/lit/ brigades reddit and reddit brigades /lit/ in a titanic clash of intellects over the /lit/ annual top 100.

1  2018-12-30 by allanmes


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Is Don Quixote worth reading? I'm normally a non fiction guy but I have been debating picking it up

Dunno 😝

It earns a place on all these kinds of lists, great book. But if you don't normally read fiction then a lengthy classic with rather dated comedy will probably wear quite thin.

Don’t let these /lit/ fags fool you. They’ve read that book as much as I have read critique of pure reason. That is to say, 2 pages before giving up.

What - Don Quixote is easy af to read, at least in translation.

There’s no way these fucks even understood the Wikipedia plot summary for Finnegan’s Wake

Not in English.

Donkey Hote abrio la boca para hablar con su amigo. Su amigo era el hombre mas guapo en todo el mundo, y cuando estaba paseando un caballo, Donkey siempre recibio un huesero. Donkey entonces dejo caer las palabras de sus labios: "apostea tu bussy lmao."

The Russian version is superior.

Donkey Hote pravnizev dov nostrovy neezchimivov silma ripska strav nav auf der Grey Goose.

It's like the whispers of angels...

“Donkey Hote opened his mouth to talk to his friend. His friend was the most good looking man in the world, and whenever he mounted a horse, Donkey would get a boner. The words fell from Donkey’s lips: “post your bussy lmao.”

Thanks buddy. I'm pretty sure huesero is not a real word, but I'm a big fan of it anyways.

Don Quixote has a rightful place in famous literature, it was groundbreaking for its time. All the same, the story has a lot of allegory that's lost if you're not interested in studying its historical context... and it also goes off on tangents and tells mini-stories within the story, which are a waste of your time unless you're appreciating the Literature / History.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Dostoevsky are both authors that are absolutely worth reading for quality prose and reflection on life.

Additionally, you should read Culture of Critique.

I don't read any books promoted by a Polak

Says the guy promoting some gay ass book

Dostoevsky is even gayer than Tolstoy; read some Chekhov and Gogol and be happier

Gogol is severely underrated

You wouldn't think something written 200 odd years ago would be funny, but goddamn if Gogol isn't hilarious. Dead Souls was great, especially the story of Captain Kopeikin; his tale is honestly worth learning Russian for to fully get it

The Nozdryov chapter is my favorite. He's such a contemptible piece of shit that have you have love to him.

No love for Turgenev?

Eh. I liked Fathers and Sons, and its definitely a great work of art. I just only really loved Chekhov and Gogol of the 19th century writers. Oh, and Lermontov, but he basically only wrote one great book and a beautiful poem before dying like an asshole at age 26.

The Russian modernists are great tho. Zoshchenko remains one of my favorite authors. It's too bad they've basically been forgotten; cucked at home because the Soviets pushed Socialist Realism, cucked abroad because they mostly published in Russian.

Planatov and Grossman are also great 20th century writers. And obviously Bulgakov. It also pisses me off that many people don't realise Orwell basically ripped off Zamyatin with 1984. I need to check out Zoshchenko!

Culture of Critique is Nazi crap.

Is Don Quixote worth reading?

I read it a long time ago, but I found it meh.

Read "The Manuscript found in Saragossa" instead, it has a shitton of erotica (that connects you with other people jerking off to through the ages) (some of it very incest) and a convoluted plot with stories within stories that had one character on the 3rd or so level of nesting complaining that it's hard to follow the levels of nesting in the stories they were listening to. This is of course because those levels constantly bleed into each other.

It’s an extremely blunt alagory for the landed gentry being redundant and DA WORKERZ RIZING UP!1!1!1

read waiting for godot if you want some real class conscious humour


You're better off reading Tom Jones or Tristram Shandy if you want to enjoy early novels.

Read an annotated version if you can, all the better if you know Spanish. It's an interesring read.

/lit/ was born as a colony of /pol/

Good to see the complete retardification of /lit/ by /pol/ redditfugees has been nearly completed since I left. Also, the fact that Infinite Jest is not Top 3 is all the proof you need that /lit/ has passed the point of no return.

