.

All he had to do was make a deal. Easy peasy for him.

Whoa slow down

100 day plan. At least wait till his first 100 days are up before you attack him.

Remember when he was going to release his own master plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days?

Hey, I heard we beat ISIS and we're going home now. That plan worked great!

Trump's key innovation is that in politics it doesn't matter at all what you do, it only matters what you say you did.

This but unironically. It's a reminder that even in "developed" countries politicians do whatever the fuck they want as long as they have lapdogs to support them.


My plan is... to crowdsource a plan!

The best part was it was his own party that block him on his campaign promises. That's really the best part of this. Though next month should be interesting.

It happens when you hijack a party and don't do any of the necessary work to make them actually like you. There's a reason that the only thing he's gotten done legislatively is some tax cuts.


Bernouts, take note: this is exactly what would happen if Bernie Sanders got elected President

President Bernie might have gained a bit more favor having already been on the senate floor for years, but yeah there'd definitely be those few who are willing to risk not toeing the line

Bernie has actual people skills though, trump has two modes: attempting to bully and sucking up for people who hit his daddy issues button.

Bernie has crowd skills but he doesn't appear to have many friends in Congress.

It's probably because of all that fingering or the "dat boi" tie.

Bernie has actual people skills

Literally no one who works with Bernie likes him.

Fuck this can't be happening I'm literally crying rn I need a second term of Trump

American politics


It's like when you watch an explosion for the first time(2016 election), it's cool, impressive and all that shit, but then you start seeing explosions everywhere(2016-2018), and it gets old really fast.

Explosions never get old

Lol imagine looking at them

Unless you're in the Phillipines, your politics are Diet Drama next to the USA. 🦅

Trump: (Says something)

Rest of US: OMG u can't say that.

Trump: (Fucks up)

Rest of US: OMG u r idiot

Repeat for 4 years.

C o p e

It's the new stealth way of coping when faced with anti daddy drama. Just play it off as boring and hope that people will agree lol

Dude its boring as fuck. I'm from Serbia and every politician ever overpromises. Yeah he fucked up but also who gives a shit.

I'm from Serbia

i dont know why you would say this and then go on like we're going to pay any attention to your opinion


I'm from Serbia

i dont know why you would say this and then go on like we're going to pay any attention to your opinion

Totally not an ad hominem and a really smart point.


classic chapo bigotry lol

Yeah but nobody pretended Balkan shitholes were ever civilized in the first place so government retardation there isn't as flashy

But it is boring. I hate Trump, I really do, every day he says stupid shit and embarrasses the country but I can't do shit about it and it's not even new, it's just mundane

This is THE PRESIDENT SAYING/DOING IT, which is funny and noteworthy as it is not a thing commonly associate with presidents. It's all fucking variations of that. I'm not even a fan of the guy but geez I get it.

I'm in the Philippines and it's fun. I voted for Duterte, do your drama duty also.

Why doesn't he just drop this fucking wall already? It's not going to work, it will literally be a 500 mile waste of taxpayer money. It wont keep a single illegal immigrant out and it has already made US-Mexico relations worse by Trump constantly pretending like Mexico will pay a dime for this shitty wall.

At first I honestly thought it was like a metaphor for Trump's harder stance on immigration. But no, this guy actually wants to build a wall on the US-Mexico border.

Bullets are the best wall.

General contractor here, can confirm.

Trump will order the Army to set up a line of artillery coast to coast bombing the border 24/7.

Wonder if that would still be cheaper than a wall...

Holy fuck its retarded

Simple people only understand simple problems. When faced with a difficult situation like immigration reform, they go for "big, beautiful wall".

To be fair to him, a big beautiful wall would be far more effective than the heavily damaged fence with sheets of metal welded onto it that is in place now.

Until Elon Musk takes his machine and bores massive tunnels under that shit lol

Eloñ Musk, sleeper agent

It would probably be the best PR move that Elon could ever make tbh.

Also highly illegal and he is already on thin ice with the investors.

Only one way to avoid the legal issues. Run and beat Trump in 2020

This was a key campaign promise he made to get all of the AM Talk conservatives behind him. They defend him like he walks on gold dust thrown by bussy.

He did, but then Anne Coulter and Rush Limbaugh started calling him a traitor to the cause so he did a full reversal of course and demanded the wall right now.

I was convinced that Anne Coulter didn't even believe any of this shit

She's been basically the most vocal Trump critic about not getting a wall since day one after he was inaugurated.

That makes me think she's like a liberal plant. Of all of Trumps promises oh, she wants to keep the one that makes the least amount of sense

I mean, have you ever looked at anything Coulter has said

The wall makes plenty of sense to Trump's room temperature IQ base though

She has a stick stuck so far up her ass how could she be anything but genuine?

Wall makes the most sense though, because it’s permanent

Ya I'm also retarded

I was convinced that Anne Coulter didn't even believe any of this shit

I'm convinced Ann Coulter doesn't actually believe in anything

Im pretty sure she not only believes in money but is willing to say or do anything to get it.

