Famous MGTOW and MRA activist, David Shitrat, is now homeless.

1  2018-12-27 by iamusingplebbit


Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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Once you make pop.

You can't stop.

Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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I am shocked... YES SHOCKED...that an MRA and Magic the Gathering Online Wanker would be unable to follow basic instructions and be so irritating to live with that his own mother would kick him out!

Thankfully Jorden Peterson has a $400 online seminar for this person to watch which will employer him to dominate his mother into service again.

Well if he followed the Langoustine’s advice and cleaned his room, his mum wouldn’t have given him the boot.

After the $25 dollar personality test, he will learn that he needs to wash his penis.

That article doesn't even mention Dr Jordan Peterson.

Like do you not think people will click on your link?

That article doesn't even mention Dr Jordan Peterson.

Yeah, I directly quoted you. As you mentioned him.

Did you think that deflection would even remotely work in your cope thread?

Is English your first language?

Your comment to me reads as if you are attempting to disparage the grace and the work of the good Dr Jordan Peterson, which I must note, you have failed to referred to with the appropriate title he has earned both academically and professionally.

As such, I can only assume you are a hardcore SJW/BLM terrorist who is against one washing their penis.

More like Dr Jordan Shitterson.

Please sir... I am trying to have a serious and intellectual discussion. I did not put nipple clamps on just to dick around!

Shidded Farterson lolgottem

What does it feel like to be that on so thoroughly?

Lmao, look who gets mad whenever anyone mocks Lobster man.

im actually confused atm

Do you really think Jordan Peterson has never helped anyone out or his book shouldnt have been written? Yeah 400 dollars is pretty egregious if you are looking for help when you could just probably get the book from the library or watch his youtube clips.

He has "obvious" advice that everybody "should" know already but if common sense were common nobody would make a big deal out of having it.

We were all raised to be spineless assholes and most of our dads just sort of sat back and watched it happen because half of them saw that it was happening and didnt think it was a big deal and the other half probably didnt know what was going on and were like "well all they are really doing is teaching people that women can do everything that men can, whats so bad about that?" His book had to happen, and he had to happen.

He... He is... The Chosen One!

Wash ur penis bucko

Wash Hog LMAO

Baste and hogpilled





What kind of fucking degenerate needs to spend $400 to be told to he's a lobster who needs to clean his room?

Whichever fucking idiot that doesn't realize he is a lobster?

Lol did you get lost on your way to Chapo?

Where is this pasta from

Where is this pasta from

are you right? yes. are you stupid? much moreso tbh.

Magic the Gathering Online Wanker

But he has like 5 of the power 7. Surely that is worth some kinda respect with mom.

I do not, and will not, have any contact with this gay discord ops bastard.

Links to Facebook (even archived) with full names will get banned! Make a screenshot and edit the names out:


I had no idea he had anything to do with mgtow shit, I only know him as the boy who fashioned himself a neo-nazi hunter on Twitter.

First time I heard of him was normie media making fun of him for refusing to have sex with girls because they might say he raped them

If only lauren southern didn't ignore him we wouldn't have to endure this years long spergout. I hope Davina finds peace from her transition

He hunts nazis or he is a nazi that hunts?

A hunter of nazis, who apparently never gets out of bed.

Shit rat? Is this a joke? Who the fuck has a surname shit rat? ☀📺 💩🐀

He became an SJW recently. Do some fucking research on your lolcows smh.

I mean really, what's the difference?

he's willing to rape now


Davina is transitioning now

Fuck he is QT

Are there any pics of his bussy/belly?

bad post

He looks so much like me it's unreal

pls be in london

also post bussy/belly

Please don't misgender Davina

He should have been a paying your rent activist.

I've lived in worse disorder (I regret to say), but not with my mother.

Lol this dude went full libtard SJW lately, he's not MGTOW and he hasn't taken the red pill, he's not commited to the cause and the brotherhood

Sure he is a iibtard now that he's homeless

he's not MGTOW and he hasn't taken the red pill, he's not commited to the cause and the brotherhood

Can you please speak like a functional human being. Thx.

He's not MGTOW or MRA. Full-blown leftist.

fucking feminazi bitches

Tag em. Name and shame. Let potential girlfriends (or boyfriends) see what slobs they are. !!! X

thats one of the more generous uses of "potential" ive ever seen


Famous? Also, the link to MGTOW and MRA seems speculative at best.

No idea who this guy is but I can't imagine having your own mother post publically about kicking you out and shaming you online. I am grateful to have a mother who loves me. 😊