Yeah, you can tell lit is compromised by all the posts praising Mein Kampf as good prose.

Why is it that extremist never read their holybooks ? Commies don't read the commie manifesto and nazoids don't read Mein kampf.

They read the manifest because it's short and literally written for retards to be able to understand it, what they don't read is capital because marx is a shit author.

They read the manifest

They literally don't. All the commies I have talked to IRL never read it, and on reddit, about half didn't.

I think you underestimate it, the manifesto could be read in a moderate length car journey on a mobile phone. I read it after having my tooth removed a few years back with nothing to do while I sat in the dentists office.

I think you underestimate it

Yeah, it's very small, if kinda boring. Doesn't means that the commies read it, tho.

I think you overestimate the commiecels.

The Communist Manifesto is a short pamphlet that's basically the tldr of Marx's ideas. I'm not sure anyones ever actually read Das Kapital.

Capital is alright but it reads like a textbook.

Marx was a fantastic journalist/polemicist. But yeah his longer books are dry as dust.

Holy books are not meant to be read by the plebs, they are for the elite to take out quotes as needed: see the whole bible translation spergout in the middle ages.

If you read any book that you've seen quoted all your life it's usually an annoying experience. People think of a work as all the quotes you've seen selectively pulled all your life to support or attack someone's position. When you read the actual work, it's almost always *nothing at all* like it's been presented to you all your life.

i, for one, commend /pol/ (despite their shortcomings) for making this board relatively inaccessible to normalfags

Imagine being delusional enough to believe that /pol/ acts as some noble guardian of 4chan. I've seen The_Donald threads where middle aged housewives talk about being introduced to 4chan because T_D kept shilling for /pol/. The board is essentially a gateway drug for Boomers to wander in and spam their undying devotion to Overlord Trump.

Normalfags = anyone who's not a lonely angry right wing young male virgin gaymer

IF is overrated

I love that thread. Everyone is right and they all hate each other.



Unless I missed anything or was tricked by any pen names I don't know of, there are a grand total of 2 books by women on this list (both by Virginia Woolf).

And I didn't check the race of each author I don't know, but the list seems to be made up of white guys with a couple Japanese men thrown in.

Given that it exclusively focuses on a relatively small segment of the population, I don't find it to be a very impressive or useful list. There are obviously some good books there, but there's so, so much more to literature than this.




I am far from an SJW, but Their Eyes Were Watching God and The Color Purple are definitely great books.

Maya Angelou's novels are trash though.

Their Eyes Were Watching God and The Color Purple

They're alright but belong nowhere near a top 100 list

But Stoner is?

ulysses is trash too. i'm not standing up for the mistakes on that list.

Ulysses is like a milk jug full of shit with exactly fifteen tiny diamonds floating inside.

What does that make Finnegans Wake?

The same, but at the back of the shelf and containing 17 diamonds.

I've read both English version and Turkish translation so maybe I could understand it better, but alas... Wtf was that book even about? Hell, wtf was that "book"?

its just gobbledygook trash for highbrows

Finnegan's Wake is like a bottle of jenkem into which somebody dropped your grandmother's wedding ring.

Please do not disrespect modernism, thanks.

T. S. Eliot was a self-important bore and "The Waste Land" isn't worth the time it takes to read it.

Stoner has been a meme on lit for as long as there's been lit. Definitely needs to be there.

Williams' epistolary Augustus is better too.

The Color Purple

based and redpilled

tbf they are missing out on some great Eastern literature, particularly the Hindu classics. The Mahabharata is fucking wild

You could say the same for three kingdoms, but does important mean good? The Bible is important for some folks too, but is it good? I don't think so honey

Three Kingdoms is good. Only reason it's not on the list is that it's not popular in the west.

In fact the only audiobook that exists in English of Three Kingdoms is an ongoing podcast that's not even done yet.

