Gamer spends $500 backing a MMO. Gets banned.

1  2018-12-30 by Bitter-As-Fuck

Gigabear, a healthy-minded furry gamer, thought it would be a good idea to spend $500 on a (likely) failed game. Gigabear promptly became a meme of the community due to the sheer volume of sperg he was able to expel at a moment's notice.

One community member realises he's found a goldmine of a lolcow and promtply starts documenting

After being banned the first time for being a wonderful lolcow dramanaut, Gigabear was able to worm his way back in with cries and pleas to the game CEO, Steven. This obviously doesn't resound well with the other suckers backers who create a petition to keep him banned. Needless to say, the petition failed and Gigabear is unbanned.

Not long after, the game studio release a Battle Royale game-mode. This greatly upsets Gigabear as he sees his $500 life savings being wasted on what is essentially cancer, has an autism induced mental breakdown and gets banned again, this time permanently.

Anyways there's more shit but I'm lazy as fuck so here's some reddit threads: - Not even /r/censorship was willing to deal with him lmao


Yeap, now whenever i look at a woman in armour or even in stylized clothes, i look first at their feet to check for heels, their chest to see if there is boobplate or something more substiantial than a few strings of cloth that wont come off if the character stands still and than their waist, again to see of there are any pointy bits that will stab them if they so much twist their bodies.


  1. furry - Outline

  2. - Outline

  3. petition to keep him ban... - Outline

I am a bot for posting links. github / Contact for info or issues


I shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable every time I log into the Discord to see someone publicly discussing and pushing their macro size fetish into my gaming, ontop of the horrible behavior he's exhibited on multiple platforms.


After he'd been unbanned he stayed calm for about a week. He is now as obnoxious as ever. He should've stayed banned, he incites too much drama everytime he doesn't get his way.

Can we lure him here?

I am sure Allah will guide him to our welcoming community.

What do pandragons eat? 🤔🤔🤔

Hairy bussy

Bairy hussy

Oh laaaaawd he comin!

his profile

Current mood: grateful

Hi I'm Gigabear, a half-panda half-dragon who enjoys puffing himself up sometimes to be a bit bigger...or a lot depending on my mood. Peaceful at any size, I'm not at all into destructive stuff beyond the occasional accidental crushing of a building or something. Hey, this macro thing is harder than it looks ok?

I also enjoy being obnoxiously BIG in World of Warcraft, and I'd like to think I'm quite good at it.

Humanitycide when?

Why can’t they stick to real animals? Is it a method to put special their fellow furries? I wish poorlilmarco was still around to answer these questions

if he convinced himself to be a real animal he'd propably fuck this animal

he can't rape imaginary half-dragons half-pandas

Don’t worry he’ll find roadkill somewhere to satisfy himself with

Phhhhhhh, good luck with that. Do you have any idea how rare it is to find roadkill that's still penis pleasingly warm? It'd be like winning a free small fries on McDonalds Monopoly TWICE in one day! Practically unpossible.....

Move to the country it’s everywhere here

Couple of minutes in the microwave should fix that

You're doing the exact same Gigafaggotry except instead of bears it's retarded chickens.

I don’t dress in costumes or try to meet any tards to bone irl. I just spout dinosaur 🦖 facts to the uninformed as a public service

...and you like to think you're quite good at it.


u/The_reason_Trump_won is going to have some competition this year with this one.

What’s your favorite dino and why?

Spinosaurus because it’s the coolest amphibious assault dinosaur around

Tyrannosaurus > Spinosaurus

Tyrannosaurus is a CR 8 and Spinosaurus is a CR 13 though

Tyrannosaurus is a CR 9 and Spinosaurus is a CR

Not from my quick google, I didn't bother to check pdfs though

It's okay a appreciate you

Hey asshole, would you know about the plasma fold if it wasnt for Cdace? Thats what I thought.

I still don't know what that is, and I don't give a shit

What else would you expect from King Vape tbh

I don't even vape ;)



It's the furry equivilent of socjus tumblerisms except they've been doing it for a lot longer: The idea being that if you combine all sorts of obscure animals into some hideous technicolor chimera you're more unique than all the other furries. It's the same reason you hear poeple spouting off about how they are "demi-pan-gender-queer-igneous-sediment-layer"

TBH the half/half is not the worst. That goes out to the fursonas that are literally airplanes.

Like a Boeing 747 or something?

The AH-64 Apache meme was real all along.

The AH-64 meme was real all along.

bUt ItS nOt A fEtIsH

half panda half dragon


A scaled panda with wings that breathes fire...or a fat fluffy dragon that lazes around and eats bamboo?

