Women good men bad.

1  2018-12-27 by FineLow


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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First of all, based on her Twitter pic she's a fucking ho. Second of all, fuck you OP put more effort into your gay title

Fuck you, bigoted misogynist! #MenAreTrash

fuck you OP put more effort into your gay title back to srd

Yeah absolutely agree, there's nothing more important than making sure the harrassed person consents to calling someone out. This is something I struggle with a lot as I've had multiple acquaintances experience abuse but be (completely reasonably) unwilling to have me call it out for multiple reasons.

Still, that doesn't stop me from calling out lower level behaviour, sharing why I think standing up for women and consent is so important, and being purposefully aware of situations that might make it worse. That's something anyone can do regardless of the specifics.

Lol so is call-out-the-rapist rape a thing now? And isn't it funny how only these feminist friends end up as all these rapists in the end?

Bussy > Gussy

Proving, once again, that women cannot take any measure of criticism without wildly overreacting.

Gender studies majors call this "fragile femininity".

Biochemistry majors call it a neurochemical imbalance caused by menstruation, leading to periodic episodes of mental retardation.

The biochemistry majors say it is a neurochemical imvalance caused by menstruation, leading to episodes of severe mental retardation.

caused by men

I knew it

Love this cycle.

  1. Say something incorrect or dumb.
  2. See people tell you why your comment is wrong and stupid
  3. Use people telling you that you're wrong, as evidence that you're right, because they must be "triggered".

That's exactly what's happening with Giant Bomb right now.

Women are a meme gender.

Desire to know more intensifies. What's going on with Giant Bomb?

I think there is no more stupid subreddit than TrollX.

I dunno, ask women over 30 is fairly pathetic.


At least gc is woque to the trussy question

Y'all know good and well guys have their double standards carved literally in stone by this point, with the blessing of many women to boot. Even the term "hoe" is never going to apply to men like it does to women.

yikes y’all folks need to listen, men had a vote together, all of them, every single man, and carved it into stone, it said: men aren’t fat, only fat women are fat. and y’all know what else y’all? let me tell y’all i even heard there were women there too, and they even gave it their blessing to boot? so now the word ‘hoe’ can only refer to women y’all under penalty of death because of the fourth conference of men, y’all.

The main difference being that men aren't nearly as open with their friends as women are with theirs. If someone I knew was acting in a way I didn't agree with, I'd probably not spend much time around them anymore. And I've personally done that.

I'm a guy who loves what this subreddit stands for and I'm ashamed to say I became that guy who awkwardly laughs off sexist jokes but never did anything about it. This post really opened my eyes. Thank you and I hope more guys will see this and be better.

not all of us are bad, m'lady. i will protect you from those filthy Chads

Lmao what an absolute cuck

Wow he must not have anything rolling around in that noggin

Y'all know good and well guys have their double standards carved literally in stone by this point, with the blessing of many women to boot. Even the term "hoe" is never going to apply to men like it does to women.

These people are legitiamtely living in some parallel universe, or 19 and think freshman frat kids represent all men.

nice tits

Women be shoppin'