Mahabharata and Ramayana are no less great than many of the classics listed there but I wonder if there are any worthwhile translations of it for mayos.

There are some good translators out there. The trick is to avoid every translation that isn't from a well-respected traditionalist or an academic who hasn't dabbled in New Age shite.

I'm not just saying that they're important; Sanskrit-writers were creating extremely complex literature while most cultures were still living in huts. Many of the stylistic elements are only now being used by 'innovative' post-modern Western storytellers, e.g. non-chronological storytelling, nested stories, etc. And that's not even accounting for the religious/esoteric symbolism behind the stories. Reading something like the Upanishads and thinking about how long ago they were written, or that they were collaboratively written, is really a trip. I would highly recommend it.


Based and Snallypilled

Hindu literature

Unless you are a poo everyone thinks you are a tool and the only people that will think you are smart are hipster faggots that do yoga, drink soylattes and think Hinduism is completely peaceful

Early Sanskrit literature is objectively a huge feat of human accomplishment, though I wouldn't expect you to know/understand that as it's likely beyond your reading level.

reading is for nerds 😎

In all seriousness tho I would highly recommend reading the Upanishads translation by Olivelle

As a /lit/fag, you’ll be glad to hear that reading Hindu philosophy and scripture is gradually becoming a meme on /lit/, so it might make the top 100 in a few years

Somebody tell xer that its a list of top books and not top books by [insert selection]

If you don't see black or female writers on it, then back to work so you might make it one day!

It's a list of top books by a bunch of young white virgins on 4chan. Please stop pretending that the demographics of the selectors has 0 influence on the outcome of the list and that young white male virgins are somehow uniquely able to speak to the universal human experience. If this were compiled by a bunch of black women, it would contain a bunch of works by black women, and you would give them no end of shit. But since it's compiled by your demographic, you think it's universal and a true objective best.

Different identities of people, have legitimately different experiences in life. This is a fact. Please get over yourself. When you deny this and pretend that you can speak for everyone, you just force your experience on everyone.

I mean, it's closer to the serious consensus than a list of books by black women

yeah I hate reddit's literary taste but Moby Dick is not a bad #1 at all. They need to get that neckbeard DFW shit out of there though.

I think that there is a difference still between books that speak to the human experience and identity pieces. You can’t get around that.

I am certainly not in any similar cultural demographic to people who wrote Ancient Greek literature, and I still find a lot of it very interesting and find that a lot of it speaks to the human experience.


There is literally no argument in the world that will make trash literature good, author's idpol included.

Write well or it will keep being called shit. You can call it racism to cope, but that is all it is, cope.

Coates is a particularly good example. Guy is a shit writer, and a raving racist because he knows he is a shit writer who is propped up by guilty white liberals who dont have the balls tell him to give it up and get a job with a drill.

It's super heavy on Pynchon and Joyce and could use more Austen, Bronte, Eliot, Wharton, Baldwin and Morrison, but it's a pretty decent list all told.

Way better than r/books which would have Patrick Rothfuss, John Green, and GRRM in 3 of the top 5 slots

Black women read books? I thought they only read Oprah magazine

Unfortunately, 90% of the time that a woman or racial minority tries to write a “profound” book, it boils down to “As a queer woman of color...”, which isn’t even to say that their subjective experiences can’t be interesting, it just doesn’t speak to a universal human experience, meaning it isn’t timeless literature and only works in a very specific context.

Profound books written by white men are the same thing except white men imagine that they're speaking for everyone and the universal human experience.

ugh 🙄🙄

mayo/sausagecide when

I’m not saying that white men are objective in what they write, though. But often women and minority writers seem to think that people can only empathize with the experiences of their specific demographic. I think it’s better to try and write about universal truths and miss the mark a little than to throw your hands up in the air and completely give up on it. I guess that’s getting into the whole modernism versus postmodernism debate.

This is possibly the single most plebeian thing ever written.

Virginia Woolf is incomprehensible gibberish. Anyway everyone knows that Jane Austen is the best female author ever.