The next generation that will be in charge of the country, ladies and gentlemen.

But Doc Oc has a lot of pretty teeth. 😍

😁 Huma/Alexandria 2020 😁

So he is one of those assholes that's uses toys and potions to get massive in game, than jumps on their biggest mount and idles on a popular mailbox. Got it.

Willing to bet that creature is fucking over 400 lbs in real life.

Absolute degeneracy. Haven't had a good laugh like this all day.

This really is the sort of shit that should be studied for the DSM. Sadly paraphilias don't merit much research until someone gets butchered or set on fire and that requires going outside and interacting with real people and I get the feeling this guy doesn't do that much. Family gatherings must be tense.


is this how it feels to be catholic and listening to pedophile priest jokes?

I have sympathy for them now

gamers were a mistake

this comment is a hate crime

I am literally shaking right now.

Rise up my gamer brethren and sistren.

Only to their parents and any future whore unlucky enough to discover what the ejaculate of a man who lives on a diet of 7-11 nachos, Little Caesars Hot 'n Readys and discount, day old, gas station pastries tastes like.

Also, the clothing company that pumps out those ill fitting cotton, short sleeved shirts popular with the Christian Weston Chandler types. The ones that start at XL from Walmart with a collar and three buttons near the top that don't actually have any function except to hold down an extra, useless flap of fabric .... They're psyched on those potato shaped dudes for sure! One parents mistake is another corrupt Taiwanese factory owners miracle.

I didn't have to read the first part but you summed up the fedora wearing autistic gamer that obsesses over an MMORPG with their life

There you are dad. Where you been the last 24 years?

Look at it this way, without games such beautiful drama would not exist.

"gamer" is a slur, if you don't play games you should use the term "people of play"

and here i thought furries couldn't get any more pathetic

Furry - "What you gonna do? Make a powerpoint presentation about how I am a sperg?"

Gamer - Makes a powerpoint presentation about the sperg

This is some top tier shit, we need powerpoint presentations for all lolcows.

With epic swipe graphics and WordArt.

It turns out that OP's size inflation exploits in Champions Online constantly broke the servers, and he persisted despite harming the rest of the playerbase in the pursuit of his fetish.

Imagine being autistic enough that you manage to find game breaking bugs/exploits that, instead of normie stuff like giving you infinite money and the like, increase the size of your character model until it crashes the server, because that's your fetish. In awe, absolutely in awe!

weapons grade autism. exceptional stuff, really.

Holy shit

Server instability was one of the reasons I could never get into that game like I wanted to.

I now choose to blame this furry fuck for that.

Really quite a chad move to subject everyone else to your fetish to the extent that you break a server

drop the bomb

Good grief, what a world. /r/yiffinhell

This is the funniest thing on the planet. He was too horny, the servers couldn’t take it

I remember this guy! He would sit in the middle of RenCen in Champions and glitch size-increasing items and skills until it broke the server. Over and over and over again. Didn't even play the game, just stood there "growing".

how did the devs not instantly hotfix that

I guess capping size increasing effects is more difficult that we realize, considering this idiot has spent his entire adult life finding ways to fuck it up in every MMO imaginable. The CO devs (Cryptic) were never that on the ball anyway.

I applaud him though, i'm honestly fucking impressed. I lack that kind of dedication

cryptic studios lol

lol What the fuck...

I hope he gets unbanned. I legitimately want to see this insane furry in action, making all of the other dweebs uncomfortable and normal looking by comparison. I'd buy a subscription to this shitty game just to see that.

I hope the game he is making is an MMO

I don't really get why he can't just click and drag a picture of a bear in MS paint to resize it.

It's obvious he has a fetish to grow bigger in front of people - his antics are always in the most populated areas of MMOs. Part of what makes the guy so disgusting is you know he's squeezing his hog every time, as if telling everyone what a fat furry he is wasn't enough.

a mod better ping him here right meow

What does sperg and lolcow mean? Sorry if I'm r/outoftheloop

sperg is short for asperger but basically means doing stupid and socially inept shit because people dont know the difference between that and being a real autist.

a lolcow is someone who does stupid shit to provide us here with entertainment. Without them there would be no drama. You 'milk' the lolcow for lulz or something stupid idk. They're usually fat too so that helps the image.

There are some great top posts in there.

i can't imagine being that much of a faggot

And that's aside from the fact that AOC Apocalypse is a giant rip-off of Fortnite, and is about as much fun as cancer. I was slightly interested in it, but then I played the beta, and they just fuck right off. It's a joke.

