self-proclaimed "historian" proclaims departure from r/askhistorians

1  2018-12-27 by AchtungMaybe


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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Has any decent and morally normal person ever publicly told people about the places they unsubscribed from? That place is a hive of fart-huffing assholes.

lol, he's complaining that people are calling him racist over spending 100 billion dollars exclusively on minorities, when he essentially called blacks mindless drones that only vote for welfare checks

also he's 'a hispanic minority' (really, he invokes it every second sentence), who just happen to believe that DACA recipients are all idiots (hmm, i wonder why) and should be deported immidiately

i got to give it to him though, he's pretty dedicated to his LARP as a phd researcher, there are just few minor problems with that story, like refusing to answer what is the area of his research, calling everyone an AH mod alt, using some very questionable think tank as a primary historical source and overall lacking any substantive examples to back up his claims

overall a good effort but i have seen better

And nothing of value was lost.