"Where have all the good men gone?": Transgender Edition!

1  2018-12-27 by Darqqwolfdreams01


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Good bussy is in high demand.

Of course, more bi erasure

the absolute nerve of straight men not wanting to go for a dude in a dress

They used to just be ok with being gay men. What happened to that?

I'm pretty sure Instagram & Tinder is what happened. They see the attention women get constantly and want to experience what having that sexual power is like.

But, as we all know, they don't end up looking like Kim Petras, so they get sad and angry that instead of being hot chicks, they just end up being ugly lumps no one really thinks of as women.

So, basically, jealousy.

She looks like an homely disney star. Borderline handsome

Very downsey

For a dude, she looks pretty good.

Ahhhhhh that was brutal to watch. I can handle /r/watchpeopledieinside, but seeing a father's heart breaking .... fuck, that's rough.

that 5 'o clock shadow


Kim Petras

That is one of the most average looking insta thots I've ever seen. She looks like a brit, which is probably what's going on here.

What's going on is that "she" is a dude, so looking like an Instathot is passing - which most don't.

We stopped beating them up.

make bullying great again

Enabling the mentally I'll lead to an ever spiralling escalation of madness? Whaaa

They are failed men, who desperately want the attention that women get for simply existing and being able to get preggars.


Yeah of course they can. Mentally ill women who think they are men and transition can still get pregnant.

I'm torn between continuing medical transition while accepting living alone for the rest of my life and stopping HRT and trying to live as a gay man and find a partner that way.

Apparently they still are okay with being gay men

I thought it wasn’t a choice for them? 🤔

Well, some gay men fetishize being fucked by straight men.

You've seen furries, people do crazy shit for their fetishes.

Maybe they think that if they "become a woman" they'll get that straight man of their dreams.

I doubt it.

I guess "some" can technically iclude everyone

I guess by the number of straight dudes into lesbians, maybe there's a male-specific desire to have that magic penis that is irresistable.

The female version is women who try to break up marriages to show how they're superior.

It became socially acceptable to be gay and they needed to find a new way to attention whore since being regular gay is boring and nobody really cares that you suck dick.

They switched to women?

It's over for trans-cels

It is possible. It's just tough to find one that isnt going to fetishize you in some way

No, husband, don't find my being sexually arousing, I hate that

They want to be found arousing as women, not as transwomen. They don't want to be seen as different. It's all part of the delusion.

And they can't. They can't obtain what they want, then. They are transwomen and men are biologically attracted to cis women.

But if there's no difference between men and women, the only reason to transition is for fetish reasons.

You mean to tell me someone who is .000001% on the gender spectrum is having a hard time finding a soul mate? Huh.

We first found each other as gay men, then 3 months later she said she was trans.


Where are all the good men dead?
In the heart, or in the head?

1.Post trap pic to 4chan 2.Provide contact information 3.You now have a good man interested in you

It's easy enough to find a man but no guy who has a fetish for jacking off to another shaven dude in a dress online is going to be a good person

The pipeline is "why can't someone love me for who i am?" to "why are there so many chasers interested in me?"

Seriously what is with /b/‘s obsession with traps

Repressed homosexuality


plenty of kewl bisexual guys out there tbh

I am in a long term relationship (3years, engaged) with a man that's supporting, loving, caring. He helps me more than I can ever thank him for. (I have fibromyalgia). He treats me as I feel (as a woman, and doesn't fetishize, acts like my lower stuff doesn't exist). There's someone out there for everyone. I promise you. So yes.

This man must own one hell of a Fleshlight

I have fibromyalgia

Lol, hes going all out

Genuine question, but could they just go for FtM transgenders? Surely trans people wouldn't be transphobic towards other trans people. You'll meet a lot of men who don't want to date trans people but assumedly not many trans people unwilling to date other trans, right?

They want "good men", not manlets with even more anger issues than usual.

Trans women should only be given a free sex change if they agree to spend the first two years having sex with manlets and incels

they do, a lot of the time. this woman's problems probably stem a lot more from being the sort of person who makes woe-is-me self-posts on reddit than being trans

Even trans peoe don't want to date trans people

This is so true. All the mtf lesbians I know want or prefer cis women. They'll usually only date other trans women in open relationships while getting mad at cis women for not accepting them

Just cause they are crazy enough to cut their penises off, doesnt mean theyre crazy enough to put their tongue on/in one of those things.

