GenderCritical goes full 1488 and whiteknights NatSoc pro-GamerGate forum. Horseshoe amirite?

1  2018-12-28 by iamusingplebbit


Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


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A retarded tranny sexual predator with werid sexual fetishes angry at kiwifarms?!

I... am... shocked!

A retarded tranny sexual predator

If you think GC is full of trannies you've got it very backward friend, they absolutely hate trannies.

You're misunderstanding, but I'm not going to explain it to you

The guy suing kiwi not the GC poster

I have autism and I'm deeply uncomfortable with you defending kiwifarms. Kiwifarms are not gender critical feminists by any stretch, they're abusers who enjoy tormenting people until they kill themselves. The fact that some of their targets happen to be trans in no way absolves them.

I like how "I have autism" was never related back to anything, just used purely as a progressive stack rank pulling.

they're abusers who enjoy tormenting people until they kill themselves

has that ever even happened?


Have lolcows featured on the site ever killed themselves? Yes. Was it explicitly because of Kiwi Farms? No. I mean just a few days ago a kind tranny called femme4memes killed herself. RIP Nia.

Anyway Kiwi Farms is good EVEN IF people killed themselves because of it

multiple times.

Apparently this person. Very dramatic.

He was a fucking lunatic and was despised before he died. After he died everyone was up in arms because he was totally awesome and just a little weird. They got mad at kiwi despite the reason partly being he didn't have a place to stay, something the local trannies could've offered but didn't because he's a prick.


Tranny, not a she

I remember him. Lol he thought setting himself on fire would totally make people think transgenders aren't mentally ill.

The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Oh and also I have autism

I thought there were no jews in dune

I'll be completely honest with this hot take: God Emperor is the last book in the series worth reading. I had to drag myself through Heretics and Chapterhouse. Maybe they would have been tolerable if Frank Herbert had finished writing Dune 7 before he died. Also, anything written by his son and Kevin Anderson is complete shit and not worth anyone's time.

Maybe they would have been tolerable if Frank Herbert had finished writing Dune 7 before he died.

That's exactly why I stopped reading.

Thanks for your input by the way.

Probably self-diagnosed too

auditing yourself is pretty autistic

Frist of all Karen lose the sass

I like how the response to that was

I would posit that you have it backwards, most of the people they go after are trans and some claim to be (usually self diagnosed) autistic. there's a rather large difference there.

The ethics in driving people to suicide!

The ethics in driving people to suicide!

Woah there. First, yes, there are ethics to it. Second, it's an art form, please respect that.

Remember: it is not art if the don’t livestream it first.

Make some gud snuff films with it bro

The fact that some of their targets happen to be trans in no way absolves them.

Imagine thinking that driving trans folks to suicide is a good thing but in the same breath grandstanding against driving people to suicide. Also the "I have autism" is redundant.

imagine that driving trans folks to suicide is a good thing


I always took that as "just in case I say something completely retarded be warned I have autism".

Is that from Hitler or Goebbels ?

Oh, this is tasty:

Yeah, I mean, I fucking hate TIMs, but stanning 4chan sadists who goad autistic people to suicide on a site owned by a Nazi is perhaps straying a bit far from protecting women's rights.

but wait, what's this?


Lol linking rational wiki.

It describes rationalWiki. as a "Whiny hugbox for spergs and a clusterfuck of neverending drama on a rapidly declining website

Not a bad description

What the balls does stanning mean?

Being a fanboy/girl to an extreme degree.

The word comes from an Eminem song named "Stan"

Damn, Rationalwiki went down the drain hard.

It never even began for Rationalwiki.

Linking rationalwiki lmfaooo

Next youll link conservapedia

The links are taken from the comments

I'm more of a Infogalactic fan thx

Kiwi Farms is an immensely creepy American internet forum run by a manchild named Joshua Conner Moon out of his mom's house[2] that stalks who the site's users refer to as "lolcows", supposed "internet eccentrics." Think some of the Internet's worst psychopaths projecting their frustration onto minorities, and now that you're picturing GamerGate, think creepier.

sounds familiar somehow...

On what basis was a dmca filed? Does doxing come under dmca?

The thumbnail for the livestream that has hasn't happened yet

Also the DMCA is obviously false, but the strike holds until the DMCA claimer responds within 10 days, and that's 10 days within receiving the response from the appeal, which could be a while since YouTube staff are probably on holiday. Joshua Conner Moon has to stream exclusively from the Kiwi Farms channel since YouTube doesn't let you stream with strikes.

I believe they also tried to DMCA cloudfare for his images being on the farms site.

Kiwi Farms is one of the few places you can call a tranny a tranny while documenting them and that's good. Joshua Conner Moon is a good boy he dindu nuffin. It's errverr for DMCAcels. Als o KF isn't pro-GamerGate, they're pro spergery like we are.

I'm guessing the title is ironic, but you never know

That’s part of the magic.

what the hell is a TIM?

Trans identifying male. Edgy femcel speak for mtf trans


I think you mean retarded

Potato, potato


Doing everything you can to be an asshole while also whining about being hated is a really good bit

'natsoc pro gamergate'

Yeah I was confused at why he said the same thing twice too.

I sincerely hope your title is ironic. It's so hard to tell these days.

Wait kiwi farms supported GG?

I think being anti tranny automatically at least puts one more towards that side, right?

Yes. Most internet forums and imageboards supported GG leaks except neogaf. ffs even lolcowfarms that is owned by a feminist womyn

SA sure as fuck didn't

lolcow i mean they are unioncly femcels all in all hating stacy and chad

only diffrence is some of them get pee pee

SA is ground zero for cancer

good thing the majorty of powermods are goons

they don't even bother to hide it anymore

they had another thread abou that drag kid were they went full pizzagate

Furthermore, placing blame on others removes the individual's agency and perpetuates threats of suicide being used to manipulate and abuse.

Suicide is problematic, creepy, and gross.