r\Stims user is AWAKE. Make copies for YOURSELF. There is NO ESCAPE. Period!

1  2018-12-28 by iamusingplebbit


Also, I have never said I hate white men, quite contrary, I like them as long asthey recognize and acknowledge their place in the world: that is, under the foot of a black man, same goes for all you cucks. The true evil in this world is /r/SubredditDrama, which is my only enemy. Hitler was an animal rights advocate, and I quite like animals too, so I have nothing against white people per ce, just don't think rapid babboons should be running on the streets among people, smh. Once the /r/SubredditDrama cancer is gone and social order is restored, we can live in harmony with the subhumans, they in their lard, and we in our cities.


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Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Welp, I'm sold.

I know this guy, his stage name is Skidmark and he's an actor at the Texas Renaissance faire which is the biggest ren faire in the US

I know this guy, his stage name is Skidmark and he's an actor at the Texas Renaissance faire which is the biggest ren faire in the US

I know this guy, his stage name is Skidmark and he's an actor at the Texas Renaissance faire which is the biggest ren faire in the US

I know this guy, his stage name is Skidmark and he's an actor at the Texas Renaissance faire which is the biggest ren faire in the US

high society shit right here folks

Ironically it's the exact opposite. I worked it 1 winter, the people there are worse than carnies

i can just imagine all you greasy fucks eating discarded turkeylegs and thirsting after corsetbeasts.

I was definitely a Chad rickshaw puller. I was in good shape from pulling a rickshaw 20+miles a weekend and I made a shit load of money

Whaaat why have I never spotted him?? He would be the most interesting attraction there.

Did you just unironically send me a link to your mixtape?🙄