Buckocels cannot fucking clean their rooms

1  2018-12-28 by iamusingplebbit


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Is this real???

“I can’t clean up my own tinkles”.

Probably not.

Ladies and gentlemen.

We got 'em.

Its over for tinkle-cels...


U have any more Pingu piss fetish doujins?

Are you talking about the claymation penguin?

Or are you talking in sayonara-speak?

Virgin with rage

I know it's a troll, but wow that subtle Chris Chan reference.

As the resident vandweller of /r/drama, I am shocked and offended.

That word makes zero sense. "Outvoluntary"?

Poor shitrat, crippled by autism

These people believe that pissing while seated will make them lesser men.

cannot clean their rooms

did they try eating red meat/lobster?