/r/drama mod consults an advice columnist: "I'm broke and mostly friendless, and I've wasted my whole life"

1  2018-12-27 by MetaFactoryFactory


You’re not a woman. You’re a tomboy at best.


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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Well this won't be popular with the autistic incels of Reddit, but any woman who stays with a man for more than two years without a ring is a fucking fool. Part of the reason you marry the guy is financial security if he decides to bail. Every straight guy wants to get on their high horse about "DIVORCE RAPE" and the evils of modern gussy, but there is nothing wrong with a woman protecting herself and her own interests so she doesn't end up like this.

I don't fault women for it, but I also fall to the ground and thank Mohammed for making be a butt bandit so I don't have to deal with their bullshit, Inshallah.

Yeah, the problem isn't women pursuing their rational self interest. It's alimony law written for an era where women actually did housework.

Meh. Men remain fertile until they die, women's fertility has a life expectancy. If you use up a broad's good years and then decide to bounce, I don't mind her cleaning you out. She can't undo all the years she wasted with you.

Incel/MGTOW/Other Male-Only Based Autism clubs want to have it both ways. They want to RED PILL!!!111!!! everyone on the truth about "the wall" and women's attractive years having a life span, but they also want to shame these women for looking out for their own self-interests. You can't have it both ways. If you're acknowledging that women have this valuable commodity, i.e. their "good years," don't knock a bitch for wanting financial compensation from any bum who wastes it.

There's no "pussy alimony" where if a man and women divorce she has to continue to fuck him in consideration of all the poon he passed up while staying with her.

Because that's retarded. Surely you see how retarded that is. There is a world of difference between a woman wasting her youth and fertility and "the bitches I coulda been fucking."

Because that's retarded. Surely you see how retarded that is.

Is it though? I'm being tongue in cheek, but can you really pull the exact same quality of tail at 25 as you can at 35? Maybe just seems insane because alimony is a thing that already exists and this isn't.

Incel/MGTOW/Other Male-Only Based Autism clubs want to have it both ways. They want to RED PILL!!!111!!! everyone on the truth about "the wall" and women's attractive years having a life span, but they also want to shame these women for looking out for their own self-interests.

I agree.

If you use up a broad's good years and then decide to bounce, I don't mind her cleaning you out

Most divorces are no-fault divorces started by women, so this narrative you're weaving doesn't make any sense.

The narrative I'm weaving is mostly on the bitches who have these no-marriage long term relationships with men, the man bounces, and suddenly their best years are gone and they got fucking nothing from it.

I mean, don't get me wrong, there are some fucking insane whores out there who are vindictive as shit and want to fuck over their husbands.

I guess the crux of my argument is that I'm sympathetic to women like the one in the article and I think Reddit ALPHA MALES™ are too autistic to grasp the weird ticking clock women have to deal with.

Holy shit you sound like a pathetic cuck

I can see your perspective, but realistically, a lot of women don't want kids.

I think this is a better fit for a prenuptial agreement than the government assuming that any time a man enters into a relationship with a young woman for X amount of time she gets to walk away with Y% of his money and optionally a baby.

Men remain fertile until they die

yeah if you want tard kids

but pls do we need more posters

Maybe women should focus more on having value and giving men a reason to stay instead of being worthless cunts who think they're a blessing just for existing?

I don't fault women

Something's definitely wrong with you then. Raised by a single father?

No, just gay as fuck. What can I say - while I have indeed been red pilled on the FQ, the femoid question, I can't help but to love those thots. They're just so fun to shop and drink with. But I do require hotties only. Too many fags these days let fat girls be their hags, because fat girls don't have anywhere else to be on a Friday night. NO. There's a weight requirement to be CoolBeans' brunch buddy.

Well this won't be popular with the autistic incels of Reddit

I wonder what the overlap is between the "White Genocide" group and the "lol, kids and marriage, I certainly won't be DIVORCE RAPED, MGTOW for life" group is.

having sympathy for foids


It's only natural to take pity on the weak and mentally infirm.

advantage, not pity.

Advantage on?

She shouldn't feel worthless just because she's 35 and isn't successful in life. It took Jennifer Lawrence years before she created the Wonder Mop and now look at how successful she is today.

Is that what she calls it?

Life is rough once your go round on the cock carousel stops.

You know, cry cry cry but she's 35. She could pretty much get a BF in one day through online dating.

Planning for retirement tips:

  • max out matching investment in 401k
  • put after-tax money in a Roth IRA
  • don't put away any money, just spend it on eat, pray, love bullshit on the assumption that some business exec is going to bail you out in your mid 30s

Well I think it comes down to a matter of fertility - 35 isn't old and there are some hot fucking women in their 30s. Hell, even TayTay is 29, and I think she looks better as she ages, she looked like a little rat when she was younger.

I don't know, the bitch should freeze her eggs and focus EXCLUSIVELY on self-improvement to land a husband. Ditch all your female friends because femoids are prone to crabs-in-a-bucket one another and will tell you that focusing on husband-hunting isn't woke. Just socialize with men; gays for friendship, breeders for practice.

I should life coach gussy. They need me. This could be my calling in life.

Ditch all your female friends because femoids are prone to crabs-in-a-bucket one another and will tell you that focusing on husband-hunting isn't woke.

I live in an area where other women will call you failure behind your back if you're over 30 without kids.

Whores whisperer

Smith & Wesson retirement plan

only like 50 cents, dude.

Must be nice having two whole quarters to rub together. During the housing crisis my grandfather had to donate to my parents the lentils he had been saving up to have enough calories to jump off a bridge. To save money he had to commit suicide by cannibalism.

Tasted okay.

Must be nice having two whole quarters to rub together in my face

I'm from Idaho actually, so I found the bullet on the ground while looking for change to be able to afford the bullet.

To save money he had to commit suicide by cannibalism.

F, Grandpa Welfare_Duke

I find it somewhat humorous that the advice columnist is essentially telling this woman to just double down, but this time with more fatalism.

Also, people who define their life struggles in terms of "art" are insufferable cunts. I know actual artists, who produce actual art and not books based off of their shitty advice column, who use the word "art" less frequently. Fuck off already bitch, people like you are why this woman is 35 and childless.

For all these years of quick changes and rash decisions, which I once rationalized as adventurous, exploratory, and living an “original life,”

Yeah, having no roots, "traveling", taking selfies, fucking 150 guys a year, selling nudes and used panties, getting spitroasted at a funeral, watching Netflix with an African immigrant and doing ass-to-mouth with him, falsely accusing 3 men of rape, doing MLM, starting a girl band, and prioritizing career and sex with strangers over motherhood and family is sooooo original 🙄🙄🙄

I’m quite frankly exhausted. I can barely remember to buy dish soap let alone contemplate humanity or be inspired by Anaïs Nin’s diaries.

Wow, this woman can't find friends or romance? How?

serial monogamy.

Somone post the comic