Genuine answer; they could, but all you people grossly overestimate how many trans peoplere there are. FtM transgender people are even less common so you are basically asking them why they dont just date the 2 out of the 10 FtM transgender people that are available in their town.

So somebody needs to release Transdr, Tinder for trans people, and help them find each other.

I think it's very strange how almost all transgenders are MtF and speaks more of some sort of societal issue. If it was truly just someone "being born in the wrong body" you would expect it to be almost equal.

Why would you expect that? There are plenty of gendered health issues.

Fine, then I was wrong about that.

Does not really change the fact though that some illnesses are gendered.


The FtMs are all lesbians, they're not interested in dudes in dresses. Besides, most MtFs probably don't want FtMs. Everyone, even the most progressive leftists, know in the back of their minds that trannies are not the "real deal." I'm sure most trannies aren't interested in other trannies -- although that may be what they have to end up settling for.

Yes, my wife and I have been together for 7 years, Married over 5 years. She is mtf trans and I am cis male. We are both bi and in the BDSM community. We first found each other as gay men, then 3 months later she said she was trans. Then we moved 1000 miles away from her family so she could transition. Last year she had an Orchiectomy. Life is awesome!

^ Says it all

I want to know how he consinser that a "normal relationship" like OP was looking for

"There is not such thing as normal."

The T community tends to use the words to describe the exact opposite of what those words are suppose to describe. They never lose on opposite day.

That sounds horrible and I hope the persons family just wrote it off as KIA

Cis male, found each other as gay men, wuuuuut?

I thought "you are born that way and can't change"

Orchiectomy and awesome should NEVER be in the same sentence. Tarred and feathered they should be, those satanic knob goblins

I'm not even gonna look it up, I just assume it's some Frankenstein shit

Snip snip goes the sack

It's surgical ball removing.

Imagine the baby boy you raised coming to you with the "great news" that they just castrated themselves.

That's were you take all your savings, go to lose it all in a casino and then go to a massive drug and alcohol bender that ends to a suicide by cop. Unironically.

That's when I just give up on him. Mourn my dead son and focus on the other kids. No need to wreck the rest of my life just because mother nature decided to fubar one of my kids. There's literally nothing you can do until scientist figure out how to cure mental illness.

I need a cuckhold!

I'm holding out for a cuckhold til the end of the night


He's gotta be weak, and he's gotta be slow


And he's gotta be alright with my bone

"BDSM Community"

Can we drop this community shit? Everybody is calling everything a fucking community these days

You're not getting invited to the munch with that kind of attitude

Yes thank you I fucking hate this

Yeah like “magic the gathering/the warhammer40k community”

My theory on that is since anyone who would call themselves "part of the BDSM community" is such a huge loser that nobody would want to hang out with them, this is literally the first time they have ever experienced acceptance and conflate people being desperate enough to fuck them with friendship.

Community is on the same level as influencers tbh

No drama, when are you guys just going to admit your are really interested in trannies?

If you don't like spiders you must wanna fuck em


Most of us don't deny our love and appreciation for cute traps

If a #metoo doesn't want to get #metoo'd, they must really want to get #metoo'd.

Be honest, how many trannies have you jerked off to?

Zero. I'm not gay. You bisexual men simply can't understand what being straight is and assume everyone is like you.

Really over compensating here

Just being straight like most men.

Straight men like Alex Jones who has tranny porn on air or countless others that oppose gays and trannies then turn up banging gays and trannies?

Alex jones is retarded. It's no surprise he likes trannies.

You though are straight as an arrow ;)

why would you even want a "normal, loving, supportive relationship" that sounds gay as hell

Dont peg tgat heteronormative stuff on the gays

Or maybe do peg them.

Yes, my wife and I have been together for 7 years, Married over 5 years. She is mtf trans and I am cis male. We are both bi and in the BDSM community. We first found each other as gay men, then 3 months later she said she was trans. Then we moved 1000 miles away from her family so she could transition. Last year she had an Orchiectomy. Life is awesome!


uhh.. am i the only one noticing the point of that post is that the OP is saying that of the men that are into trans people most of them arent good men? 😂 it literally says something like "why arent there good men into transgender women" or something, meaning there are men who are into trans people that she has found but have apparently been bad to her

Hmm I wonder why?

Why don’t guys want some hideous abomination?

paging transgirltradwife

lol, nobody wants to fuck a counterfeit woman

Final Solution: Incels can bang trannies then everyone is happy

Going off of 4chan's traplust I think you may be on to something here.