Why is it asking for my email if I cant make an account? I'm trying to register for an account but it seems that would require money..

I'm dying



implying we're not all dying

do you even 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and Senescence due to degeneration of Telomeres , bro?

My middle name is "second law of thermodynamics".

it's over for isolated-system-cels

They don't care about the literary quality; they just care that they be recognized for being highbrows. That's how they can excuse a list that includes Plato but has no Aristotle in it.

It's probably more because the dialogue form makes Plato engaging to read, while Aristotle is dry and boring as fuck.

This is a take of a small-souled man.

actually disgusting such a low IQ take was upvoted in this sub

because the dialogue form makes Plato engaging to read

One guy seriousposting while the other goes "huh, cool" once per page is not really a dialogue.

what about all the times socrates fucks up thrasymachus though

tardlord "babby's first essay" in politics 101 shit doesn't count

Plato was 90% wrong but at least he was wrong in an interesting way. Aristotle is a bunch of "no duh" and "wtf".

Broke: Pretending to read Plato to look cool

Woke: masturbating to Nicomachean Ethics purely for the "literary quality"

Bespoke: in front of Alexander the Great.

Diogenes was the first galaxy brain.

Diogenes was the friend nobody liked.

the replies to this post got my attention


i don't usually browse /lit/ and i gotta say; why do these autists still think the 2nd biggest forum on the internet is some sort of secret club of counter-culture roflmao.

4chan is a popular site and it's as autistic as reddit in most regards. anyone who thinks one is better than the other is usually a contrarian retard.

the only positive side of 4chan is how freely you're allowed to say faggot and shit. but unless you're some kia-tard that's not exactly a deal-maker.

Both 4chan and reddit are 90% young white male angry right wing virgins.

thank you for your usual hot take




Is there a board not ruined by /pol/

/pol/ itself?

Most boards are infected in my experience (though I don't use that many boards), you just need to know how to browse. On /sci/, for example, never go into race-science threads or religion threads. If you stick to the threads made by actual STEM people you're usually good to go.

Even /pol/ has good content if you know where to look. /sg/ threads were top notch, none of that retarded t_d shitposting. Majority of the regulars were Euros and some were sand niggers, and they all were very pro-Assad, anti-US, and anti-YPG.

Occasionally some ass-blasted Fentanyl-American would come along and shout about how daddy Trump will own Assad, but they'd leave pretty quickly.

I haven't visited /pol/ in ages but last time I went there the /sg/ threads were slowly dying as the war was ending, so they may not be around anymore.

I occasionally visit /asp/, /int/ and /tv/ if I am bored these days. The language threads in /int/ are usually free of trash but the board itself is being ruined by a combination of stupid generals and anime posting fags.

I used to think /pol/ was kinda fun, except for all the bait threads.

Then I realized I had to filter 9/10 of all threads to find the fun stuff.

Then I realized 9/10 wasn't bait, but most people there believed that shit.

mu, though you'll still see some SONGS NOT MADE BY NIGGERS???!?!?!? threads sometimes

/fa/ and /mu/ are alright, I think pol posters usually have too shit of taste in art to hang around those boards for long

Reddit posters can kill a board

If you don’t believe me go to /int/ and then look at posts pre 2016

Or /new/ the proto /pol/

R/europe took it over and turned it into the post annoying faggy place possible

Christ I come here now because I got so sick of commies and /pol/ autists ruining threads which are just chapocels and T_D autists

lmao at it's current state i find /int/ hard to enjoy and i see how r/europe may have affected it, but i think r/europe as a subreddit is pretty decent.

except when t_d tards and kia tards start showing up and spamming incoherent shit about muh heritage

r/europe is a decent sub

Please go back then


It’s everything I hate about leddit and Europeans condensed into a subreddit

At least I know now that you are a top tier fuckwit

Lmao that's r/europe from a year ago at least. it has changed a lot. people are still very anti-brexit, but whenever some shitty anti-brexit cartoon is posted the comments are filled with "wow we're /r/PoliticalHumor now what a stupid comic"

