r/truerateme bans incel terminology

1  2018-12-27 by hefailedatlife


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


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We'll have to issue a more comprehensive list, but for now:

Chad, Stacy, Tyrone, cope, it's over, cuck, femoid or foid, any term ending in -cel, MGTOW, mogs, normie, roastie

Looks like /r/drama is an official Incel subreddit then.

It's over for buzzwordcels.

When will dramalets learn?

If they could learn, they wouldn't be dramalets


They may take my roastie but they'll never take my dude bussy lmao!


normalfag is back in business.

It's over for incels

Ok, but why do you need a subreddit to tell you if you're hot or not when you can just use the most accurate metric there is: how many people touch your genitals per year?

I don’t like this rating system because that means I’m in the negatives.

You can't go into negatives, only into fractions. :)


But what if you show people your genitals and they refuse to touch it. Surely that would subtract a point from the metric?

πŸ€” Also what if your momma cleans you after a rough night of fortnite

it's over for incelcels

It's over.

also how people wrongly think blackpill=misogyny. which is totally incorrect. blackpill isnt one way or the other, its simply the brutal truth about things. it doesnt care about any side.


I love how "brutal truth" always really means "what I really want to believe with no introspection ever"

"Wow, look. The 'brutal truth' confirms I never had a chance and thus there's not even any need for me to evaluate my choices."

That's how i keep drinking, I blame the world, not me opening the beer can over and over

I do that sometimes too πŸ˜”

I looked at that sub once and it was confusing as hell until I realized it was populated with autistic incels.

It's something like they insist on a standard distribution so 90% of people are in the 4-6 range and 7-10 is just minute differences between beautiful people. But they're too hateful on top of their autism, so they still put a bunch of normal looking people below 4.

They had Adrien Brody at a 3. So I guess he's in the bottom 10% of men by their measurements.


It's over for heroincels


(((You))) look like a shrug


18yo college chick or 40yo lot lizard?