I've been more or less hoping Ashes takes what I loved in WoW, and implements it. I.E pandas and size increasing stuff.


i met this guy in wow once, back when I played the whole time I saw him he was constantly drinking potions that made his character bigger He kept prompting me to do the same, constantly mailing my character the potion, when I didnt respond he whispered me a DM to a discord server I blocked him Never thought I would hear of him again.

yeah officer that one over there

Yikes, a pandaren and a hunter? One would think hed be a tauren druid

Hunter has/had a skill that made you bigger, the big red beast mastery cooldown.

His name was Seth Rich.

It's all over for last expansioncels

Holy shit one of his trinkets is a shrink ray so he's always bigger than what he's fighting

Mar 14, 2018 Gigabear changed guild Fun Sized with Power Word BIG

Mar 28, 2017 Gigabear changed guild BIGGEST PANDA EVER with Fun Sized

Sep 6, 2016 Gigabear joined BIGGEST PANDA EVER

Can I just highlight that guild history as well, several years of him making guilds so he could advertise his size fetish under his name...

How obese is this guy in real life lmao

It's ok to cry now

the whole time I saw him he was constantly drinking potions that made his character bigger

Fucking lol, this is an absolute trip

Damn son, I practically get paid to write powerpoints, and that's pretty damn good.

Army intel or what?

Telco industry. I translate engineer speak into corporate speak so the managers can try and understand the underlying technology.

Lmao he threatened to go on a hunger strike over being banned 🤣🤣🤣

when a macrofag threatens getting smaller, you know shit’s real

Absolutely tragic.

this is why we need pinging back. this is bullshit and an injustice.

Doesn't a bit inform people when they are linked to?

furry gamer.

Everything was a mistake.

Sonicfox is great tho

Steven... oh boy, I know the mmo it is.

Jesus H Christ. I used to see this guy posting on the official WoW forums a lot years ago when I used to play. He threw an absolute shitfit when Blizzard patched the game to make it so certain size-increasing objects and effects no longer stacked.

He used to log in, drink an Elixir of Giant Growth, use a toybox item that doubled your size, and about a half dozen other effects. This would make him about twenty times larger than the average player. Then he would get on the largest mount he possibly could, usually a Mammoth. And stand there. For hours. The size of his character model was so huge that he was blocking access to mailboxes, vendors, bank tellers, and you couldnt see anything except giant Panda ass. All for some creepy fucking inflationist fetish.

When Blizzard removed the ability to stack all of these buffs so player size couldnt be increased beyond ~3x the normal size, he went completely apeshit on the forums and spammed about a dozen threads bitching about it and how Blizzard was 'targeting his playstyle'.

He's also just a drooling idiot and will flip his lid at the slightest provocation. Guy is a nutcase.


How? How can somebody be obsessed with becoming big in a MMO? What the absolute fuck

Edit: just storing these here so I can find em again

[wall of emojis]

Did we find /u/ed_butteredtoast main?

I was going to mention that, does he not have a notepad?

To be fair, there's a good chance his play style was being targeted.

As it should be

As it should be, because it's fucking weird.

Wow, this guy is a legit lolcow. I'd keep an eye on him.

i'm surprised you haven't given us a write up on this yet.

you're slipping, snally.


Using its retarded pronouns confuse me. Like, I get it for friends, but why done bogus ass stranger?

>looks at his twitter account

>the sperging continues in realtime

how does he even live

sent him a PM


The guy is a never ending source of delicious drama.

This is absolutely amazing. $500 down the toilet because he didn’t get his size fetish added to a game. This is a level of sad I have not seen in a very long time


I did a bit of stalking and here's a pic of him in action in WoW, peak autism.

Please tell me there is video of his WOW autism.

Genuinely surprised no one has doxxed this guy yet

Daily reminder that furries have no rights

He gives a bad name to sizefags

I have not seen this level of cringe in a long, long time.....

I made an account just to thank you for collecting all the amazing bits of Gigabear lore all condensed into one place conveniently for me. So lemme give you some in return.

Here's a Steam Thread he tried nuking after everyone turned against him. He started off pretending he got shadowbanned from the game's official forums for complaining about the removal of subscriptions. When it was revealed he was actually shadowbanned for throwing a shitfest over size exploits being removed he immediately deleted everything he could as everyone else began to make an collective agreement that those exploits were shit.

Have Gigamemes too

Bless you Mr. Toast and thank you for your addition. We here at /r/drama will continue to monitor and document the gigantic worldwide threat known as Gigabear.

Quality post, thanks for the effort. /r/Drama needs more posts like this.

Totally thought this was going to be star citizen.



Pick one.