It pleases me to see a big subreddit where you aren't lynched for criticizing anything that criticizes trump

https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/a7cyqh/brexit_no_matter_what/ 12 days ago

aren’t lynched for criticising of immigration

Lol I got banned for saying that the boats should be sunk or sent back fuck off you spineless cretin you still get shat on if you defend hungry or Poland or criticise the EU

this is why everyone hates Ledditors you are just like goons you will dismiss any issue as “oh no that’s just some minority” you utter spastic stay on reddit you don’t need to go to 4chan

Lol I got banned for saying that the boats should be sunk

"I got banned for inciting violence"

Imagine my shock faggot

My safe space :(((((

Stay on reddit if you want that then

And I have seen tons of posts saying the EU needs to invade the UK etc

It’s a circle jerk for smug ledditers

Stay on reddit if you want that then

are you literally fucking illiterate

And I have seen tons of posts saying the EU needs to invade the UK etc

you're experience selective bias then faggot, literally every post "invade uk" post is downvoted and removed lmao

Once again proving you are the same cancerous breed that SA is full off “B-but they are minorities” It’s a circle jerk full of cunts stop pretending it’s anything but that you even acknowledge the anti-brexit shit

You aren’t wanted on an anonymous shitposting board if you are just going to spam your cringeworthy shit there it’s the direct reason /int/ and /pol/ are the way they are spastics from reddit that think they are “woke and not like the others” go there and turn it into shit

>"People are saying UK should be invaded!"

>Yeah and they're downvoted & removed




Too lazy to find one myself

The general point is it’s a circle jerk hive mind that is competently contradictory to 4chans edgy contrarianism

And you are the perfect example of not realising you are the problem

Go though one of these and you will find an example


I just hope you stay on /sci/

Wait- so you're basically mad that people are anti-brexit?

Lmao how fucking fragile can you be.

Missing the point and being as I said


I’m mad that people like this go to 4chan and shit it up people that want to bring there reddit circle jerk to 4chan

I could not give a shit what brown people think

Look if you just go to /sci/ I don’t care I’m just saying redditors have destroyed boards and being hostile to them is not an over reaction



give up already sweaty

Just stop going to 4chan or at least boards other than /sci/

muh secret club

go niggerpost on /pol/ you literal fucking whigger

also nice np links, really shows your true intellect

some 2-karma post on reddit insulted the UK! wtf go back to reddit if ure pro brexit, we dont allow other opinions in my secret fight club lol

looking forward to seeing you on the /r9gay/ trap threads you mentally ill shit.

-- Friendly reminder to feed and cultivate the lolcow, not to downvote --

Yeah nah fuck off

/int/ is just sad. I used to go on there all the time from 2011 - 2014 or so.

It's just trash now. It's all just country generals.. which sorta defeats the point of an international board.

Actually thinking Sci is better then lit.

It’s like you’re tryin got he retarded.

It’s like you’re tryin got he retarded.

hello 911 daddys having a stroke

Phone posting is really fucking me over.

I deserve this

>Top 100 books

>no Asimov

>capital but not wealth of nations

> every high school required reading book

Might as well just put harry potter up and be done with pleb cliche tastes.


Reddit clichĂŠ noticed: This

Phrase noticed: 2046 times.

Based and botpilled

Asimov is gay

Only like three or four sci-fi books should even be considered for a top 100 all time list:

Ubik - Phillip K. Dick

Childhood's End - Arthur C Clark

War of the Worlds - HG Wells

20k Leagues Under the Sea (Never read it, but people I trust about books say its a masterpiece)

Asimov and Heinlein good but not great writers. Dick isn't a great writer but Ubik is lightning in a bottle.

Maybe you just don't like his style but the foundation series is so satisfying to read. Easy to read but with actual substance. I'm so tired of books that that are deep, yes but exhausting to actually read.

I don't dislike him, I'm just a writing style snob. The Gods Themselves was good.

