I visited /rpolitics today

1  2018-12-26 by mukumukum15


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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One, trump STOLE the cure for cancer

and two, lmao

I do think people focus too much on individuals. Trump is an old man who will be gone in ten years, probably dead. Meanwhile the administration that succeeds him might be just as bad or worse. Perhaps it will simply be less honest, and will conceal all the same faults beneath a liberal facade, more or less like Obama did.

Is it worse to have an open scoundrel in charge, uncouth and blatantly untruthful, or is it worse to have the same thing wrapped up in a P.C. package, just as deceptive but with nice bourgeois manners and all the proper shibboleths carefully recited?

Meanwhile the administration that succeeds him might be just as bad or worse.

Mike Pence, 2018!

CA get out of my centrist /r/drama REEEEEE

Sorry, thought this was my facebook feed.

Imagine being so much of a pussy faggot that you need to post doctored strawman images to a drama subreddit to serve your confirmation bias.

It's a shame OP can only commit suicide once

lol css fag