Well her old niche was being a racist, loudmouth piece of shit.

Unfortunately it turns out Trump is just better at that in every way. So now she's reduced to being a contrarian to him.

This'd better be pasta.

He can't drop the wall thing as not only did he campaign on it, but conservatives are holding him to it. So his hands are basically tied here. This is besides the fact all of the walls that where put forward by contractors failed their tests in stopping people from getting over or through them.

The wall is the single most important thing to his brain dead base, even more so than locking up Hillary. If he can't deliver, his support will collapse among the more fentanyl-enriched areas of the country and he will be fucked.

even he understands that his retarded wall will never happen

this is just him being an attention whore about it so that in the 2020 campaign he can cry about how hard he tried to build it

We should just make a 3 mile wide mine field tbh.

It's all a cover up. Y'all thinking he cares about immigration but really, he just wants to build the biggest gloryhole the world has ever seen.

taxpayer money

Republican tax policy means that the money is coming from Chinese oligarchs, not American taxpayers.

Why doesn't he just drop this fucking wall already?

He tried and the TV people were mad about it.

I would be okay with him spending money to renovate our current walls.

At least daddy is learning how to compromise- its not useless this time!

Remember when Daddy said "I alone can fix it"? Oh boy...

give orange nigga a hammer and nails and let him do it himself


With enough Adderall anything is possible

Source: Engineering school

Build that wall! Protect our borders! Bring the troops home!

I love these DDF parody accounts. You really nailed the mindless repetition of Daddy talking points.

You should listen to your daddy

I listen to Daddy all the time. Like when he says we're going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it! oh wait no we're going to build a wall and Americans are going to pay for it! Oh wait no we're going build a fence!

Listening to Daddy lie to his DDF over and over again while those morons continue to support him is seriously hilarious.

Oh wait no we're going build a fence!

Don’t forget those artistically-designed steel slats!

5 billion for a wall is nothing. 50 billion so far to stay in Syria for nothing is ridiculous. Chuck and Nancy want to stay in Syria at a 16 billion a year cost but not protect our own country. Makes no sense.

Mmmhmm, that's some tasty cope. More please!


You must be new here.

Dont speak tardnamese. Sorry.

Build that wall! Protect our borders! Bring the troops home!

You seem pretty fluent to me.

Sorry you got a bad case of the Bernie's


Come on, man. You can do better than that.

He can't... he really can't.

Sadly, I believe you are correct.

"i don't have a response to this so I'm gonna use the word cope because i'm a fucking faggot"

Fuck off faggot.

implying they made a point worth a serious response.

          E  P  O  C
        P        O O
      O        P   P
    C  O  P  E     E
    O        P   P
    P        O O
    E  P  O  C

Extra cope sauce

5 billion for a wall is nothing.

Yeah it's nothing because you can't build the wall with only 5 billion

5 billion for a wall is nothing

The way government contracts work, 5 billion will get you about 200 yards of that orange chicken fence you can buy at Home Depot and it will take 4 years before they even start putting it up.

Also, I thought Mexico was paying for the wall?

Try 30-40 Billion for the wall

Post more white people nonsense.

Racists don't exist anymore!

I love it! This is fucking America and I'll be damned if I don't wear whatever the fuck I want in public, within reason of course. I rock MAGA gear and I'm like a third of you, fuck em. I have had a lot of fist pumps and compliments and only a few looks, not even shit talk, just soyesue looks. MAGA!

t. NPCcel

This reads like an /r/politics title

No it doesn't

"...please let me repaint 500 miles of fence" I think you mean.

Drunpf is too dumb to change the language to allow democrats to have an out of they came to the table. This negotiation tactic isn’t the same tactic he uses every single time. These magacels are like big league delusional!


Why not just let him build his dumb wall? It's not even expensive.

Because it is expensive and a huge waste of manpower to boot. All for something that won't actually stop the majority of illegal immigration.

This, he can offend liberal snowflakes all he wants, but if he offends his core base, he doesnt have a whole lot left.

It's not even expensive.

About that...

Can I get a "surely this is the end for drumpfodlflsldff".

If he can't deliver a wall before Dems take the house, it will be lol.

It never even started for Trump you boomer

I mean, the whole "surely this is the end for Trump thing" doesn't really make fun of people who are against him any more. It basically just shows how pathetic his base and Republicans are since they don't actually stand for anything and don't have any ideals

Remember the whole "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters"? This, but unironically.


500 miles of Borderpolis?

My favourite bit of this is what a learning experience it has been for Trump.

Starts by being like I can build shit in New York. I can do this! Then he finds out building shit in the desert is actually harder.

Then he wants a wall across the entire border. Later he learns that there's rivers and mountains.

Now he's found out that Mexico thinks he's the dumbest piece of shit that ever lived and doesn't want to pay for a fucking wall.