I blew my mind how he spoke about electronic music in fucking 1950s.

No love for Tom Disch or JG Ballard?

Never read Disch and the only Ballard I've read was Drowned World which I thought was just okay.

Also, I would be open to putting Solaris on the great sci-fi shortlist. And on second thought, maybe even The God's Themselves, since the end of the second part is so breathtaking.

Along with PKD they raised the bar for prose style in SF. Read High Rise by Ballard or On the Wings of Song by Disch.

Would 1984 count as sci-fi?

> No Hyperion

> No Book of the New Sun

LMBO what a fag. Wells is good because of his (at the time) original ideas, his writing is pretty trash. I agree with the inclusion of Ubik and maybe Childhood's End though. Maybe include Neuromancer as well, it's as well written as Clark and it's been pretty influential. Also maybe something by the Stragetsky brothers?

his writing is pretty trash.

first of all how dare you


I thought this one lost steam towards the end. I just found the stories in the first half so much more compellling than the ones in the second half. Its half a masterpiece IMO.

Also I would be open to Solaris as a potential sci-fi rep on a top 100 list but partly because I'm a Tarkovsky artfag and I can't help but associate the book with the movie.

first of all how dare you

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree ;-)

The last page of Ubik was such a gut punch. The only time I can say a book has taken my breath away

capital but not wealth of nations

not respecting the book with the single highest body count of all time

The communist manifesto?

capital but not wealth of nations

I would rather see The Theory of Moral Sentiments, that book is such a landmark in the history of ethics but no professors teach it now because college kids are only capable of thinking about Smith as the icky capitalist man.

It's all the books their high school teachers told them to read and they never did because they're long or boring.

Genre fiction isn't taken very seriously on /lit/

These people seem so damn pretentious.

Seeing Siddhartha always reminds me of that idiot who sperged out on some subreddit because he didn't get the love for it, and that Hesse didn't know enough about Buddhism for the book to be a good book about Buddhism.

He jumped around proclaiming hes got a literature degree so knows what he's talking about. Sadly he didn't know, that Siddhartha isn't at all about Buddhism and that Hesse himself said, that philosophically the book is in a completely different area.

Good times

It’s still a great book imo

The whole of /lit/ has read about 3 of those books combined

I'm annoyed that /lit/ wanks off to slaughterhouse 5 as much as reddit

Vonnegut is directly or indirectly responsible for every cancerous piece of writing of the past forty years, CMV.

Well there's also Raymond Carver.

this is the real red pill

I grew out of most of the Vonnegut I've read but the way he portrays PTSD in Slaughterhouse 5 always really stuck out to me. That one and Cats Craddle I still appreciate

I mean, I get that, but he also sorta used nazi propaganda statistics in his book

Hocus pocus is the tits

Slaughterhouse5 certainly has its moments though

Every year r/books seethes like a fucking phoenix because /lit/ picks actually showcase literature while r/books is full of YA amd SJW meme shit.

YA and SJW meme shit is 1000x better than that snore inducing pretentious high school teacher reading list

lmao why this hill?

How can /lit/ live with themselves making a list without the syllabus from my "intro to Ethnic Lit" course? Junot Diaz > Hawthorne

Junot Diaz


Oh man, I don't even want to look at /r/books' top list. I don't want to be seething this early in the morning.

They don’t have a top list, depressingly.

YA """"literature"""""" is ok, but the 25 year old men who read it are not.

Is lit still full of commies?

Stopped going there after GG

r/books literally reads nothing other than Stephen King, Tolkien and GRRM. They can't accuse others of ignoring 'diversity'.

Thanks for reminding me I got banned from /r/books for laughing at one of their shitposts lmao.

/r/bookscirclejerk and /lit/ are both miles better than that place.

I feel genuine horror when /lit/'s annual lists are exposed to this place. It's like dad left a grown up book on the table by mistake and all the children are gawking at it, wondering what the funny words are about. Who's Dostoevsky, daddy? K-kafka? Is that what you put in your cup in the morning, papa?
